An old picture carried in a proud father's wallet for over 40 years
For: photo restoration contest
An old picture carried in a proud father's wallet for over 40 years
For: photo restoration contest
Confucius says: It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. Thank you kisaragirl, shakealicious and ladyvictoire
Ps and source, an old entry
thank you David Nigel and JonasKr
For: hand sign contest
A former entry, all source and PS
For: deco girl contest
Had some fun with PS and created a contest of my own. A former entry for PST
PS and source
For: grandpa contest
all ps and source
For: grandpa contest
ty you Tapiona
For: water plants contest
Used ps and source only
For: money bags contest
Went with an imaginary city escaping us mean old humans, kind of like you would find in a fairytale. Thank you redheadstock and Dave Nagel
thank you justcola, Alvimann, jetolla, earl53 and mconnors
Thank you julesinky, JavierZhX and Obsidian Dawn
For: rock face contest
source only and lots of playing with ps
For: dance floor contest
Thank you felisha
For: fountain contest
Used ps and imagination thank you david nagel and Dezignus
Used ps and a former contest image
Used ps and source image Thank you JavierZhX
For: drum beats contest
Thank you Razor and Dazzmon for offering the picture for use. A caricature "can" refer to a portrait that exaggerates or distorts the essence of a person or thing to create an easily identifiable visual likeness. "It also" refers to a representation of a person who is doing a...
For: caricatures contest
Mistermonty has been working hard on the site, to many long days and late nights in front of a computer monitor has taken its toll. Took creative license and had some fun. Thank you Mistermonty for posting your picture to be used, with all the entries of Giulia, didn't want you to feel left ou...
For: caricatures contest