5528 comments given:
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still26 says:

Lovely set up really eye catching against the white, well done.

(5 years and 879 days ago)

Fresh fruit
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still26 says:

This is well thought out, with love. Again all is natural and so gorgeous to look at, especially if you are a squirrel!

(5 years and 879 days ago)

Squirrel delight
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still26 says:

I like this very au naturel just love the colour palette. This would look great framed.

(5 years and 879 days ago)

Forest life
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still26 says:

Well done, no rocks falling in...you stilled what needed to be stilled and moved what needed to flow. Nice.

(5 years and 879 days ago)

Smokey Mountain river
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still26 says:

cool....love this.

(5 years and 879 days ago)

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still26 says:

Who's there?

(5 years and 882 days ago)

Knock Knock
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still26 says:

Whos there?

(5 years and 882 days ago)

Knock Knock
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still26 says:

Great presentation and Congrats.

(5 years and 883 days ago)

Himeji Castle
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still26 says:

Big Congrats.

(5 years and 883 days ago)

Jelly Beans
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still26 says:

Ahhh haaa.... I KNEW IT.....Big congratulations

(5 years and 883 days ago)

After the Snowstorm
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still26 says:

Thank you for getting back to me. Appreciated....did you know that insects are most active during morning and evening, during the heat of the day they rest.

(5 years and 883 days ago)

Fly focus stacking
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still26 says:

A triple crown - CONGRATULATIONS ! ! !

I am still miffed by the fact you took 20 photos of this fly without him moving? Can you share your technique with us please?

(5 years and 884 days ago)

Fly focus stacking
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still26 says:

He was about 2mm by 2mm ....huge...in my eyes! :-O

(5 years and 884 days ago)

Mornng hunt
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still26 says:

Well, let me tell you what happened to me in China. I was absorbed into a jumping spider who in his curiosity decided to get closer to me. He jumped on my camera. My first reaction was to smash the camera to the pavement to avoid getting up close and personal...sheesh, I felt like a fool. Then I put the camera down to allow him to leave and live in peace. He did vacate my camera. Then I wanted to step on him and kill him....WHAT A FOOL I FELT LIKE.....I didn't because deep in my heart I love these ugly little beasties that scare the crap right outta me ...micro or macro....I love em.

(5 years and 885 days ago)

Mornng hunt
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still26 says:

Good in monochrome, it was the wise way to upload this.

(5 years and 886 days ago)

Berlin cathedral
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still26 says:

Nicely composed, makes me want to go back there.

(5 years and 886 days ago)

Malbork castle, Poland
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still26 says:

A lovely POV really makes this shot.

(5 years and 886 days ago)

Himeji Castle
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still26 says:

I would kill for this. Nice capture.

(5 years and 886 days ago)

Belgian chocolate
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still26 says:

Nice yum yum. Using good dof and creativity evident.

(5 years and 886 days ago)

Jelly Beans
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still26 says:

Top notch. Excellent through and through with no dust spots showing and I love the hot and cold feel. Really a great POV. This is an inspirational photo for me. I will never look at a window the same way again. Thank you for this post.

(5 years and 886 days ago)

After the Snowstorm
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still26 says:

In our photo club, the latest talk is all about focus stacking. Th Olympus Tough Touch automatically takes 30 images for photo stacking then in the Affinity software program the image gets produced. How did you manage to still this fly and shoot at various apertures without him moving? This is a top-notch photo but it is too bad the leg is obscured by the green.

(5 years and 886 days ago)

Fly focus stacking
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still26 says:

Love the composition of this piece, blurred yet those eyes are in full and sharp focus. You knew what you were doing with that camera. In gallery showings, the title matters and in judging images the title shows the creativity of the artist. Your title would help sell this piece, I love it.

(5 years and 886 days ago)

 I only have eyes for you
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still26 says:

With eyes showing the facet geometry so well we are drawn to this great macro. It is also good to know his name as I can now call them by name when I shoot them, they are everywhere here in Thailand. Love the detail , the colour, the head shot. Top notch. (ahhhh it's you, I should've known) ha.

(5 years and 886 days ago)

Green shield bug
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still26 says:

I find myself captivated with this upload. I love the whimsy felt with all the green grasses surrounding this damselfly who is colour coordinated with the background - serendipity. I like the composition as is to show the environment. The well captured focal point, sharp. A great upload, thank you. I know these are most difficult to capture, you did a great job.

(5 years and 886 days ago)

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still26 says:

Sharp, clear, the focal point is easy to find in the flower as there are no distractions to take away from this handsome brute. Good upload

(5 years and 886 days ago)

Bzzzzz Bzzzzz
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still26 says:

He is so ugly that he is cute. I would have loved to see him closer but I do know they jump.

(5 years and 886 days ago)

Mornng hunt
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still26 says:

Absolutely adorable. Placing it on your finger gives it scale and that kapow feeling on viewing. It is sharp in high res. Lovely to share this planet with these little creatures that make our hearts soar with delight.

(5 years and 886 days ago)

Does it bite?
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still26 says:

CONGRATS SYLVIE on second but my oh my that was a splendiferous post and so well done, in my heart it is also a number one.

(5 years and 890 days ago)

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still26 says:

I just knew in my photoshop bones that this one would rise to the top. CONGRATULATIONS , well deserved.

(5 years and 891 days ago)

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still26 says:

Can really feel this one. Very nice.

(5 years and 893 days ago)

Water surge
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still26 says:

Great story telling. Nice....I enjoyed this post.

(5 years and 893 days ago)

Traditional costume and selfies.
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still26 says:

Love this.

(5 years and 893 days ago)

Japanese youth culture
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still26 says:

yes, better in high res.....a lot of work, nicely done.

(5 years and 893 days ago)

Taking Their Prisoner Home.
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still26 says:

Well, I had to call my other half over to show him this work. We both just shook our heads. Top marks from me Scruffy.

(5 years and 893 days ago)

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still26 says:

Wonderful creativity shown here although the fur around her hat doesn't feel right, it is the wrong focus and appears blurry. Your work feels cold brrrrrr. ....and that is a good thing

(5 years and 896 days ago)

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still26 says:

Ahhhh haaaa...it's you. I want to THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for posting that tutorial. I absolutely love this and I'm going to try to do it. I also love Marty from Blue Lightening as I do understand him and I think that in my limited knowlege of Photoshop I could replicate this. It is simply smashing. (ok you can stop smiling now)

(5 years and 896 days ago)

Watercolor portrait
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still26 says:

Now why oh why oh why couldn't I have thought of something like this huh??? EGADS this is top of the shelf work. It is creative, well done, sharp, nicely texturized and I am aghast at the work you guys put up on this side of pyxleyes.

AH HAAAAAAAAAAA, it's you ....I should've known. Really magnifique mon petite chou chou.

(5 years and 896 days ago)

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still26 says:

If you PS software try bringing down the highlights because you do have blow outs on the lights. I love the story here, the movement caught is really nice too adds to a dreamy feel. I wonder if you took this hand held as it is a tad soft...and I just looked in Hi res...there is a significant amount of noise in the upper L hand corner especially.

(5 years and 898 days ago)

Amsterdam at Night
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still26 says:

This photograph really makes me feel like I'm there. Love how you captured the blur of movement juxtaposed against the solidity of the buildings gives a really nice push pull on the eye. Your exposure rocks, there are not blow outs (so easy to do in night photography). Lovely, truly.

(5 years and 898 days ago)

NYC Trip
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still26 says:

I used to work at the base of CN Tower for the CBC...ahhh memories. This is a stellar image, crisp and clear showing not only street lights but city lights. Lovely colours captured, not overcooked and for me, on a personal level, evokes many memories. Thank you for your magical posts of my homeland, my beautiful Canada.

(5 years and 898 days ago)

City waterfront
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still26 says:

Budapest? Right? Love that I'm going to eat you up effect and that is because of your considered composition of all the elements that go into this image. Nice balance, sharp and you are lucky nobody ran into you. Nice one.

(5 years and 898 days ago)

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still26 says:

Love those cheeks, very kissable. CONGRATS.

(5 years and 898 days ago)

something new
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still26 says:

Hey, congrats on this mouthwatering shot.

(5 years and 898 days ago)

Lunch time
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still26 says:

ha ha ha ha.....I KNEW IT....he conquered and I hope dad is walking tall! CONGRATULATIONS, it is a gorgeous photograph worthy of matte, frame, signature and hang it up for all to see.

(5 years and 898 days ago)

Meet Orestes-Paris
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still26 says:

I still like this one a lot....for story and your technical work on it.

(5 years and 898 days ago)

J is for Jacket
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still26 says:

Congrats on this shot...it is mesmerizing...I loved it.

(5 years and 898 days ago)

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still26 says:

chirp chirp how sweet. big Congrats .....yay CANADA!

(5 years and 898 days ago)

Grey Jay
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still26 says:

Congrats on this one. It is soooo romantic a really great story. yay yay yay

(5 years and 898 days ago)

old house, new life
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still26 says:

The composition of this image is really nice, very artfully done. I like it a lot even tho it looks staged.

(5 years and 899 days ago)

Japanese tea ceremony
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still26 says:

Top marks for this stunning shot. I predict the winner. Keep up the good work, I enjoy your photography very much. Your tonal ranges in this shot are well executed and the story is magical.

(5 years and 900 days ago)

Meet Orestes-Paris