Roaring Wildfire

For: fire contest
Thanks Wikipedia.
For: fire contest
For: land meets water 2018 contest
For: black and white 2018 contest
This was made with the Source Image only. Check out the SBS to see how it was made.
For: wheel contest
Unusual wire sculpture found on a sand dune.
For: statue or sculpture contest
SBS included. Robotic Chameleon made mainly with a scooter, motorcycle, and gears. Leaves for texture only.
For: robotic pets contest
Horses were cut from backgrounds and placed on new background. The mouths were cut out separately, slightly warped and liquified to exaggerate the shapes. The "wild" manes and hair were cut out and added. They were also warped and liquified to fit. Some of the mane hairs were painted in ...
For: animal team contest
Please see SBS.
For: garden tap contest
All source except for the wheels, seat, engine springs and exhaust. Even the Robot was created entirely from source. See SBS
For: garden tap contest
Tree above 4000 metres.
These are purpose built pods in can stay in a part of scotland