5528 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Looking at your description, you are indicating several L's.

"Your photo needs to contain a single letter, more then 1 letter is not allowed. "

(5 years and 1037 days ago)

avatar wedoo2
wedoo2 says:


(5 years and 1037 days ago)

Akita Provincial Park
avatar wedoo2
wedoo2 says:


(5 years and 1037 days ago)

All alone am I
avatar wedoo2
wedoo2 says:

Looks like they are racing. Pretty nice.

(5 years and 1037 days ago)

Oh Happy Day
avatar wedoo2
wedoo2 says:

What a cool shot. It looks as though she is posing. Maybe my favorite

(5 years and 1037 days ago)

 Purple Dolly
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Well composed. I like the different reaction of the driver and passenger.

(5 years and 1037 days ago)

Room for more
avatar spaceranger

There are many ways to do shadows. Put shadows on a layer set to multiply under the subject and paint in the shadow, some art skills help. you can add a gaussian blur to soften them and adjust the layer opacity to look right. No space here to write all the details but this video can help with some of the ways to do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft5TP0taDJU

Blue lightening has many great tutorials.

(5 years and 1037 days ago)

Global Warming
avatar friiskiwi
Moderator says:

Uncle Google is not always correct.

(5 years and 1037 days ago)

All alone am I
avatar MyMindsEye

Another nice entry. Well presented low key treatment.
Good job!

(5 years and 1038 days ago)

avatar MyMindsEye

Nicely presented. Border works well and contributes to the overall look.
Especially like that it adheres to the theme of Brand/Logo and not an Ornament
like some here.

(5 years and 1038 days ago)

KIA  -  South Korea
avatar chieflong
chieflong says:

Love the nice crisp colours. Well captured my friend!

(5 years and 1038 days ago)

Away from it all
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Hopefully more will do so

(5 years and 1038 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

like the placement of the guy and the way the boats form around him

(5 years and 1038 days ago)

Pokhora, Nepal
avatar photonut
photonut says:

well hes wrong then

(5 years and 1038 days ago)

Days End
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Good strong image and the hdr has given it a bit of character,like how the main subject is at the forfront in this,nice one

(5 years and 1039 days ago)

Days End
avatar photonut
photonut says:

good colourfull photo and full of fun

(5 years and 1039 days ago)

Oh Happy Day
avatar MyMindsEye

Really nice, this one.
Well composed with great balance and coloring.
The HDR processing is well done and adds super eye appeal (IMHO)
Good luck, Author.

(5 years and 1039 days ago)

Days End
avatar photonut
photonut says:

good one for the contest this

(5 years and 1039 days ago)

avatar wedoo2
wedoo2 says:

I agree with the first comment. He's going where he's already been and could maybe use a shadow. It's such a good idea.

(5 years and 1039 days ago)

Global Warming
avatar spaceranger
Moderator says:

I know much of this is new to you and we all have made mistakes. It's not a major problem you should be able to find a suitable replacement. I found a couple on pixabay you could use:
https://pixabay.com/en/hand-fan-chinese-japanese-166503/ You could tint this one to add color if you want.
https://pixabay.com/en/fan-grass-dopl%C5%88ky-asia-876370/ Not bad.
https://pixabay.com/en/fan-flowers-handmade-beauty-622643/ I like this one myself.

There's plenty of time, I'll leave your entry up just fix it and republish.

(5 years and 1039 days ago)

Global Warming
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

This kind of old school ride really brings back memories. Thanks! The emphasis never was about safety.

(5 years and 1040 days ago)

Raring to go
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Great expression on the child's face. My eye is distracted to the large open space on the lower left. Maybe crop the bottom a bit to even the proportion with the top. I'd also consider cropping the left side just to the left of the traffic signal. This would call that out as well.

(5 years and 1040 days ago)

Uh Oh a photographer!
avatar spaceranger
Moderator says:

The source used for the fan is an illustration and can't be used. If you look at the page of your source you can see the term "free illustration" listed. Illustrations are not permitted as per Photoshop Rules and Guidelines: 5.6. 3D Renders or Illustrations as Source:
Using other people's 3D renders or illustrations (even with permission and no matter in which form they are offered) creates a false impression of your artwork. So 3D renders or illustrations can not be used as sources, unless they are entirely created by yourself. Only acceptable non-illustration brushes and clip art may be used, but you need to mention them as a source too. Don't use an image that has been altered by the source owner nor an entire work created by someone else.

You will have to replace that source with one that is acceptable. I'll allow you time to fix this before sending a warning.

(5 years and 1041 days ago)

Global Warming
avatar chieflong
chieflong says:

Love it... Everyone can use a friend!

(5 years and 1041 days ago)

All in Good Time
avatar Dmitry
Dmitry says:

Agree with the above comment from "dhoebeke"

(5 years and 1042 days ago)

Away from it all
avatar Dmitry
Dmitry says:

Good shot. I like the way it was proceeded as well.

(5 years and 1042 days ago)

Uh Oh a photographer!
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

As I look closely at the picture, I want to be drawn more to the effect on the observers. When I cropped out the lights on the right, that worked a little better for me.

(5 years and 1042 days ago)

Puff the Magic Dragon
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Excellent concept. My eye tended to be distracted by the dirty all, though.

(5 years and 1042 days ago)

All in Good Time
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

I like the story and the expression on the girl being examined. Just wish the faces were as sharp as the pants.

(5 years and 1042 days ago)

Bug Inspection
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Congrats still

(5 years and 1043 days ago)

Square Wooden Tray
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

There are 4 or 5 great sub-shots here, the section of people right below the statue's name plate, for example. I'm thinking that the multiple stories will be much more visible once the piece is blown up.

(5 years and 1043 days ago)

Joy of Sakura
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Nice day and night contrast. I hope you packed a lunch!

(5 years and 1043 days ago)

12 hours later
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Incredible detail. It looks better the larger it gets.

(5 years and 1043 days ago)

Away from it all
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:


(5 years and 1044 days ago)

Square Wooden Tray
avatar madamemonty

Congrats, well done

(5 years and 1044 days ago)

Square Wooden Tray
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

well done

(5 years and 1044 days ago)

Two boats - 9 hours have passed
avatar velkanx
velkanx says:

I love this image, the way how nature helped you to find the round shape with the perfect reflection, so beautiful!

(5 years and 1045 days ago)

Circle, Circle, Circle
avatar velkanx
velkanx says:

Very nice one! good luck author

(5 years and 1045 days ago)

Vietnam Pondering
avatar wedoo2
wedoo2 says:

Wow, how cool.

(5 years and 1045 days ago)

Circle, Circle, Circle
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Great detail and framing! You might get an even stronger effect by changing the POV slightly from one side or the other, since most people tend to shoot straight on.

(5 years and 1046 days ago)

Quan An - Goddess of Compassion
avatar photonut
photonut says:

good street shot with humour,would have loved to have taken this

(5 years and 1046 days ago)

Shave it OFF !
avatar photonut
photonut says:

I like this one,colourfull and humourous

(5 years and 1046 days ago)

Hair Today
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Looks like he's hopping backwards on one foot.

(5 years and 1046 days ago)

Global Warming
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Doesn't look like the same building to me.

(5 years and 1046 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

The setting is excellent. I appreciate how the gown pulls the gold color out of the bricks and the earth tones out of the walkways.

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

Vietnam Pondering
avatar Wayne Cheah

This should be in the "hair" contest?

(5 years and 1047 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Excellent use of depth of field. It makes it impossible to escape from the destruction. I appreciate that you preserved this moment.

(5 years and 1048 days ago)

Nepal Earthquake - Kathmandu
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

You have really captured the sense of depth and distance ... and eliminated any desire to walk across it.

(5 years and 1048 days ago)

Into the Blue
avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

It's great that even with the white background, there is so much detail.

(5 years and 1048 days ago)

avatar dhoebeke
dhoebeke says:

Agreed. Who does her hair?

(5 years and 1048 days ago)
