61 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar chakra1985


(5 years and 3786 days ago)

Armor Display
avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Very good idea and execution! I especially like the arm part. Great job with that! Good luck

(5 years and 3791 days ago)

Armor Display
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Nice...I remember this! One suggestion: put some of the brass studs on the shoulders...

(5 years and 3795 days ago)

Armor Display
avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

Great job and idea! Only the leggings missing now to complete the set.

(5 years and 3795 days ago)

Armor Display
avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

really great, I think I recognise this one.

(5 years and 3795 days ago)

Armor Display
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Ahh, very nice!

(5 years and 3796 days ago)

Armor Display
avatar Stowsk
Stowsk says:

Congrats! I'll Raise a Glass!

(5 years and 3829 days ago)

Vino vines
avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:


(5 years and 3829 days ago)

Vino vines
avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congratulations for 3rd.

(5 years and 3829 days ago)

Vino vines
avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your third place!

(5 years and 3829 days ago)

Vino vines
avatar k5683
k5683 says:

good job!

(5 years and 3830 days ago)

Vino vines
avatar Sander
Sander says:

There is something wrong with the perspective and depth in this image. It looks now that the distance from the bottom of the bottle to the wall is a couple of feet. But then there would be no shadow from the bottle on the wall at all. What you could do is drop the horizontal line between the wall and the table untill just a bit above the bottom of the bottle. And a shadow also makes a reflection onto a shiny surface(=mirror).

(5 years and 3835 days ago)

Vino vines
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

I think the shadow would be taller...good image, though.

(5 years and 3838 days ago)

Vino vines
avatar akasha
akasha says:

agree; shadows look very good; and also good place for the wine bottle

(5 years and 3838 days ago)

Vino vines
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

very good work, especially on the shadows.

(5 years and 3838 days ago)

Vino vines
avatar spaceranger


(5 years and 3862 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:


(5 years and 3864 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:


(5 years and 3864 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar SOLARIS

congrats, good image

(5 years and 3864 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your second place! Beautiful picture

(5 years and 3864 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Congratulations for 2nd

(5 years and 3864 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Congratulations on the top-three place!

(5 years and 3864 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Congrats! Well Done!

(5 years and 3864 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar Warlock
Warlock [banned] says:

Congrats great work on this!

(5 years and 3864 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:


(5 years and 3865 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar TheWinningStar

very nice job author , i like the colors & the whole mood ... GL

(5 years and 3866 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Great work

(5 years and 3866 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar OliviasArts

@Golem... ahhh the old memories of the old pub gig days me and my sister had hair down to our bums at 18 and use to go crazy to metallica goodluck author

(5 years and 3867 days ago)

Enter Sandman
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

well red eyes are kinda demanded for Heavy Metal ... especially during a head banging all nighter LOL

Very good image.. love the sandy texture

(5 years and 3867 days ago)

Enter Sandman
avatar Tuckinator


(5 years and 3867 days ago)

Enter Sandman
avatar RGB
RGB says:

Mettalica rules and nice idea gl...

(5 years and 3867 days ago)

Enter Sandman
avatar LKY
LKY says:

awesome use of source image + brushes tooo.....GL

(5 years and 3870 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar TemporaNigra


(5 years and 3870 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:

Great work...so beautiful!

(5 years and 3871 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar chakra1985


(5 years and 3871 days ago)

Maze of Love
avatar beaneze
beaneze says:

Beautiful work on the pods and the brushes i like them i think they add to the over all feel. Very nicely done.

(5 years and 3872 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar fille
fille says:

i hate commercials...

(5 years and 3872 days ago)

Got Drums? Toca AD
avatar fille
fille says:

sad somehow...

(5 years and 3873 days ago)

Angry Burger!
avatar Tuckinator

nice logo

(5 years and 3873 days ago)

Got Drums? Toca AD
avatar Happy14U
Happy14U says:

yes I do

(5 years and 3873 days ago)

Got Drums? Toca AD
avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Love it! Excellent job author!

(5 years and 3873 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar palantiri
palantiri says:

Good job! Cute result! You'd be angry too if someone planned to bite you

(5 years and 3874 days ago)

Angry Burger!
avatar Stoli4naq
Stoli4naq says:

I like it! Even with the brushes hehe

(5 years and 3874 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar magicsteve

This is cute. I like how you did the eyes (they look like olives!).

(5 years and 3874 days ago)

Angry Burger!
avatar devangel
devangel says:


(5 years and 3874 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar gopankarichal

good work

(5 years and 3874 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar gopankarichal

nice work

(5 years and 3874 days ago)

Angry Burger!
avatar Tuckinator

this image is just... killer:0

(5 years and 3874 days ago)

Delicate Flower
avatar Tuckinator

dont get me wrong, i really like the image but its jus not... the burger looks sad(Y(:-0

(5 years and 3874 days ago)

Angry Burger!
avatar annabat
annabat [banned] says:

The work with the source image is lovely, but the brushes distract from the work you put in, seem like an after thought to fill in space.

(5 years and 3874 days ago)

Delicate Flower