Armor Display

Old entry from PST. Will post sbs as best as I remember it. Only source image.
Old entry from PST. Will post sbs as best as I remember it. Only source image.
Old contest entry from PST. SBS to come, hopefully I remember the details! Made one change to image from last time: changed reflection so that the shadow on the wall wasn't reflected. Wine source image downloaded via subscription. Proof of subscription in sbs.
For: wine branch contest
This is my favorite song. It always makes me feel better. Sand image is my own. The rest is made from the wedding dress from that contest. Please see high res for face and eye detail.
For: your song contest
saw the logo and had to make an ad. All source. Remade logo. See SBS.
For: drum beats contest
Used only source image and brushes from Please see high res!
It just really looked like a face to me! Enjoy! Source only!
For: burger contest
Had the idea to make a sand maze like a hedge maze. Hope you like. Pictures of couple and sand are my own. Hedge maze used as reference. Ocean pic from downloaded under subscription. Proof of subscription in SBS.
For: mazes contest
Old entry for the red telephone contest. All done with source and PST tutorial for making a feather. EDIT: reworked chrome and added feather glints on it.
For: chrome contest
Previous entry to PST for the silver soup ladle contest. Image from that contest posted. Bikini gal purchased via subscription. Proof of subscription in SBS.
For: chrome contest