267 comments given:
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

nice trick very good idea, and the reflections are good too

(5 years and 3520 days ago)

Computer !
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

the reflection and shadows are very real, only from the fist wheel missing some darkness.

(5 years and 3521 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

Absolutely on topic, good work.

(5 years and 3521 days ago)

The Secret
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

Good invention of the body

(5 years and 3521 days ago)

It Sings for It has Song
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

Perfect one, the lights are perfectly positioned.

(5 years and 3523 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

The powerful colors, made it interesting.

(5 years and 3523 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

very futuristic nice composition

(5 years and 3527 days ago)

Needs a little TLC
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

u should keep the color of the plant

(5 years and 3535 days ago)

Vegetal pole
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

nicely assembled picture

(5 years and 3590 days ago)

Time for Duck Soup
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

it fells good watching this picture

(5 years and 3590 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

original idea, i think u should used some glass in the window

(5 years and 3590 days ago)

through the window
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

very good idea

(5 years and 3590 days ago)

Doll Factory
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

creative usages of the pills

(5 years and 3590 days ago)

panadol love
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

good reflection, the dinosaur i think should have a little shadow in front of

(5 years and 3592 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

funny drawing, only the shadow is missing

(5 years and 3592 days ago)

Belix And the Menhir
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

i did not say that the author is cheating!

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

cleverly chosen shutter speed

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

Mossy Rocks
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

the background should be a little bit darker or filled with a contrast color.

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

Strange flower
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

The shadows are well positioned.

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

The friendly shark, with his knifes

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

The Shark and the clown fish
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

I like his clothes

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

Parrot Man
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

funny transformation :P

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

Polly Monroe
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

great transformation, and good shadows

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

fine marker usage

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

Egg marker
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

nice job, original idea

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

good idea, nobody make something like this

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

i think u should change the color of the tree because if the garden is green, the tree couldnt be with orange letters.

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

Misty Morning Cottage
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

Fine composition

(5 years and 3593 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

u used carefully the brush tool with the shadows in the river

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

this is a triple picture in picture shot

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

Neil Armstrong in my room
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

The best combo

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

milk and cookie
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

After a long day

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

My boots
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

this white balance help, to concentrate to the man

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

in front of the finish

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

I think this is neither Lichen nor Moss, so i suggest u to find a new topic, for this picture.

It looks like a branch of a pine, but if not im sorry.

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

i think the background should be a little bit more contrasting. with blue or pink

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

funny stripe
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

great idea, no one thought of it

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

nice contrast with the sky

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

Up, of Course
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

great full panorama shot.

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

Basket Ball
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

very nice trick with the shadow, at the back of the kat

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

Kitty Nap
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

u should put closer the right one, to be in the focus together

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

Seamstresses evolution
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

I like the that the far hills are blurred but the sky is clear, with beautiful color.

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

i think u shouldn't use this B and W color, the nature needs his colors

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

nice seaside, that tree give the picture a little life

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

Beach lines
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

Where do u take this photo, in the base of US army )

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

Breendonck Fence
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

wonderful landscape, and the shadows are good too

(5 years and 3594 days ago)

avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

the combination of the colors is very attractive

(5 years and 3595 days ago)

Snails and the Ice Tea Glass
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

I like the transformation of the accessories

(5 years and 3595 days ago)

Cute Creature
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

funny creatures well done

(5 years and 3595 days ago)

Happy Company
avatar trialboj
trialboj says:

nice usage of the accesories

(5 years and 3595 days ago)

Warrior and the Hunter