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MossyB says:

This was a poor quality photo to begin with. The model's face was already overexposed, with the hair and face looking as one overly bright shape. Changing it to B&W did not help the situation, and the filters merely compounded the poor contrast. She does not look "undead," she looks shapeless in the face.

It was a wise decision to crop away the excess foliage, except that you did not do so in any meaningful way to emphasize your subject...Since the model is now a washed out and over-exposed shape, the only thing with any real visual definition is the large bush in the center of the photo...But there is nothing there except a bunch of leaves - albeit there is some wonderful tonal variation there.
The image as a composition, does not visually "flow." The model, with her high contrast, pulls the eye to the left, and down, where the bottom of the round bush swings it back around, up and over to the upper left leaves, where nothing is happening, so the eye continues back to the washed out model, and drops again...

This was a good attempt to rescue a less-than-optimal photo, but needed a bit more conceptual focus, IMO.

(5 years and 2828 days ago)
