5528 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

What an amazing difference between the before and after. I really like the high key treatment. Did you do that with a filter or just by adjusting levels and brightness?
The ninja pose also seems to follow the lines of the background which makes a very pleasing composition.

(5 years and 475 days ago)

avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Yes I like it much better. It's not "oh so ordinary" at all. It's magnificent. It's the kind of inspiring photo that makes me want to achieve results just as good.

(5 years and 475 days ago)

Munch, Munch, Munch
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Yes I agree,although the effect is different,think I also agree it would have been fine as it was

(5 years and 475 days ago)

Munch, Munch, Munch
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

The little statues are charming. You did a wonderful job of cloning the poles out of the scene.
I personally find the brightly coloured background a bit distracting. Have you tried it in BW?

(5 years and 475 days ago)

.....and the band played on.
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Simple but effective

(5 years and 475 days ago)

Warm Autumn Hues
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Absolutely magnificent.

(5 years and 475 days ago)

Warm Autumn Hues
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Gorgeous photo but I'm not sure if I like the artistic pencil effect on this one. It's slightly overdone for my personal taste. I would like to see it without any added artistic filters. I think a photo like that can stand alone and is beautiful without any added extras but I am sure others will love the effect. It's a matter of personal taste after all.

(5 years and 475 days ago)

Munch, Munch, Munch
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

It most likely would but it would take a lot longer than just adding a soft light layer.

(5 years and 476 days ago)

Cabbage Patch
avatar photonut
photonut says:

like the b/w effect and diminishing perspective,and don,t mind the dirt

(5 years and 476 days ago)

The Pathway
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Well done for 1 and 2 and 4

(5 years and 476 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

Well done olga for 1,2,3 and 4 any chance to can go on holiday again lol

(5 years and 476 days ago)

Beauty in Beige
avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats for all your wins!!! oh yes, you're back

(5 years and 476 days ago)

Beauty in Beige
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

It's a brilliant idea to make a section of the path for wheelchairs or prams or anything else with wheels.

(5 years and 476 days ago)

Urban Pathway
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Hahahahaha... I am just being picky but if we are aiming for perfection we need to be picky.

(5 years and 476 days ago)

The Pathway
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Clean, crisp and sharp looking but there are a few spots on the windows on our right.
Not sure if that is due to dirty windows because the window washer did not do his job properly or due to camera lens dust?
You know how to fix it.

(5 years and 476 days ago)

The Pathway
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

All that electrical wiring at the top makes me think that this path goes someplace dangerous. It probably doesn't but that's the first thing that came to my mind when I saw it.
It's an interesting path with the steps on either side. I have never seen a path like that before in my lifetime.
I don't see any technical flaws in the work so I have no suggestions to offer for improvement.

(5 years and 476 days ago)

Urban Pathway
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

When you open photoshop, there is a box at the top labelled feather. Just type the amount of pixels into that box and any selection tool will automatically select a feathered edge. Remember to change it back to zero when you want sharp edge selections.
This video will show you what I am talking about.

I will just take your word for it re the saturation boost. I don't have Picassa so I have no clue how it works.

(5 years and 476 days ago)

Cabbage Patch
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Very nicely done. The pencil sketch is subtle and highlights the veins beautifully. You also brightened the highlights well. The end result has a lot more light than the original.
Not sure what you mean by adding saturation to the pencil sketch?
Adding saturation to a black and white image doesn't make it coloured.

A suggestion for improvement....
Select highlights only and feather the selection by about 30-50 pixels. Copy it and paste on a new layer. Then change the blend mode to soft light. You can then change transparency to suit your taste. That should add another lighting effect to make it look like some sunlight is shining on the cabbage patch. Try it and see what you think.

(5 years and 477 days ago)

Cabbage Patch
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

I prefer warm with cool breezes.

(5 years and 477 days ago)

Yellow Woods
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

I would take a walk through there any time. Love the autumn leaves.

(5 years and 478 days ago)

Yellow Woods
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Of course Oscar Wilde also only lived to be 46 years old.

(5 years and 478 days ago)

A cup of tea
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Nicely taken photo and makes you want to walk there

(5 years and 478 days ago)

Yellow Woods
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Not to sure of flavour though,do like the thought process behind this

(5 years and 478 days ago)

Melon and Lavender   -   YUM
avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess. Oscar Wilde

(5 years and 478 days ago)

A cup of tea
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

"Moderation" Same thing the Greeks said ("Meden Agan" - Nothing in excess). Must be something to it. Good thing there's a loophole for chocolate.

(5 years and 478 days ago)

A cup of tea
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

I have been called eagle eyes a few times.

(5 years and 478 days ago)

Friendships matter.
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Is tea particularly healthy?

(5 years and 478 days ago)

A cup of tea
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Lovely silhouette and sunset. What are the two white dots on the horizon?
They are only tiny but still tend to draw attention. I would clone them out but that's just my personal preference.
Check your horizon line. It is ever so slightly tilted to the right.

(5 years and 479 days ago)

Friendships matter.
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Lovely autumn colors and a beautiful view.

(5 years and 479 days ago)

Autumnal Path
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Crisp, clean and flawless.

(5 years and 479 days ago)

Seiko Blue
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Good for them,it was ment as a joke

(5 years and 480 days ago)

Yes, I will marry you.
avatar photonut
photonut says:

good for her

(5 years and 480 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Cute kids

(5 years and 480 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

Title says it all,don,t need anything else.

(5 years and 480 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

Nicely caught moment,mind you that's the last time he sees his wallet

(5 years and 480 days ago)

Yes, I will marry you.
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Ha lovely moment caught in this,observation in this,and one that does tell a story,like this.

(5 years and 480 days ago)

avatar photonut
photonut says:

Sort of tells a story

(5 years and 480 days ago)

This is how to pray
avatar photonut
photonut says:

well seen and taken moment

(5 years and 480 days ago)

A bit more to the left.
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Nice use of contrast between the subject and flower,again good use of dof

(5 years and 481 days ago)

Softly Shy
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Good close-up this and cracking dof

(5 years and 481 days ago)

Lady in Red
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

(5 years and 482 days ago)

Beauty in Beige
avatar photonut
photonut says:

well done olga for this

(5 years and 511 days ago)

The Gobi Desert
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Well done Olga for 1/2/4 and 5 no stopping you is there

(5 years and 511 days ago)

A Smile for You
avatar photonut
photonut says:

Well done Olga for the first five,some doing this,good use of panning.

(5 years and 511 days ago)

avatar Zizounai
Zizounai says:

Congrats for all this week's wins Olga, the chops included, brillant

(5 years and 511 days ago)

avatar BWR
BWR says:

Yea congrats on your Chops.

(5 years and 512 days ago)

Drifting Away
avatar skyangel
skyangel says:

Congratulations on 4th and 5th Olga. Well done.

(5 years and 512 days ago)

Drifting Away
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Lots of wiggly stuff.

(5 years and 514 days ago)

Do Re Mi
avatar BWR
BWR says:

He or she looks happy for sure.

(5 years and 514 days ago)

Happy Squeak!
avatar BWR
BWR says:

Perty colors.

(5 years and 514 days ago)

Drifting Away