5528 comments given:
avatar still26
still26 says:

YAY and I will drink to that!

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

Ribs, or Corn, or Pork
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still26 says:

I wonder if Hindus think that we are barbarians for eating cow....cow is sacrosanct in India, temples are built to the cow.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

Ribs, or Corn, or Pork
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still26 says:

I'm having much more fun on this site...love it.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

Clearing up Now
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still26 says:

Ahhh what a story your image puts out to us...makes us think. This is great.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

Some work, and some rest
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still26 says:

YES YES YES YES....you are a person of my own heart. When we travel we return, whenever possible, our glasses and here at breakfast we return our dishes as some others do as well.

I have to tell you about your tilt. Personally, I love it when photographers do this and it works for your image adding a bit more excitement to the image. Good exposure on this, no blow outs. Nice one.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

Cleaning Girl
avatar still26
still26 says:

I really like that you broke photography rules and made this work. Our teachers always used to stress never to photograph anything from behind...well, what a bunch of bull. Nicely seen and taken but do you think it could use a touch more contrast as the tonal ranges seem washed out a bit?

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

Off to the next apartment building
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still26 says:

Yes, this is good, full of story, nicely cropped and framed. Solid photographer here.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

Clearing up Now
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still26 says:

I like the communication felt between the workers and YOU the photographer. The image is sharp and to the point. It is also full of exotica.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

Happy workers
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still26 says:

he he he he....CONGRATS...I knew you would win.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

Top Hat
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still26 says:

Hmmmm yes, I understand. I am new to this site and am surprised to learn that when we look at uploaded photos on the hi-res button they are much clearer...maybe your crow would look great if you direct the viewer to study it under hi-res button?

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Try a portrait crop. Portrait crops are higher than they are wider. Just see if that strengthens the shot....I think it might bring in more nobility to this handsome fellow.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Like the crop on this, tight, to the point although it could be more about fingers rather than hand.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Good to see Christchurch has recovered from their earthquakes in such a colourful fashion. A sharp, 'bristling' image that engages the eye readily with colour. It is bright and well contrasted and taken on a bright sunny day yet not many harsh shadows at all. Reminds me of our streetcars in Toronto from years ago. Nice shot.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

I am most certain Muslims would find this photo quite offensive as they do not eat pork, but I do and it is a well taken photo that makes my mouth water and if photography is to give a story your upload gives us a mouthwatering reaction.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

Ribs, or Corn, or Pork
avatar still26
still26 says:

Purple and pink have such an emotional pull for me, they are my colours and always touch my heart and memories. The technique used to capture this drop is excellent, the work is worth framing and hanging. LOVE IT

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Yikes this is so in focus and sharp that my teeth hurt! Great catch at the peak of the push of this wave. Nice colour, good saturation, tight crop makes for a feely photograph that speaks to viewers.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

A cooperative model,posing just so, how lucky you were. Do you think a bit more of a tigher crop would strengthen this image? Perhaps try a portrait frame. The technical elements are well done with no clipping seen at all and great eye catchment technique.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

This is a photo that was thought about. I can see you walking around wondering about POV, studying this then shooting...you do know that the horizon line has a bit of a tilt? Like the out of the box thinking on this and the dof usage.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

Rope, Ship, Snow
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still26 says:

Nice and clean clear shot. Love the framing done with the tree, the dappled shadow effect. Did you tone map this because your tonal ranges are so well done? good one.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Good eye to see this, what a mess yet a delight for the eye, nicely seen and caught.

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Hey there, nice work, looks good on this site as well as TOS. THAT OTHER SITE

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

It's a nice shot. Where was this taken, in Nepal?

(5 years and 1080 days ago)

Molfsee Farm
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still26 says:

Love Love Love your title and it made me laugh. It is too bad that all the hens are not in focus , but at least they didn't run off.

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

morning meeting
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still26 says:

Just a lovely peaceful scene, but too bad that one bull has his head stuck up the bull in the front.... sometimes it is important to wait until the foto is born...had you waited a few seconds perhaps the head would have come into focus. I love the warm feel to this shot, feels peacelful

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

Molfsee Farm
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still26 says:

Taken from a hot air balloon? Certainly our interest is piqued and that curiosity is what holds us to your photograh. Do you think it could use a bit more contrast?

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

Tractor Wheelies
avatar still26
still26 says:

Your POV makes this for me, as if you are hiding from these beasts with those huge horns. Well seen and dof good rendering sharp focal points for us to enjoy. See that blur on the twigs at the left of your shot? That softness always gives us a feeling of "witnessing" of seeing something special. Nicely seen and caught.

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

Long Horn
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still26 says:

Like your title, which as you know, is part of the creative process and does make a difference in gallery showings, can be the difference between a sale and no sale. This is a well balanced image paying heed to the horizontal cut rule with focal points scattered throughout. It is sharp, well contrasted and a very peaceful scene.

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

Hay Fever
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still26 says:

Hi, this works for me, natural good tonal ranges.

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

Making hay While the sun Shines
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still26 says:

Sheesh you put out some great work. Congrats, this is wonderful.

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

Dark Road
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still26 says:

so so good, great imagination. Loved it

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

2017..They Are Back !
avatar still26
still26 says:

Hi and nice to see you here. You are having growing pains, like I did with links and SBS and whatnot. Love running across your work and welcome to this site.

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

Wrong Way
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still26 says:

made me laugh....good one.

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

keep counting
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still26 says:

ah hahahaha I love it, sense of humour too.

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

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still26 says:

Simple and strong, simply perfect.

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

Drawing hands
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still26 says:

FAR OUT.......grrrrrrrrrreat. I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT. I've been looking at this contest, scratching my head and WOW you do something like this...blows me away.

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Did you know that John Deer was a Romanian man whose real name was goat...he didn't like that so changed it to deer. (this of course is real interesting for you....sigh)

OK sorry for the digression. Your image is sharp and well composed with the tractor to the side showing how much work is yet to be done. It is sharp, nicely framed and the contrast with vast tonal ranges looks fine. I just wish that tractor was more "alive" instead of posing, but it is what it is. An enjoyable view.

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

Harvest Time
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still26 says:

I'm happy to see this in b/w but sorry to see the face of the worker obscured by broom, however, we do sense the intensity of the work being carried out here. Just wish you had waited a few seconds before shooting and perhaps his face would have come through. Our photography teachers often would say "wait for the photo to be born" and I think you could have done that with this shot. Technically a nice one with good sharp focus and deep story line.

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

Making a Clean Sweep
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still26 says:

I really like the emotional pull of this photo. We know what a struggle these marginalized people have and you have caught him unaware of your camera which seems to be intruding upon his thoughts. The photo is sharp and with all that white you do not have any exposure blow outs, good handling of your camera. Seems to me that you are best friends with your camera. Nice post, made me stop and think about the plight of all people who struggle in a new country.

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

Mexican Worker
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still26 says:

Me too. Just wish more people would communicate, but seems more are responding to me which is nice.

(5 years and 1081 days ago)

Its All Greek To Me
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still26 says:

You are right with this site then.

(5 years and 1082 days ago)

blessing of reading
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still26 says:

I would like to tell you how much I enjoyed viewing this scene, it is so bucolically funny (is that a word?) My husband, who is standing behind me (we are getting ready to go out) is saying "wow that is really good, WOW...is that yours?" he he he he.

Sharp, technically well rendered, you have three main subjects that catch our eye and as you know, our brains love uneven focal points, the two little ones waaaaaaaaay in the back further pull our eye inward.

Thank you for making us smile.

(5 years and 1082 days ago)

Cooling Off
avatar still26
still26 says:

Love it, you are a romantic. We are returning back to Braso next year...love your country, and the people and the cake

(5 years and 1082 days ago)

a short break
avatar still26
still26 says:

Yes, I read in my camera manual to never go higher than 3200. You are right. What about popping it in Photoshop tho' have you tried?

(5 years and 1082 days ago)

blessing of reading
avatar still26
still26 says:

Yes, I can see that now....thank you.

(5 years and 1082 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Oh you are a romantic. I love this...what can I say, it is delicious. It is warm and inviting and a simple story strongly told. Good contrast, beautifully handled, balanced...simply a delight.

(5 years and 1082 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Hmmm you can read Italian?! I really like the compositional style of this and the wonderful usage of light and shadow and the story. Very pleasant to review.

(5 years and 1082 days ago)

a short break
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still26 says:

A bit dark, I wonder if you touched the exposure up a bit if it would bounce off the screen a wee tad more. Love the story and the camera technique used to bring it to us...dof great.

(5 years and 1082 days ago)

blessing of reading
avatar still26
still26 says:

I love seeing your photos on this site (I hope I have the right person)....you show your photographic talent much better here than on TOS.

I like this shot, it takes photographer's eyes to catch this and shoot it....clear and to the point and humour in the title. Good One.

(5 years and 1082 days ago)

Its All Greek To Me
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still26 says:

How captivating is this image. Had you come down to the child's level, with that POV, the subject would have jumped into our eyes. You have taken this from standing and that is an ordinary POV. If you change your POV you can transform images from ordinary into extraordinary. I like this shot, it is clear and the story is felt.

(5 years and 1082 days ago)

avatar still26
still26 says:

Do you think you over hdr'ed this? Look at the white halo around his face and the numerous hot spots. I do love the grundy feel tho and have a tendency to use this often myself. Nice story too boot.

(5 years and 1082 days ago)

Daily Read