315 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

I'm not sure what the "best" thing is in this picture. Windows? Birds? Eggs?

(5 years and 3441 days ago)

Through the window
avatar FallingHorse

It's not very anonymous when you name a lot of entries in different comps 'nameless'

(5 years and 3441 days ago)

From below
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

If you brought up the contrast, it would really improve this entry. GL!

(5 years and 3442 days ago)

From below
avatar mishti
mishti says:

Coz you are adorable

(5 years and 3457 days ago)

Why me??
avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

quite the paint job -- nice image

(5 years and 3462 days ago)

avatar cocor
cocor says:

Beautiful background colours and a very fresh green! GL

(5 years and 3475 days ago)

A Li
avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Oh I love how fuzzy it is, and the background is really nice too.

(5 years and 3476 days ago)

A Li
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Might crop it down to just show a section of the leaf with the pattern and colors (if you have high enough resolution)

(5 years and 3477 days ago)

Dotted leaf.
avatar Teebone100

Whoa! pink??

(5 years and 3479 days ago)

Dotted leaf.
avatar k5683
k5683 says:


(5 years and 3479 days ago)

Dotted leaf.
avatar Mikaelbg
Mikaelbg says:

Beautiful colors

(5 years and 3481 days ago)

Dotted leaf.
avatar cocor
cocor says:

not many z's in this contest... very good!

(5 years and 3482 days ago)

Simplest one
avatar erathion
erathion says:

very nice...gl

(5 years and 3482 days ago)

His humble services
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Amazing shot...very well done

(5 years and 3482 days ago)

The Woman at work
avatar erathion
erathion says:

very nice exotic shot...gl

(5 years and 3482 days ago)

Wprk is worship
no avatar

Love it, good luck!

(5 years and 3483 days ago)

Simplest one
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Nice shot, but much too light IMO,

(5 years and 3484 days ago)

The Woman at work

i also see T with u on top!

(5 years and 3484 days ago)



(5 years and 3484 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

great shot.

(5 years and 3484 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Y, nice shot

(5 years and 3484 days ago)

hidden letter_4c755a4bbc9eb
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Nice shot

(5 years and 3484 days ago)

His humble services
no avatar
photomad says:

letter Z

(5 years and 3484 days ago)

Simplest one
avatar EmiK
EmiK says:

Wow, what a wonderful wife she must have been, or a wonderful husband = )

(5 years and 3488 days ago)

An Elegy in Marble
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Garden??? What garden?

(5 years and 3489 days ago)

cottage gardens_4c6ea59014e84
avatar FallingHorse

Nice pic but the green looks oversaturated to me

(5 years and 3489 days ago)

Wah Taj!
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

beautiful building, shame you just chopped the top.

(5 years and 3490 days ago)

An Elegy in Marble
avatar adeincyprus

................What makes your city or town unique? It's always the people so find something more unusual, something from which we all can learn, something that makes us want to Google your town..............so what is it here?

(5 years and 3491 days ago)

Wah Taj!
avatar momvera
momvera says:

I agree about straitening your horizon

(5 years and 3495 days ago)

land meets water_4c655572ea654
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

You should have straitened your horizon.

(5 years and 3496 days ago)

When water actually came
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

You should have straitened your horizon.

(5 years and 3496 days ago)

land meets water_4c655572ea654
avatar FallingHorse

agrees with horizon straightening

(5 years and 3496 days ago)

land meets water_4c655572ea654
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

nice set-up, but could use a little sharper focus

(5 years and 3496 days ago)

For the woman you love!
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

This is a lovely shot, but could be improved by straightening the horizon.

(5 years and 3497 days ago)

land meets water_4c655572ea654
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

it almost seems just a tad blurry

(5 years and 3498 days ago)

For the woman you love!
avatar jeaniblog
jeaniblog says:

Sweet kids..

(5 years and 3500 days ago)

Say Cheeeeeezz
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

that is better

(5 years and 3500 days ago)

A Boat In the river.
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

why the all over purple colour?

(5 years and 3501 days ago)

A Boat In the river.
avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Nice... is it Ganges River?

(5 years and 3501 days ago)

A Boat In the river.
no avatar
kumar says:

in this i lovely hanuman ji..

(5 years and 3501 days ago)

no avatar
kumar says:

lovely moment...

(5 years and 3501 days ago)

Moments of laughter, joy.....
avatar askingalexandria

(5 years and 3502 days ago)

Moments of laughter, joy.....
avatar jeaniblog
jeaniblog says:

Perhaps the other way up would be better?

(5 years and 3503 days ago)

Better not to use!
avatar erathion
erathion says:

very nice shot...gl

(5 years and 3504 days ago)

Better not to use!
avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

I am definitely liking the color. GL!

(5 years and 3504 days ago)

dramatic weather_4c58e9c1bf945
avatar erathion
erathion says:

wow,amazing colors and great shot author...well done

(5 years and 3504 days ago)

dramatic weather_4c58e9c1bf945
avatar mishti
mishti says:

oh..I never knew they are like red when they are new borns..damn cute author. Definately lovely n lovely

(5 years and 3518 days ago)

A nice/mice family
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:


(5 years and 3531 days ago)

Fan Vs Fan
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

The thing on the right is a fan?

(5 years and 3532 days ago)

Fan Vs Fan
avatar jeaniblog
jeaniblog says:

Nice one..

(5 years and 3533 days ago)

Small mischievs