Just married...

For: big cake contest
Thank you mr blackdoomy & mr absurdus
For: compact animals 2 contest
Previously i have created this Entry for " sliced " contest but unfortunately it wasn't fit for the contest, and i don't want to waste my effort so i upload it here hope you like it :-) Thanks To nightshadexiv for Cottonmouth Snake. stormymay888 for yard snake stock. susiest...
sharing some funny nv jokes ha ha ha..... :-D
i am glad that i complete it in 6hr 23min. now i am so hungry need to have some chicken tandoori....
For: sailing away contest
i was in very good mood when i was creating this listening sweet romantic song with a cup of coffee and then i end up with this..the addition of trees and bird and mountain is done by using pen tool and experimenting with layer style.finally i end up with this effect. thank you !! :-)
i really like to thank all the wonderful people for their source images thank guys
For: swamp guy contest
i am thankful to this people for their stock images and smoke brush, mr jackfrench(stock image) & mr. Super-Designer (for smoke brush)
For: cola balance contest
i am thankful to this guys for their wonderful stock images and fonts... * Marco T.L.(for font),RobMan170,gbsngrhm,tanakawho,last hero, aussiegal7,shi-stock,night-fate-stock(for stock images)
For: shrunk 2 contest