Leaf me Alone!

Leaf picture by Nkzs Sky picture by Straymuse Both from SCX Hope you like it
For: tree fear contest
Leaf picture by Nkzs Sky picture by Straymuse Both from SCX Hope you like it
For: tree fear contest
Tried to create something dream-like and surreal... :)
In case you weren't sure yet, aliens do exist à nd they know the way to planet Earth! The humans hoped they came with the world peace where they longed to for so long already, but nope...these aliens -the Blurks- just want to take over the world, which they did pretty successful too! All the world...
model is from sxc http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=889863 by speedy2
For: human motion contest
one of my old entries http://cgarena%20%20creating%20soap%20bubblespart1.mht/ bubbles created using the above tutorial.... http://alfoart.com/the_sunken_ship_1.html above tutorial followed.... moss brushes and crack brushes from www.obsidiandawn.com
For: tourist ship contest
credit to jonathanBy on sxc http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=936119 background is my own photo
Source only. Made some additions. Tattoo translation..."Sexy". Please see high resolution. Thanks.
Thanks to Picture Taker 2 and werksdesig, who has been notified
For: natural impotence contest
thanxs Sundstrom for the horse pic
For: alpaca contest
self-portrait in pure rage. mechanical pencil on printer paper.
For: facial expression contest
The sky and landscape are beautiful, thanks to Lelaina, from Stock pics here at pxleyes. I got this idea, as the teepee needed some color, so, I decided to do this.
For: teepee contest
The best way to surprise the 7 Dwarfs is to give them cake after a long day of working. So that's what Slowwhipe does! She's barely in the mine or Gula is already jumping into the cake to eat it all alone. Ira, also hungry, gets furious! Acedia doesn't care much and just continues sleeping. Luxuria ...
For: deadly sins contest
source + i'd like to thank the owner of this blog for the kelp png files: http://posermagic.blogspot.com/2009_09_05_archive.html
For: doggy toy contest
Thanks to NineTen for the background picture Hope you enjoy it
For: teepee contest
For: skull contest
Thanks to vray-materials.de for their amazing library of brilliant free to use textures.
The minute I saw this image I just thought the chair would be perfect for reading...so I decided to create a magic atmosphere filled with books and vintage items! I added girl and each item from different PNG files to create room atmosphere. Added shadows individually for each item, colored overal...
For: sofa render contest
created the glove by using a brush and dabbing onto a layer and then multiplying. added sparkle by using star brush. cloud brushes by http://www.obsidiandawn.com/clouds-ii-photoshop-gimp-brushes changed the birds so link is up!
For: deadly sins contest
An oldie Only source
For: sofa render contest
"You!!! You bloody little cheater!!!" * no external sources.
For: balloons contest
made the flag and the pole using standard shapes and the border using pen tool. dodged and burned for shadows and highlights.
For: wet leaves contest