795 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

LOL...was thinking the same. Great ad!

(5 years and 2521 days ago)

avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Another of one of my fav flowers. Hi res really shows off this image. Excellent!

(5 years and 2522 days ago)

Black and white Clematis
avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Beautifully balanced!

(5 years and 2522 days ago)

Snow Balls
avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Having that small bit of brick in the shot really sets of the softness of the flowers. Nice!

(5 years and 2522 days ago)

Nice Bunch
avatar JannaR
JannaR says:

Nice texture, and very intimidating!

(5 years and 2522 days ago)

avatar JannaR
JannaR says:


(5 years and 2522 days ago)

Brown Dog Food Leaving Bowl
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Is it Weeping?

(5 years and 2524 days ago)

avatar Lorena_99
Lorena_99 says:

Great phone advertisement!

(5 years and 2524 days ago)

avatar Lorena_99
Lorena_99 says:

Overload ?

(5 years and 2524 days ago)

Will she float?
avatar Wayne Cheah

How about a clue?

(5 years and 2525 days ago)

Will she float?
avatar need_to_smile

Well, just a bit Still that was a good chance for me to learn a new english word LOL

(5 years and 2525 days ago)

Brown Dog Food Leaving Bowl
avatar need_to_smile

According to your hint and the title, this should be brownout =)

(5 years and 2525 days ago)

Brown Dog Food Leaving Bowl
avatar Chrys Rizzo

Ok... ok... I tried hard, but no idea... GL

(5 years and 2525 days ago)

Brown Dog Food Leaving Bowl
avatar Chrys Rizzo

overthrow? Ohhh... come on... give us a clue.............

(5 years and 2526 days ago)

Brown Dog Food Leaving Bowl
avatar Chrys Rizzo


(5 years and 2526 days ago)

Brown Dog Food Leaving Bowl
avatar Wayne Cheah


(5 years and 2527 days ago)

Will she float?
avatar Wayne Cheah


(5 years and 2527 days ago)

Will she float?
avatar solkee
solkee says:

Pity that you chopped the top off it, otherwise it's quite nice.

(5 years and 2528 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

You will have to learn to use your feet. A few more steps and standing in-front of the tree in the middle and you would have had a nice photo.

(5 years and 2529 days ago)

Big Tree Little House
avatar Wayne Cheah

Oppsss.....sorry....didn't read your own comment.

(5 years and 2529 days ago)

Often seen when golfing
avatar Wayne Cheah

This is too easy...."dogleg"?

(5 years and 2529 days ago)

Often seen when golfing
avatar friiskiwi
Moderator says:

Yes like carpet. A picture f something that is made up of two words, making one none hyphenated word. Or a basket and a ball, meaning basketball.

(5 years and 2529 days ago)

Brown Dog Food Leaving Bowl
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

We are only supposed to use one word, not two.

(5 years and 2529 days ago)

Brown Dog Food Leaving Bowl
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

too many trees

(5 years and 2529 days ago)

Big Tree Little House
avatar Heathcliffe

I have dachshunds who do something like this. At no stage should you think the kitchen counter is a safe place. Terrific capture

(5 years and 2557 days ago)

avatar Heathcliffe

Ah shame. I think the doggy would sue you for slander posting this :p . Good luck with your entry. Hope your doggies are well

(5 years and 2557 days ago)

avatar lincemiope

and the 'other dog does not eat?
I hope the dog with the collar is healed
nice picture

(5 years and 2559 days ago)

avatar Cellesmiles

And here I was thinking the kids had actually washed the dishes.....

(5 years and 2560 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Nice light and focus

(5 years and 2608 days ago)

Playing at the beach
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

nice one

(5 years and 2608 days ago)

Underwater Girls
avatar shivthink
shivthink says:

great snap, could have been little under exposed to focus on dropelt

(5 years and 2608 days ago)

avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

My grandmother actually used one of those, although it wasn't rusty

(5 years and 2611 days ago)

Washing Machine
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:


(5 years and 2612 days ago)

Tulip Poking Out
avatar Artifakts
Artifakts says:

I agree with Friiskiwi ! Very bad integration of the head ... Usually we don't see where the changes have been done but here it's gross...

(5 years and 2613 days ago)

Family Portrait
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Dear Teecee,
I guess you feel you have proven your point, get a harsh comment and you end up near the bottom of the pile. My feelings are that this photo ended up near the bottom of the pile not because of harsh comments, but be cause technically it was a bad photo.
I have many photos that have ended up at or near the bottom, with out any bad comments, they might even had good ones. In some cases I agree that the other photos were better, in other cases I have been surprised. Hopefully I learn more from my bad photos than from my good ones.
Good Luck in future contests.

(5 years and 2618 days ago)

PXL Politics :)
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

A solution to that is to vote before you read the comments. That makes it completely impartial.

(5 years and 2618 days ago)

PXL Politics :)
avatar perfectway76

I love antiques! Very cool

(5 years and 2619 days ago)

Washing Machine
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

nice one

(5 years and 2620 days ago)

Pretty in Pink
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Good idea, but very badly done, IMO.

(5 years and 2620 days ago)

Family Portrait
avatar jerostone
jerostone says:

Author, maybe you should read more carefully the topic's guidelines. In the alphabet order, N, not B, follows M

(5 years and 2620 days ago)

avatar meatman
meatman says:

It can't be politicians cause there ain't any CRAP laying on the ground !!

(5 years and 2621 days ago)

Small and dressed
avatar kyricom
kyricom says:

Maybe they're feral goats

(5 years and 2621 days ago)

People who let their goats run free
avatar meatman
meatman says:

all of the above comments remind me of our democrats and republicans here in the good ole USA, getting ready to go over the fiscal cliff pointing fingers at each other on the way down.

(5 years and 2622 days ago)

PXL Politics :)
avatar lincemiope

very nice
a conference of politicians?

(5 years and 2622 days ago)

Small and dressed
avatar lincemiope

fantastic, gerat dog, great photo

(5 years and 2623 days ago)

avatar Chrys Rizzo

like your sense of humor! Good luck

(5 years and 2623 days ago)

PXL Politics :)
avatar lincemiope

I voted up
the photo is not perfect, but the idea is brilliant
beyond the commonplace

(5 years and 2623 days ago)

PXL Politics :)
avatar FallingHorse

Love his hand bag

(5 years and 2623 days ago)

The Smoker
no avatar
eco says:

first time i´ve heard of this pet peeve

(5 years and 2624 days ago)

People who let their goats run free
avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

That would annoy me too, not that it happens in my neighbourhood

(5 years and 2624 days ago)

People who let their goats run free