
No outside source images were used in the making of this entry "Geranium" Please check out the SBS where I give a full idea of how it was done....comments and critics appreciated
For: burger contest
No outside source images were used in the making of this entry "Geranium" Please check out the SBS where I give a full idea of how it was done....comments and critics appreciated
For: burger contest
No outside images were used in the making of this entry,,,,, just the one provided by pxleyes...lots of layers and of course Photoshop check the SBS please
For: drum beats contest
I selected pieces from source image, reconstructed elephant based on source 1, merged all elements, placed sky backround, added shadows using different grey brushes on a separate layer and changed blending mode to hard light. Added some gradient adjustment layers for coloring, corrected some areas ...
For: drum beats contest
Well the djembe looked like a Rasta guy... Only source image! Except the eyes that I drew in photoshop. Used two outside sources as references to know where to place shadows and highlights. Also used the outside source t-shirt to create a displacement map. All done using warp, burn and dodge. P...
For: drum beats contest
People from the village, who saw her walking at midnight to the top of the hill, say that she looked pale, trembling. It was as her mind was away. She was just walking to meet somebody. "We, the ones who followed her," "did not see anything. It was dark, and the sky was getting red...
Using that silvery shiny surface game the idea of creating this imaginary bird. No other sources were used in its making, just the image provided by pxleyes for the contest....everything is PS
For: silver fence contest
I got inspired by a painting and felt it would fit this poppie field perfectly.
For: poppie field contest
Thanks to Global Conservation Assistance, Stig Nygaard
This is some years after the war. With nothing to do but survive she added her own drawings on an ancient cavewall, thinking about time and how it must have been...long ago...
Welcome back everyone!
For: bolts contest
This was a real project, source only. The meeting between the friendly giant and the ahum...the....
For: avocado contest
Bullying...It happens now, but you bet 65 million years ago it wasn't much different. Check for example Gerry the Bronto. Every time again he's Tyrone Rex's target. There's no day that Tyrone doesn't nag Gerry with stupid things and Gerry is too insecure to reply. Until today, because he just can'...
For: avocado contest
Expedition 205.35 Lost And Presumed Dead - Stardate 45.000/564/68; Set accordingly the first quadrant - On planet coded as AYW-345-435.
For: chandelier contest
The charts magically seem to come alive. Used two sources, mainly for the colors.
For: maritime contest
Our hero Winsor glorifies high in the sky in his Splutfire vehicle. Together with his companion Balthazar the Bear they seem to be undefeated. But what is that out there, as a flash light in a clear sky? It's the evil Duke McBastard who, sneaky as he always is, suddenly appeared with a cowardly atta...
For: metal barn contest
from scratch, photoshop and source only. My first Dragon. I hope you like him. He´s actually very jelly, ... uhm, gently i mean. :-)
For: jelly contest
Thanks to eirian-stock Thanks to kelly63
For: brown bench contest
An entry to get the contest started. Entry is all source and PS, no other images used. Please view in High Resolution.
Please see Hi Res. All Photoshop, No outside sources (besides contest source)
For: acorn contest
Source only.
For: gumballs contest
This little piggy went to market. This little piggy stayed home. This little piggy had roast beef. This little piggy had none. And *this* little piggy cried wee-wee-wee all the way home.
For: baby foot contest