5528 comments given:
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still26 says:

Finn, how did you make the whites of the eyes blue? I just knew you had to have a beautiful blue eyed photo hiding in your stock!

(5 years and 1025 days ago)

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still26 says:

Yes to this, finally nice to see a man working.

(5 years and 1025 days ago)

The Fishmonger
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still26 says:

ummmm I don't know why you got my message a gazillion times. sorry.

(5 years and 1025 days ago)

Roofer with metal
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still26 says:

Ha, I see the mods made your replace your image due to anonymity issue. I just recently learned from them what that was all about. You used your antiquing filter on this and it is so appropriate because it takes us into another time.

(5 years and 1025 days ago)

Roofer with metal
avatar still26
still26 says:

Ha, I see the mods made your replace your image due to anonymity issue. I just recently learned from them what that was all about. You used your antiquing filter on this and it is so appropriate because it takes us into another time.

(5 years and 1025 days ago)

Roofer with metal
avatar still26
still26 says:

Ha, I see the mods made your replace your image due to anonymity issue. I just recently learned from them what that was all about. You used your antiquing filter on this and it is so appropriate because it takes us into another time.

(5 years and 1025 days ago)

Roofer with metal
avatar still26
still26 says:

Ha, I see the mods made your replace your image due to anonymity issue. I just recently learned from them what that was all about. You used your antiquing filter on this and it is so appropriate because it takes us into another time.

(5 years and 1025 days ago)

Roofer with metal
avatar still26
still26 says:

Ha, I see the mods made your replace your image due to anonymity issue. I just recently learned from them what that was all about. You used your antiquing filter on this and it is so appropriate because it takes us into another time.

(5 years and 1025 days ago)

Roofer with metal
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still26 says:

Good one. You did a great job with limited lens.

(5 years and 1025 days ago)

Hockey players
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still26 says:

A lovely upload that shows good usage of dof manipulation to punch out the main focal aspects. The colour palette is soothing and feels feminine in soft pink and blues, this colour delights us visually. Colour , as you know, really does affect us carbon based bipeds and brings about an emotional response. The photograph has good marginal space, is well centered , sharp. There is a curious hue at the very L (viewer's L) which is a tad distracting as it looks like a fellow worker may be asleep at the job. The story is well in place and this was a delight to study.

(5 years and 1028 days ago)

Coding at work
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still26 says:

I really like the clarity of this upload and the environmental portrait of this vendor. You have a lot of information in the image to give a solid story. The photograph is sharp, well exposed with good tonal ranges throughout. A very solid entry.

(5 years and 1028 days ago)

Cheese seller
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still26 says:

A very eye catching shot, full of patterns and so suitable for monochrome. Remember how in photography school we were told to not ever to shoot anything from behind? Well pffffffft to that theory (and many others). I like how the focus is not only on their derrieres but on the carpet. It is a crowded scene and is well done.

(5 years and 1028 days ago)

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still26 says:

LOL I was wondering when someone would post a sugar photo. You have "chutzpah". It's a grand photo, staying true to the contest. I like your quote. I also like the fact that you amputated part of the cup off for really that is not the focal point. The focal point is well exposed however you can see your shadow interferring a tad and thus obscuring the clarity. Nonetheless the story is there and it is a clever and unique take on the contest.

(5 years and 1028 days ago)

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still26 says:

I laughed out loud when I saw this. I sure as heck would be afraid of these people....are you in Texas? Sharp and pointed, and I see one of the shooters looking directly at you. Colourful, humourous as all get out and why oh why did you cut off all their feet?

(5 years and 1029 days ago)

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still26 says:

Nice to meet you face to face...well sort of. Changing to b/w was the smart way to go for the double glazing already highlights your creativity and in b/w we see this clearly. I always love how photos fool me and give an emotional pull. In your upload you have yourself placed to the side and the emphasis is on the jittery feel and we know how nervous you were to put this up of yourself. Yet, here you are in creative joy and interesting how your curly hair adds to the excitement of this grand self portrait.

(5 years and 1029 days ago)

Self-portrait in double glazing
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still26 says:

How nice to meet you face to face and those blue eyes would melt any heart PLUS
add that smile and you turn us into mush! I like the softness of this self portrait, not only technically but on an emotional level too...a shy softness that translates into kindness. Personally, I feel you have a bit too much marginal space on top....just a little nip down and you would come even closer to us and that would be just fine by me...to get a little closer

(5 years and 1029 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

How lovely to meet you in this self portrait contest. This upload speaks volumes about you there on the Tongarriro Pass crossing (am I correct?). I like the POV not only are you high up, the POV takes us further and higher and you knew what you were doing artistically. I do think the photo is soft, however, I looked on the hi res and you are as sharp as a pin. The hikers in the background invite us into the depth of your image and the story is flushed out very nicely.

(5 years and 1029 days ago)

at 5000 feet
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still26 says:

I love this contest where we can meet 'face to face'....well sort of. Your self portrait speaks volumes about your love of photography, you can't hide behind that camera, we know you are one serious dude. I love the creative element you have incorporated, the reflection, sharp as a pin, the frame . The distraction is that pink hair (it's the roof tiles) behind you and in any other contest you could have cloned them out or even darkened them somewhat for they squeak out at us "hi there, look at me , look at me". Yet your image is so strong technically, well composed, framed and a pleasure to meet you.

(5 years and 1029 days ago)

in action
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still26 says:

What a great contest where we get to meet 'face to face'...well sort of. I really like your creative aspect of this upload. The colour palette is cool and shivery and the venetian blinds give that shiver feeling. Seems to me you knew what you were doing with that Nikon to give a different, yet quite appealing self portrait.

(5 years and 1029 days ago)

Venetian blind
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still26 says:

A very interesting crop with amputation of legs and neck of mom. What makes it work is the connection between mom and child and HC BRESSON always went around shooting and amputating with panache! She almost looks photoshopped onto the background. Delight to behold and we can hear the giggles of them both! A photograph one can hear as well as see.

(5 years and 1029 days ago)

"You know that little girl is mine"
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still26 says:

Lovely with the focus on the pretty young girl caught in the rule of 3's, she stands out. The spices provide a nice secondary focal point. Your photograph is sharp on the girl, softness on the spices. Together they make up a story of sugar and spice and all things nice!

(5 years and 1029 days ago)

Spice and all things nice
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still26 says:

I would like you to ow that I find your photograph so full of emotional pull for me simply because it is so pure. You caught this couple in a very intimate moment, had you shot this one second later, or one second sooner it would not be the same. The emotive impact is sensational. I keep looking at the entries and keep coming back to this image. Beautifully composed , they are surrounded by a crowd, yet are totally in their own world. Your technical aspects of this photograph are spot on. I know as I keep looking at all the entries my eyes will always wander to this delightful image. Top notch.

(5 years and 1029 days ago)

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still26 says:

Correct but transgender is world wide. Hey, some of the katoeys put women to shame , you just can't tell sometimes. There is a joke among the old geezer white men in Thailand and they say "I try to never date a girl who has a penis larger than mine".....groan.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Sugar and spice
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still26 says:

Hope she is a girl and not a katoey.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Sugar and spice
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still26 says:

This would also look good in black and white with eyes painted out! (for the blue contest but you can't submit it because you already have it here). How about another one?

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

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still26 says:

Hope she is happy, at least happier than she is on the photo.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Sugar and spice
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still26 says:

Yes, they do. I lived with our Canadian Indians up north and they hunt these geese. It was quite sad when one was shot down the mate would circle and cry and eventually would get shot down too. They make really good eating, dark meat but sometimes you get a shotgun and that will crack your teeth. Now you know

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

G is for Geese!
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still26 says:

I love the clarity of this photo and the serious mood of this bride and her attendants. Nice and sharp and it makes me want to know more.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Sugar and spice
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still26 says:

Looks to me like a first place hedgehog! Hey first and last keeps us humble.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

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still26 says:

I like the straight lines , the feeling of balance, the gorgeous colour palette and how he is shyly absorbed into his work. Lovely contrast too. Too bad about that orange overhead light reflection over the salmon.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Making my dinner
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still26 says:

Interesting scene, I think I was here too. A bit of hot spots in your shot feels like a happy snappy shot, a good memory photo.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Vegetable Stallholder
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still26 says:

I'm sure every photographer in the world has one of these photos (of welders). What I like about this one is the vertical presentation and that is a refreshing change. Very nice with good pov.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

The Welder
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still26 says:

I like the intensity of this image how you caught him at the peak of his work. Good background adds more information to the story.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Road Worker
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still26 says:

Yes, to this one. I can see a strong focal point of a woman in the street and a story is felt. Good handling of tonal ranges for this monochrome.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

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still26 says:

I am not getting the story of resist. Was this during the recent Budapest uprisings? If so, it looks like just the beginning with people mulling around on a cold night. I really like your tonal ranges in this black and white upload.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

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still26 says:

Love the mood here but I wonder if you have made the pavement and design the main focal point. The distant cafe scene is moody and delights.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

waiting for the summer
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still26 says:

Nice relaxed photo of gentleman enjoying his smoke. Good tonal ranges. Your portrait of this man, looking out of the frame creates a mystery and we wonder what it is he is looking at.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Enjoying the sun
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still26 says:

A bit closer on that chicken would have been a stronger photo but i'm sure by the time you had come down the bird would have disappeared. Good street catch.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Poultry in the street
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still26 says:

Nice this one in monochrome, even sepia would add more age (I know it'a not allowed for this contest). I like how this transports me to another time and the feeling of cold comes across, as well as street life.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Horse carriage in a cold street
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still26 says:

When viewed in hi res this image is pin sharp. He looks as if he is praying for divine intervention! Great tonal range of this street artist.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Street Artist
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still26 says:

Interesting isn't it how the children are attracted to this juggler and the adults attention is elsewhere. It is good that you caught this for it makes the photo.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

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still26 says:

I only have praise for this piece. The mood is wonderful and your work delights and is purrrrrrfect with no marginal lines showing. This looks so real to me. Well done.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

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still26 says:

You have a wonderful imagination. Love this too. Not only are you a top notch photographer you are a great manipulator. This section of the site I struggle with.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Atlantic Sculpture
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still26 says:

Purrrrrfect. Great. I love it.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Sea Walk
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still26 says:


(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Summer Face
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still26 says:

Ha..brilliant. What an imagination. This had a tremendous impact on me, so much so I actually called my L brained husband to see it. It's really really top notch. PS. My husband liked it (and that is really saying something).

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

"Heavy" traffic
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still26 says:

Many congrats!

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

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still26 says:

Nice, congrats.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

Young Blackbirds with Mom
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still26 says:

Wonderful. Congrats.

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

A Future Poppy
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still26 says:

Congrats on this win!

(5 years and 1031 days ago)

A blank canvas