Cold October

This was a challenge, as I have no drawing pad, so as a lefty, I drew it with the mouse & my right hand. Really makes me appreciate pencils. :) This scene is totally from my head. there are no references.
This was a challenge, as I have no drawing pad, so as a lefty, I drew it with the mouse & my right hand. Really makes me appreciate pencils. :) This scene is totally from my head. there are no references.
No source photos used.
For: cat fun contest
No sources
For: tree fear contest
The best way to surprise the 7 Dwarfs is to give them cake after a long day of working. So that's what Slowwhipe does! She's barely in the mine or Gula is already jumping into the cake to eat it all alone. Ira, also hungry, gets furious! Acedia doesn't care much and just continues sleeping. Luxuria ...
For: deadly sins contest
all source used one set of brushes
For: mask closeup contest
Children always remember the fun times. feet by spanishale
This is the photo i used as a reference:
For: sosia mania contest
Actually I wanted to make a tree out of the hand, but after 10 unsuccessful tries, it developed more and more to this one. I tried adding other thing (more flowers, animals and so on) but it just looked worse, so I decided to leave it as it is. Comments are always welcome :) Fodor has been noti...
Only source used :)
For: baby foot contest