5528 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Congrats For 1 to 4,now what

(5 years and 207 days ago)

Up Your Papaya
avatar Aphrodite
Aphrodite says:

Wooow!! Never have seen anything like it. Very very interesting!!

(5 years and 216 days ago)

Up There
avatar Aphrodite
Aphrodite says:

woooww!!! excellent!!!

(5 years and 222 days ago)

Of Course it
avatar photonut
photonut says:

yes that I do agree on,maybe a bit more speed might have shown movement better.

(5 years and 222 days ago)

The Fighter
avatar photonut
photonut says:

thanks for the info,explains it a bit

(5 years and 222 days ago)

Ode to Jackson Pollock
avatar photonut
photonut says:

your welcome,then I suppose you could say you were barking mad

(5 years and 222 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

Love this one,cute dog and the different theme of a frame used

(5 years and 223 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

Different but do wish there was a bit of explanation behind this.

(5 years and 223 days ago)

Ode to Jackson Pollock
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Interesting but don,t think the slow shutterspeed does this one any favours,but might only be my opinion,do wish more people would bloody comment on here.

(5 years and 223 days ago)

The Fighter
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Trying to fathom this one out.

(5 years and 223 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:


(5 years and 223 days ago)

Smoke Stacks
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Urban stress don,t even come into it,interesting one,what shutterspeed was used.

(5 years and 223 days ago)

Urban Stress
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Very Peacefull this one

(5 years and 223 days ago)

Art by Nature
avatar photonut
photonut says:

your welcome,just sent you an e-mail

(5 years and 225 days ago)

Spilled Blood
avatar photonut
photonut says:

different,take it its not your bedroom ceiling,wonder if they finished it.

(5 years and 225 days ago)

Top of Temple Ceiling
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Cute don,t even cover this

(5 years and 225 days ago)

What Shoe ?
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Good abstract and rich in color,and well thought out,clever using this water to get this.

(5 years and 225 days ago)

Spilled Blood
avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Go? go? go? where? not you????

(5 years and 227 days ago)

Rambutan Rumba
avatar photonut
photonut says:

wonder what these are

(5 years and 227 days ago)

Rambutan Rumba
avatar photonut
photonut says:

well done for both of these

(5 years and 231 days ago)

Of Course it
avatar photonut
photonut says:

good macro this

(5 years and 231 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

I never managed to do something any good with it, you should give me some lessons

(5 years and 231 days ago)

Of Course it
avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats sweetie, I love this one. Magic filter effect (and very good photo too)

(5 years and 231 days ago)

Of Course it
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Congrats olga,like this one

(5 years and 238 days ago)

Seen Better Days
avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats Olguittina

(5 years and 238 days ago)

Seen Better Days
avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats Olga

(5 years and 238 days ago)

Train conductor
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Good connection between the man and horse

(5 years and 241 days ago)

Horseman of Outer Mongolia
avatar photonut
photonut says:


(5 years and 245 days ago)

On the Road Again
avatar patty
patty says:

Congrats! Great panning

(5 years and 245 days ago)

On the Road Again
avatar photonut
photonut says:

really good variation on this theme

(5 years and 246 days ago)

New Shoes.
avatar nikita61
nikita61 says:

different !

(5 years and 246 days ago)

avatar nikita61
nikita61 says:

interesting point of view

(5 years and 246 days ago)

Train conductor
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Good use of observation,wonder if he missed his stop.

(5 years and 247 days ago)

Bullet Train Passenger
avatar photonut
photonut says:

well done for 1 and 2

(5 years and 252 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

well done olga for all three

(5 years and 252 days ago)

War - what is it good for?
avatar photonut
photonut says:

well done olga

(5 years and 252 days ago)

Good Tolerance Level
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Different but good one.

(5 years and 255 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

Good observation shot this,is the title a song as well

(5 years and 255 days ago)

War - what is it good for?
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Good one this and good you were at the same level as the girl.

(5 years and 255 days ago)

Here, There, Everywhere
avatar photonut
photonut says:

One downside of living there.

(5 years and 255 days ago)

Inhumane Treatment
avatar photonut
photonut says:

good job then we can,t smell them.

(5 years and 255 days ago)

Bad Smelly Poopers
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Different one,although the person is slighty lost in the reflection.

(5 years and 258 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

that takes some believing as am sure a LADY of your capability would get much more than 2 right,more like 2 wrong

(5 years and 260 days ago)

On the Road Again
avatar photonut
photonut says:

your welcome

(5 years and 260 days ago)

Disrespecting the Environment
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

It's been a million years since I've read that poem. Thanks for posting it.

(5 years and 261 days ago)

Step into My Parlour , said the spider to the fly
avatar photonut
photonut says:

this goes on in the uk,its called flytipping and if caught you get a heavy fine,mind you most people don,t get caught.

(5 years and 261 days ago)

Disrespecting the Environment
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Good use of panning in this,what shutterspeed did you use

(5 years and 261 days ago)

On the Road Again
avatar photonut
photonut says:

congrats on ist well

(5 years and 266 days ago)

Have your pick !
avatar patty
patty says:

congrats on 1st!

(5 years and 266 days ago)

Have your pick !
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

I think the fly adds to the shot

(5 years and 268 days ago)

Have your pick !