Tk is a bloke. His Pxl age is 5 years and 3217 days. He was last seen 5 years and 1167 days ago.
Hi, TK. I'm sorry, I couldn't find any good place nor enough time to take your creation into mine (Long John Silver). But I'm assure for you, I'll take that later & post your permission first. Thank you for the fave, man. I'm most honored.
welcome to our artistic family. THanks for adding me as a buddy.
Amazing portfolio!
Thanks for the fave & added me to your friend list, TK. Nice works you got there! ^_^
TK, thank you so much for the fav on Childhood Magic!!! Hugs!
Welcome here and good luck!
A bit late, but welcome on pxl. Nice work you've got there, especially the drawings! Keep it up.
27 profile comments: ( page 2 of 2)
Hi, TK. I'm sorry, I couldn't find any good place nor enough time to take your creation into mine (Long John Silver).
(5 years and 3171 days ago)But I'm assure for you, I'll take that later & post your permission first. Thank you for the fave, man. I'm most honored.
welcome to our artistic family.

(5 years and 3178 days ago)THanks for adding me as a buddy.
Amazing portfolio!
(5 years and 3179 days ago)Thanks for the fave & added me to your friend list, TK. Nice works you got there! ^_^
(5 years and 3180 days ago)TK, thank you so much for the fav on Childhood Magic!!! Hugs!
(5 years and 3186 days ago)Welcome here and good luck!
(5 years and 3194 days ago)A bit late, but welcome on pxl. Nice work you've got there, especially the drawings! Keep it up.
(5 years and 3200 days ago)