5528 comments given:
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still26 says:

I wonder if these mate for life? Do you know? Canada Geese do. This group of gorgeous guys seem to be posing for you and their eyes have been caught in the stare. Good marginal space all around, sharp, well contrasted, natural colouring. The kind of image that makes one pause and slows the beating of one's heart. Nice nice nice

(5 years and 975 days ago)

Sandhill Cranes
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still26 says:

What a cornucopia of colours. Two beauties caught. You have this nicely cropped, natural colouring and sharp "as a woman's tongue"...it is a pleasure to view and you must have been thrilled to find this photo!

(5 years and 975 days ago)

Six-spot Burnet
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still26 says:

Initially I read your title as "fur otters" for that is what my eyes saw, the beauty of the detail of the fur. Nicely done, brings a smile to the viewers face.

(5 years and 975 days ago)

Four otters
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still26 says:

Initially I read your title as "fur otters" for that is what my eyes saw, the beauty of the detail of the fur. Nicely done, brings a smile to the viewers face.

(5 years and 975 days ago)

Four otters
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still26 says:

I know how excited you must have been to find this gold mine of fungi. When we hike through forests I always look out for these beauties. This is a very lovely image which is simply "delicious" in clarity, focus and the composition is perfect with enough detail of background showing. It has been artistically formatted and tightly cropped which engages all viewers. I also think the colours are true to life and the lush feel of life comes across to us. Really lovely.

(5 years and 975 days ago)

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still26 says:

What a find. I am drawn to the contrast of both knobs, the detail of the spider webs, the grunge effect is very nice as well. You have good tonal range and that makes the image come to life.

(5 years and 975 days ago)

Old Door knobs
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still26 says:

A happy snappy photograph. Try changing your POV to change the entire image. Good technical elements of contrast, dof, focus.

(5 years and 975 days ago)

Eight brants
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still26 says:

An OH WOW kind of find. To underexpose is a good idea because you can bring out details in the final processing. A touch on the shadow/highlight lever would bring out small details. Nicely composed photograph. You do get around.

(5 years and 975 days ago)

Four Windmills
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still26 says:

Good eye with this shot, a bit of a nip at the right but it is still very pleasant to study as it is sharp, clear, good contrast.

(5 years and 975 days ago)

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still26 says:

Great visual impact and nicely composed, clarity and contrast top notch.

(5 years and 975 days ago)

Two Fishermen
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still26 says:

good one.

(5 years and 977 days ago)

Cleat hitch
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still26 says:

Thank you for getting back to me. I think the Indians of Mexico collect these, fry them and eat them....unless I'm getting confused with flying ants. Nonetheless, it is a grrrrrrrrrreat shot.

(5 years and 978 days ago)

Watching the birth of thousands of Mayflies
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still26 says:

I really like the considered thought put into this shot, the symmetry, the village in the distance whispers to us of life by the water, the dof you used is splendid. Really a great shot.

(5 years and 979 days ago)

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still26 says:

Yellow and blue....yum, great colour palette. Less tire and more rope may have catapulted this image into a stronger presentation. Good focus, sharp with great detail shown.

(5 years and 979 days ago)

Yellow rope
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still26 says:

Love the idea, very good but the pebbles seem to take the spotlight for as you know our brains love love love patterns.

(5 years and 979 days ago)

Discarded Rope
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still26 says:

Top Notch photography. Great POV, gorgeous dof and artistic. Will be number one..(my fearless forecast).

(5 years and 979 days ago)

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still26 says:

Your title makes this photograph. Clarity is perfect and his expression brought a smile to my face. Furthermore composition and POV are spot on. Good exposure as well with no blow outs.

(5 years and 979 days ago)

Telling ghost stories
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still26 says:

Mezmerising. Love it and did you flash this or taken with ambient light?

(5 years and 979 days ago)

Watching the birth of thousands of Mayflies
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still26 says:

Nice candid street image gives a good story.

(5 years and 979 days ago)

Amsterdam at Night
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still26 says:

I'd rather be in Renfrew. Love this manipulation of a busy street just a high quality image. You will do well.

(5 years and 979 days ago)

New York City near Time Square
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still26 says:

Consider a square crop with a circular object as it strengthens the photograph. A bit of a nip at the bottom . The colours are very pleasing and "delicious".

(5 years and 979 days ago)

birth day
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still26 says:

I love how you caught the happiness in this shot! Very intriguing and makes me wish I could be there.

(5 years and 979 days ago)

village party
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still26 says:

Could be a bit sharper but very colourful and eye catching.

(5 years and 979 days ago)

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still26 says:

Clarity spot on, what was your ISO reading, do you remember? Love the patterns the people below, just a nice all encompassing photograph ...a delight to review.

(5 years and 979 days ago)

In the park
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still26 says:

Where's the snow ?! I like the clarity of this photo and your lines of motion are well done without overexposure. You knew what you were doing when you shot this and it shows.

(5 years and 979 days ago)

Night in Saint Petersburg
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still26 says:

Nice one, like everything about it

(5 years and 979 days ago)

Enjoying the Night
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still26 says:

Like this, good visual impact, clear and sharp.

(5 years and 979 days ago)

For those who like metal and rivets
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still26 says:

Visually exciting, works for me.

(5 years and 979 days ago)

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still26 says:

It ought to have had a higher mark , in my mind.

(5 years and 980 days ago)

Pull Harder
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still26 says:

OK I'll hold you to it.

(5 years and 982 days ago)

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still26 says:

Love this one too, congrats.

(5 years and 982 days ago)

Hong Kong
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still26 says:

Congrats, what a vertical, dizzying.

(5 years and 982 days ago)

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still26 says:

Frankly, I think this is a lot better than what you got, I'm surprised.

(5 years and 982 days ago)

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still26 says:

What draws the viewer to this shot is the warmth felt in the glow of the evening sun where long shadows have been cast. Focus is sharp on the main focal point, the rope and it too has retired for the day. Titles are very much part of the creative process and your title marries well with this shot. I like the spacious marginal space you have provided. It is a cohesive image that ties in the focal point, to the day and is presented "tied" up in a nice package for the viewer.

(5 years and 983 days ago)

Done for the day
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still26 says:

This photograph pulled a chuckle out of me! It is beautifully coloured, well balanced and the contrast levels make it sing...it is absorbing. It holds the magic number of 5, an uneven count that titillates our gray matter! I am a real sucker for KISS principle and this is KISS to the core, simple and strong and gets my vote.

(5 years and 983 days ago)

Like a bird in a fish tank
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still26 says:

It is the colours radiating around the brass that pull me in. Yes, we can see the detail of the brass but the song of colours around it gives this image soul. Also, the dof used is artistic and well thought out. A warm photo with colours of blue, magenta, greens and orange.....a stirring image that begs the viewer to look into it...and we do.

(5 years and 983 days ago)

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still26 says:

I find myself captivated by this image of curves, am trying to figure out if it is a machine or jewellery. The crop is very nice which focuses on the dynamic C curve of metal which is not pliant, yet your photo makes it so. Really good, thank you.

(5 years and 983 days ago)

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still26 says:

What a creative idea, to focus on the reflections on metal, thank you for the idea. I like this image because of the details caught within the reflection and that makes the viewer linger longer on the shot. Have you considered a lower crop and a nip off the right side to bring in the detail even larger for the viewer? Nice one...KUDOS.

(5 years and 983 days ago)

Drag Star
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still26 says:

Love the title, made me laugh. Also the photo is darned fine in silhouette and formatted into letterbox....grrrrrreat.

(5 years and 984 days ago)

The Board of Directors
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still26 says:

Needs to be viewed in high res and it's lovely there. I'm marking on your high res shot, not the upload we see which has pixellated.

(5 years and 985 days ago)

Racoon Totem Pole
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still26 says:

Purrrrfect #2.

(5 years and 985 days ago)

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still26 says:


(5 years and 985 days ago)

Hong Kong
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still26 says:

Ahhh nice, bright, simple, strong. I like it.

(5 years and 985 days ago)

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still26 says:

Gotta be Renfrew. Lovely POV and love the post processing. Top of the shelf.

(5 years and 985 days ago)

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still26 says:

Lots to love about this shot. The silhouette is striking, the diagonal exciting, the colour palette warm hued. Just lovely.

(5 years and 985 days ago)

Horse on the Horizon
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still26 says:

Clear solid shot with great marginal space all round. Colour palette natural and photograph is unpretentious.

(5 years and 985 days ago)

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still26 says:

Blurred but interesting house.

(5 years and 985 days ago)

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still26 says:

Nice photo but blurred. The idea is great.

(5 years and 985 days ago)

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(5 years and 985 days ago)

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(5 years and 985 days ago)

Rooster feathers