You're welcome! I often comment first, vote later - sometimes days later. But in this case, I voted at the same time, so I know which entry you mean. That is a fabulous entry. HAS to be a winner!
Oh, just delete my double post there, TK. It's time lagging or memory failing in my computer internet connection. Thanks for your greets on me too. I'll post more great entries. Just you wait. Hehe...
27 profile comments: ( page 1 of 2)
Nice one. Seamless combination of 2 objects
(5 years and 2700 days ago)Thank you for the welcome :P
(5 years and 2733 days ago)and it's my pleasure for the fav.
No problem! Great work! Keep it up.
(5 years and 2832 days ago)Thanks for the friendship add back TK
(5 years and 2856 days ago)Bunch of Thanks for the fav on my misty morning entry
(5 years and 2876 days ago)Thanks a ton for the fav on my zero gravity entry.
(5 years and 2894 days ago)you're welcome and thanks for the congrats! great portfolio!
(5 years and 2908 days ago)Thanks for your nice comments, tk. But I'm kinda tired of making the sbs as good as usual. =(
(5 years and 2913 days ago)congrats tk for the 1st place in ps.
(5 years and 2916 days ago)- blur -
A pleasure to be your friend
(5 years and 2968 days ago)no problem
(5 years and 2973 days ago)Thanks for favouring my sunrise entry, and for your friendship!
(5 years and 2992 days ago)congratulations for the first place
(5 years and 3077 days ago)thank you so much for the fav tk
(5 years and 3107 days ago)Never too late TK, you did a great job on your entry! Looking forward to see more!
(5 years and 3122 days ago)You're welcome! I often comment first, vote later - sometimes days later. But in this case, I voted at the same time, so I know which entry you mean. That is a fabulous entry. HAS to be a winner!
(5 years and 3148 days ago)You're developing a good portfolio...keep it up!
(5 years and 3148 days ago)Thanks for your fav tk!!
(5 years and 3149 days ago)Oh, just delete my double post there, TK. It's time lagging or memory failing in my computer internet connection. Thanks for your greets on me too. I'll post more great entries. Just you wait. Hehe...
(5 years and 3168 days ago)Hi, congratulation on your Mouse TD, tk. Loves your unique style & idea of 'cheesing'.
(5 years and 3168 days ago)You deserved it at the 1st place, my friend.