5528 comments given:
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still26 says:

I love love love the glow on these cars, You have made them ghost like! I do feel a HUGE HUGE crop is needed because that sky is white, and adds no visual excitement at all. See if you like it better with a crop down.

(5 years and 402 days ago)

Vintage car
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still26 says:

I like the way the white part of the crack on the left plays off the black crack on the right. You have some really nice textures showing here.

(5 years and 402 days ago)

Crack on the door
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still26 says:

Very lovely in monochrome and decay feel is there.

(5 years and 402 days ago)

Broken Building
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still26 says:

The bright colours do bring this 'decay' to an exciting level. I quite like it.

(5 years and 402 days ago)

Decayed Wall
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still26 says:

What would a church be without walls.....?

This sounds like the beginning of a joke, can you finish it for me?

(5 years and 404 days ago)

The Old Church
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still26 says:

Nice catch, a clear photograph

(5 years and 404 days ago)

Ribbon in the sky
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still26 says:

thumbs up for this entry...I can almost feel the cool vapors of waterfall cooling me down. I also like that you have kept the 'human' touch in the shot and did not crop down.

(5 years and 404 days ago)

Marmore waterfall
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still26 says:

A nice a sharp image with rainbow clearly seen. You do have a dust spot on your sensor (the bane of all photographers)...it is dead center in the sky.

(5 years and 404 days ago)

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still26 says:

You were in a moving car when you shot this? and you also have dust on your sensor...what a grand sight to find and I bet it caused your great excitement to find this rainbow in such a pretty setting!

(5 years and 404 days ago)

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still26 says:

Now THIS IS a wall and I like it in b/w but it has a strong gray bias.

(5 years and 405 days ago)

Koules Fortress
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still26 says:

like this though its more about a church than the wall

(5 years and 405 days ago)

The Old Church
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still26 says:

Yes, so I see that is what happened! Those others are very jealous of you...I know.

(5 years and 405 days ago)

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still26 says:


(5 years and 405 days ago)

Entry number 109915
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still26 says:


(5 years and 405 days ago)

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still26 says:

KAPOW....on all three. Congratulations .

(5 years and 405 days ago)

colors of the night
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still26 says:

Nice one Chris and congrats!

(5 years and 405 days ago)

Entry number 109915
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still26 says:


(5 years and 410 days ago)

The seagull and the boat
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still26 says:

Hi I sent you an email but it came back undeliverable.

(5 years and 411 days ago)

The seagull and the boat
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still26 says:

Perfect especially with the Xmas tree in the distance.....poetry.

(5 years and 415 days ago)

Christmas flight
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still26 says:

Insane, I love it.

(5 years and 415 days ago)

Little Christmas monster ornament
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still26 says:

I guessed this would be yours. I'm beginning to get your quirky sense of humour!

(5 years and 415 days ago)

The Christmas Tick
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still26 says:

Ahhh you fooled us with your crop...very clever!

(5 years and 415 days ago)

When I need a rest
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still26 says:

Fancy, I've never seen an olive stoner...interesting.

(5 years and 415 days ago)

Two different uses for me
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still26 says:

Looks like this ought to be censored . Two hairy strawberries.

(5 years and 415 days ago)

A kiss
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still26 says:

Hairbrush, dog brush, a brush?!

(5 years and 415 days ago)

In a row
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still26 says:

Bicycle seat.

(5 years and 415 days ago)

What is It
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still26 says:

Bottom of tripod, or top of tripod or a special seat for your backside!

(5 years and 415 days ago)

When I need a rest
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still26 says:

Garlic press or medieval thumb torture device!

(5 years and 415 days ago)

Two different uses for me
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still26 says:

Ahhh an earpiece to enchant me with Debussy!

(5 years and 415 days ago)

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still26 says:

Why is it so still?

(5 years and 418 days ago)

The seagull and the boat
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still26 says:

OK the bird is a wax statue? Right?

(5 years and 418 days ago)

The seagull and the boat
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still26 says:

Like dried kelp?

(5 years and 418 days ago)

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still26 says:

I think we need a clue...hmmmm. Does it taste like licorice?

(5 years and 418 days ago)

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still26 says:

Nope, this is one that is very difficult to fathom. So, you took this photo with trusty tripod in situ....you then shot the scene and with movement on your part, you switched the focus on your camera, the movement of your body not scaring off the bird who sat there mesmerized and in exactly the same position?! Then you shot with a different focal length...GOOD GAWD you are mighty lucky to have such a cooperative bird! ? ! ? The birds here in the tropics and in Canada are much more skittish and would fly away as soon as I decided to switch focal lengths.

(5 years and 418 days ago)

The seagull and the boat
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still26 says:

We have one of these in our gym and they are excellent for a good biceps work out. You place your hands on the leather element and lean your body into a 45 degree angle, curl your toes in to prevent slippage. You then do a push up bringing the head down to leather element and ensure that the forehead is touching and hold the position for the count of 15 breaths, make sure the breaths are deep and diaphragmatic in nature. Then straighten out your arms, take a step forward to relax then redo the whole process agaiin...do it about 15 times and you will have biceps like OLGA from the VOLGA!

(5 years and 418 days ago)

What is It
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still26 says:

No way Jose, this is obviously a toaster over used to make pizzas and melted cheese wraps. It has two stories where you can make pizzas and or cheese melt wraps. You put the charcoal into the lower section or the belly and then the smoke accumulates in the oven part before it goes up the chimney. The natives painted this red so as to hide the hot firey red that changes the whole structure into a bloom of fire.

(5 years and 418 days ago)

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still26 says:


(5 years and 419 days ago)

Who knows?
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still26 says:

Harummph......hmmm.....a hair curler, if you put your hair in the egg beater part of it, then twirl it about...he he he he he he

(5 years and 420 days ago)

Who knows?
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still26 says:


(5 years and 420 days ago)

Watching you
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still26 says:

A gynecological instrument for menopausal women?

(5 years and 421 days ago)

Who knows?
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still26 says:

Top of your camera?

(5 years and 421 days ago)

Watching you
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still26 says:

makes you think....I like it very much.

(5 years and 422 days ago)

Christmas Conflicts
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still26 says:


(5 years and 422 days ago)

begging in front of the palace
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still26 says:

nice catch, sharp as a woman's tongue and good exposure. Spot on.

(5 years and 422 days ago)

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still26 says:

mmmmm love the glow and wishing you Happy Holidays and may the New Year bring you many adventures and great photography.

(5 years and 424 days ago)

Pre-Santa on Christmas Eve
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still26 says:

How absolutely wonderfully corny and what a sport. I love how we can see two photographers taking the shot and how the room looks as well, gives the viewer something to scan and enjoy. A lovely shot and Happy Holidays to you with best wishes for the New year...may it be full of adventure and great photography!

(5 years and 424 days ago)

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still26 says:

Looks like two deer paralyzed by your lens +

(5 years and 426 days ago)

Mr Santa and Mrs
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still26 says:

Creative and educational (for me)....thank you. Congrats!

(5 years and 427 days ago)

Two colors
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still26 says:

Congrats on one and two....

(5 years and 427 days ago)

Hand Blown
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still26 says:

A good shot...loved it and congrats!

(5 years and 427 days ago)

Orb of Glass Strands