
For: leaf contest
The best way to surprise the 7 Dwarfs is to give them cake after a long day of working. So that's what Slowwhipe does! She's barely in the mine or Gula is already jumping into the cake to eat it all alone. Ira, also hungry, gets furious! Acedia doesn't care much and just continues sleeping. Luxuria ...
For: deadly sins contest
An oldie Only source
For: sofa render contest
Some sources, some 3D, some drawing and lot of work Hope you enjoy it
For: grass contest
i made this for an old contest back on photoshoptalent.com the task was to photoshop the source image, so i made this (source-only) chop. the original title was "bouquet". i hope it fits this contest as well. ps: i don't have the link to the original source, but it was a source imag...
For: rare flowers contest
Please see Hi Res. All Photoshop, No outside sources (besides contest source)
For: acorn contest
the shape of the tuba reminded me to a shrimp. From now on i will think of seafood when i see such insturment ;) Hope you´ll like it!
For: shiny tuba contest
It must be his worst nightmare: when Death can has to do his job, getting lost! Ow well, you can't blame him, after all he's not the youngest anymore. No outside sources or references, just the source image and some handdrawing. There's a pretty big High Resolution version available, you'd make ...
For: cursed gold contest
a world full of delicious marbles! oh what a pleasure. also used tuba from shiningtuba contest fixed the handproblem and some details in face
For: gumballs contest
Welcome back PST family! I think I speak for all of us when I say that not having PST for a week....was devastating, it was like I've lost the reason for which I sit down in front of my computer every day! We were reborn like a Phoenix and will grow stronger and stronger! I would like to ta...
For: bolts contest