6 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar erathion
erathion says:

very nice try author...in the future,when u make bubbles always is nice thing to use same color as water or other bubbles and splashes...gives a bit more on realism...best of luck

(5 years and 3354 days ago)

Rejected Lemons
avatar DanLundberg

I would avoid text on the image unless it's integral to the message/meaning/point of the image beyond title of the entry (which does not seem to be the case here). Also, why is the banana smaller than the apple which is smaller than the lemons contrary to one's usual expectations?

(5 years and 3361 days ago)

Rejected Lemons
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The weird shapes around the fruits in the water don't make sense, and the color reflections at the top of the water in the pitcher needs to be slightly adjusted.

(5 years and 3361 days ago)

Rejected Lemons
avatar Robart523
Robart523 says:

Yeah I must say I am a little confused by the fruit in the pitcher, and why are they surrounded by purple....?

(5 years and 3361 days ago)

Rejected Lemons
no avatar
mexe says:

what about the bannana and the apple??

(5 years and 3361 days ago)

Rejected Lemons
avatar layerstack

Top left lemon still needs some help with the eraser tool...

(5 years and 3362 days ago)

Rejected Lemons