1 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar still26
still26 says:

A solid photograph, good exposure, your shutter speed froze the flurry of flag well and the compositional style with nice tight crop makes for a pleasant view of your upload.

(5 years and 1053 days ago)

Entry number 101086
avatar still26
still26 says:

Crisp clear and full of story. Nicely formatted and just a great shot over all.

(5 years and 1053 days ago)

Entry number 101085
avatar still26
still26 says:

So glad you gave this "room to flow into". It is nice to see you here as well , this site is one million times better than TOS (that other site). Top marks for this shot. The only problem is that members here don't review as much as TOS but at least the reviews are sincere and helpful not canned. WELCOME "great talent, honorific journalistic genius".

(5 years and 1053 days ago)

Entry number 101084
avatar Denlig
Denlig says:

The Cuauhtemoc is not an old boat because its construction dates from 1982. It is a sail training vessel of the Mexican Navy.

(5 years and 1057 days ago)

Entry number 101086