Golden Face

The Golden Face was done using Blender 3D, with nice texturing procedure. All the images were created by me.
The Golden Face was done using Blender 3D, with nice texturing procedure. All the images were created by me.
Ice-eutipego - Done in Blender 3D
For: ice cube contest
The Time is Up Hour Glass was made using Blender 3D application. I used the Cycles render it. Some free textures were applyed for HDR effect and base.
For: hour glass contest
I decided to participate with a state of the art brick phone. This one was made inspired in the idea that for billionaries it does not matter the high tech level but the amount of gold involved in their things.
A champion of a league of a single contestant
The idea is to show the risks we take with dangerous overtaking on the highways.
Just a simple pool table after game over.
For: pool table contest
The idea would be to call it Stinker, but I decided after a misspelling keep the name as Strinker, even though the word has no meaning. This allows me to invent a meaning for it and I decided that the "tri" indicates three times Stinker, or Strinker.
These fashion wigs were created to those who not care about being a point of reference.
For: wigs contest
In Brazil the most practiced sport is soccer. The biggest national sports legend Pele is the unique player he was world champion of football three times. He scored over 1,300 goals in his career. Never one other player came close to that mark.
For: legends contest
The idea is give the sensation of flying with a hat.
For: crazy hats contest
For: art deco contest
Our hero is in the last level of of game, but now he has only a broken knife to face 300 cannons of his enemy. Do you want know if it is possible? Buy the game, man!
For: game concept contest
Through the jungle!
For: game concept contest
The dangerous power!
For: art deco contest
The thing is emerging from the sewer
For: ermerging contest
Only a small boat made by humble fishermen.
For: boats contest
The Red Tree is one of my favorite models. I've done the tree using many techniques of Blender 3D in order to reach the easiest way to have a nice tree.
For: mixed contest
If you really want to be hidden, try use this double mask utility.
For: mixed contest
Under the moon light only the best dark beer is welcome.
For: pxl beer contest
In the future the only source of water will be the garbage reprocessing. I used the Blender 3D to model all this scene. I used some free textures to apply in the models. In the bottle I used a procedural material to obtain the glass effect.