5528 comments given:
avatar still26
still26 says:

This morning and yesterday evening I was traipsing through the growing rice fields looking for this photograph and you bet me to it ! Congrats. It is warm and love the feeling of peering out to the sun. The grasses are sharp in part and a breeze can be felt. It is good to get a feeling from a photograph and we do with this upload. Warm honey colour is purrrfet. Very lovely image.

(5 years and 1045 days ago)

Sunset at the marsh
avatar still26
still26 says:

This is not only my hometown but the CBC logo is where I worked! How did I ever manage to stay sane? The QEW looks packed even from this distance. Love the detail of this photograph and the sun adds beauty to this concrete jungle where stress reigns high. The image is sharp and your tonal qualities are well honed.

(5 years and 1045 days ago)

Toronto Sunset
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still26 says:

Fill in flash worked and her eyes shine brilliantly at us, just as the setting sun is doing. I'm looking hard for red splotches and can't find them. I like the compositional style to this, placing her to the side and the sun balancing the image. This was not an easy photo to get so right, but you managed although the palapas in background have been clipped somewhat. (blocked up).

(5 years and 1045 days ago)

Sunset in Cuba
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still26 says:

Very soon that ocean, sailboat and all are going to be spilling onto my keyboard. You need to straighten that horizon, I do like the warmth and romantic story your photograph speaks of!

(5 years and 1045 days ago)

Barbados sunset
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still26 says:

Congrats on this win!

(5 years and 1045 days ago)

Carving, Fiji
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still26 says:

Congrats on this win Dmitry.

(5 years and 1045 days ago)

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still26 says:

Big Congratulations!

(5 years and 1045 days ago)

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still26 says:

Big Congratulations!

(5 years and 1045 days ago)

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still26 says:

WHAT WHAT WHAT, do people actually read books, this must have been taken in the '60's. I like this photo because you get the feeling of breezes blowing, the horizon line is dead straight, the reader is totally oblivious of your lens and your exposure is spot on showing an evening scene yet details are present and easily seen. This photo sings out "relaxation".

(5 years and 1046 days ago)

Reading in Barbados
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still26 says:

Yes, I like it this way and glad you left some gray in there. Please remember that you are the one who has to like it, you have to take what reviewers tell you with a grain of salt. Your photo has to feel right for you. I forgot to tell you this but it also feels quite balanced and steady too even with a centered composition like that...nice. Are you planning on going back there anytime soon?

(5 years and 1046 days ago)

Sunset over the gulf of Thailand
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still26 says:

Colour palette is really appealing with blue and yellow. It is a peaceful piece to study. Have you considered cropping out the broad solid grey "roof" on the top? This photo makes me want to go there.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Sunset over the gulf of Thailand
avatar still26
still26 says:

This is a very warm and mellow image bringing forth a warm and fuzzy feeling within us. I would suggest a small crop down to eliminate the contrails, can you see how our eyes float up there, and then out of the shot? You want to keep the viewer in your photo without distractions. The honey colour is splendid as is the story.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Entry number 101524
avatar still26
still26 says:

Yup yup yup much better.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Entry number 101539
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still26 says:

I better not disclose any secrets, ha ha ha.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Easter Eggs
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still26 says:

You may think this is simple, but for me, a photoshop simpleton this is fantastic. I am a sucker for KISS principle and this rocks, it is simple, strong and simply wonderful. I like how you have kept the detail of the iris coming through, great. Thank you.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

You have put up a lot of information and story telling in this presentation. Perhaps a bit much? The lovers are lost in that corner and the driftwood rocks center stage. This looks like a lot of work and I enjoyed viewing it.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

I want to thank you for pointing me to investigate HR GIGER of whom I had never ever heard of. I learned all about him through you and this excellent rendition honoring this fantastic artist. I looked through his images and was astounded by his work. He died in 2014 due to a fall, and had I not stumbled upon your work I would have never known about him. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I understand your work now and it is truly top notch.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Ode to H. R. Giger
avatar still26
still26 says:

Good heaven's what a creative mind you have. Can't help but fall in love with those eyes staring up at me from that burrow. Great visual impact, simple and strong.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

The burrow
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still26 says:

There is a lot to swallow here, maybe too much? Your work is well done and this brought a smile to my face.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Embaixo da ponte
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still26 says:

Whaaaaa what a lot of work and you have succeeded to make a strong initial impact with this piece. It stirs emotions within me, I'm not sure if I like her or dislike her BUT for sure I like your manipulation skills and am in awe of this creation.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

jopie the clown
avatar still26
still26 says:

Oh gosh, this is top notch work the colour palette, the detail the initial visual impact the pov...really great. Love it.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Great idea. To my eyes, it too much of a good thing. Why not try to paint out some detail of the eye . I bow to your artistic prerogative and do like the minimal colour palette.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Quite frankly this is astounding work. The initial visual impact, the fear it instills, the naturalness (I have looked hard for marginal telltale signs...nothing there, brilliant work). Top of the class.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

My Clown
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still26 says:

You would have lost your dentures...ha ha ha ha ha, good thing you didn't have one.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Toffee Apples for Sale
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still26 says:

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm how did you know it was me?

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Easter Eggs
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still26 says:

Yes to this, just lovely with detail. Personally, I would not have minded less marginal space atop, a tighter crop would puch this out further, but that is just my opinion. This photo is alive and a happy one, at least it makes me happy.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Entry number 101539
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still26 says:

My kinda food. Nicely done I liked this presentation.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

A Childhood Dream
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still26 says:

Thought provoking and well done. I liked the story and your imaginative creation.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

The End
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still26 says:

ha ha ha ha....loved it, thank you.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

The Best President since January 2017
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still26 says:

Yes yes yes to your compositional style, it brings not only artistry but story to the shot. Colourful in natural beauty. Sharp as a pin. Just simply lovely, well contrasted and good exposure.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Peacock butterfly
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still26 says:

Great entry and nicely shot. yes, looks straight to me, I'm sure the horizon line drove you mad. Crisp clear like it a lot.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Burano Houses
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still26 says:

What a delectable, feminine photograph with white vignette. Good artistic touch and the pastel colours seduce us magically. Nicely done.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Easter Eggs
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still26 says:

WOW, really lovely shot. Great landscape with lead lines that take us inward and we feel the coldness in the distance.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Autumn in the Arctic
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still26 says:

Very nice catch and well taken photograph which is balanced and easy to view. I like the way you have incorporated other elements within the image, the windows, the tree branches the phone booth. They all give scale. Nice one, and colourful too.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Fresco in Little Havana
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still26 says:

Good photograph. You have no lean on this image, it is very balanced and solidly presented. Good colour too!

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Prague Church
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still26 says:

Colourful you bet. Good idea to fill in the whole page with these koi. You could pull down on the highlight lever to darken the highlight spots and thereby the colours would have popped out even more.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

You really have a great photographic eye. The way you incorporate photographic information to give substance to a photo is a gift you posses. I love how you kept the story of MOSCOW in the image as well as including the colours.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Red Square in Flowers
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still26 says:

Can't go wrong with this colourful entry.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Color Burst!
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still26 says:

wwwoooaaaahhh, nice nice nice.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

mmmm nice one.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Misty River
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still26 says:

Oh how I used to love these as a child. Your shot sure brings back some nice memories, thank you.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Toffee Apples for Sale
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still26 says:

Artistic, caught my eye.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Hero Jam
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still26 says:

Ahhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhh Canada. What memories your photo brings to me. Thank you.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Eurika Tent
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still26 says:

Disagree, I need a whole bottle a drop wouldn't do it. Again a real pro touch to this image.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

One drop is all you need
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still26 says:

YES YES YES YES YES YES YES. My kinda ad, colourful and truthful.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

If you are going to eat chocolate, make sure it
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still26 says:

You images of these products carry a very professional touch to them. Nicely done.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

rice crackers
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still26 says:

good idea.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Nikon Lens
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still26 says:

Ottawa ay? WOW

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica
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still26 says:

Nice one, good eyes.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Going Down to Church
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still26 says:


(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Clay sculpting