Bubble Dreams
For: flight contest
The boys having some fun with a basketball and trampoline....and don't worry, it looks worse than it is, no one was hurt!
For: impact contest
This osprey was on it's way to the nest to feed the young ones.
For: flight contest
These three eggs are certainly not from the same bird....one wonders how the odd ball got there!
For: black sheep contest
Fuzzy tree trunk with a visitor!
Taken at a local ski hill, this bed of leaves is now cushioning the blanket of snow covering it.
For: empty paths contest
For: light rays contest
Big Horse....Little Horse......Big Butt....Little Butt
A place to chill.
For: chilled out contest
For: autumn trees contest
Quite happy with the new exterior, now for some landscaping. A deck would also be nice off that door too!!
Going on two years, the fixer-upper we purchased is getting a complete face-lift outside. The "face" was applied to keep the neighbours happy while our work was being completed.
..not happy about wearing the hat for the picture
This is a 22 metre waterfall on the Spencer Creek.
For: rivers contest
Taken on the Fraser River, getting the last cast in for the day before the sun sets
For: sun contest