53 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Alan2641
Alan2641 says:

nice image -- maybe try some other blending options for the colours -- seem a bit too painted on -- overlay would allow some of the texture of the orignal image to show through the colour -- or lower the fill or opacity to get a simlar effect.

(5 years and 3177 days ago)

avatar aheman
aheman says:

1) adjust the two big butterflies, a little-flat looking now.
2) add a little motion-blur or flapping wings effect
3) adjust contrast of plants a little
4) brighten the background image, will make it a "happier" scene... as it looks dull color now

nice idea and it blends with the surrounding

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

Butterfly flower
avatar greymval
greymval says:

I think postcards should be colorful & happy Presuming this is one, I would throw in more vibrant colors.

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

Greetings from China.
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

This is uncomplicated, yet very well done, and visually appealing. Nice work!

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

Butterfly flower
avatar Majkman
Majkman says:

would be great as a clay-mation figure but has lost any sense of reality

(5 years and 3237 days ago)

Getting younger
avatar lolu
lolu says:

I think it's out of theme because the deal is to make as if it's real, that's the difficultiy of this contest.... Good luck author !

(5 years and 3241 days ago)

Getting younger
avatar layerstack

Looks like a cartoon character....

(5 years and 3242 days ago)

Getting younger
avatar velkanx
velkanx says:

This looks sort of his wax figure at Madame Tussauds rather than being young again

(5 years and 3242 days ago)

Getting younger
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Would be better if you had colored the existing hair.

(5 years and 3242 days ago)

Getting younger
avatar tioilmo
tioilmo says:

It's a good start. Note the work of other participants and study the features of transparency and shadow. The picture looks a little blurry. Go ahead

(5 years and 3245 days ago)

Perfume M
avatar tioilmo
tioilmo says:

Good job, but you gave more emphasis to the environment than the bottle of perfume that is the high point in this contest.

(5 years and 3245 days ago)

avatar layerstack

Agree with MossyB, also the liquid should be visilbe within the bottle..

(5 years and 3251 days ago)

Perfume M
avatar MossyB
MossyB says:

The color palette is kind of visually jarring, too much green, which is overpowering what should be your focal point, the bottle...The logo on the bottle is too small and blurry looking. The box looks somewhat blurry, as well, with what appears to be a "dent" in the lower RH corner, but does not correspond to the sharp edges.

I'd suggest cropping it down (or making your focal point occupy at least 1/2 of your picture plane), and change the tone of that green, perhaps darkening it at least.

(5 years and 3251 days ago)

Perfume M
avatar neeraj55
neeraj55 says:

very nice ! gl

(5 years and 3521 days ago)

abstract art_4c5efc06dac54
avatar Tuckinator

i like it

(5 years and 3521 days ago)

abstract art_4c5efc06dac54
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Great approach author...bravo for that...best of luck

(5 years and 3524 days ago)

avatar erikuri
erikuri says:

Nice composition. Just one thing: the lower tree on the right needs a better masking on its trunk, it seems cut and pasted on its end.

(5 years and 3525 days ago)

avatar Tuckinator

very well done...one of the best

(5 years and 3525 days ago)

avatar erathion
erathion says:

very nice concept,but water don't look very realistic...especially not in combination with background...good luck

(5 years and 3530 days ago)

avatar IRONCOW

I think you should look over the perspective and the shadow abit. still looks great

(5 years and 3531 days ago)

avatar randy
randy says:

caustics on the bubbles would do the trick

(5 years and 3531 days ago)

avatar Tuckinator


(5 years and 3533 days ago)

avatar Warlock
Warlock [banned] says:

Interesting design some cool work, what is 3Dvia like to use I see it still in beta stage

(5 years and 3552 days ago)

relaxed cycling
avatar JoeCacia
JoeCacia says:

Well done, best of luck

(5 years and 3563 days ago)

avatar RAZ0R
RAZ0R [banned] says:

(5 years and 3564 days ago)

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

nice coloring

(5 years and 3564 days ago)

avatar Lamantine
Lamantine says:


(5 years and 3564 days ago)

Together one
avatar Lamantine
Lamantine says:

Such a magical atmosphere. Well done.

(5 years and 3564 days ago)

avatar dollmommy
dollmommy says:

Nice one, gl

(5 years and 3565 days ago)

Together one
avatar erathion
erathion says:

very nice work...gl

(5 years and 3566 days ago)

no avatar

good try author. keep trying and developing your skills. you have nice ideas.

(5 years and 3773 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

ok, you change the shot.....it doesn't alter anything, the distortion is still the same, and now the shot is not fcused on the cross, but on the girl wearing it!!

(5 years and 3777 days ago)

avatar bluerose
bluerose says:

Wow, I like it!, A*W*E*S*O*M*E*

(5 years and 3778 days ago)

German Shepherd
avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

She's still distorted, and please get rid of that green stuff, it just distracts from your image. (Author, compare the stock image to your entry. The distortion is obvious).

(5 years and 3778 days ago)

avatar elficho
elficho says:

you didn't notice the distortion? listen to ponti

(5 years and 3778 days ago)

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Remember to hold the shift key when resizing an image

(5 years and 3778 days ago)

avatar solkee
solkee says:

Looks a little cut and pasted. Also the girl looks very stretched now.

(5 years and 3778 days ago)

avatar alexstephen

I agree with adeincyprus

(5 years and 3778 days ago)

avatar nishagandhi

i dont think its a trace...it is clear from the sbs that the author has worked so hard great work

(5 years and 3778 days ago)

German Shepherd
avatar adeincyprus

good effort, but it doesn't hang right for the position of the body, and also lacks depth.

(5 years and 3778 days ago)

avatar demi
demi says:

beautiful,very good

(5 years and 3779 days ago)

German Shepherd
avatar roon
roon says:


(5 years and 3779 days ago)

German Shepherd
no avatar

such amazing detail in your dog.. just a thought how about a little shadow detween the dog and the ground. just a wonderful image.. GL

(5 years and 3780 days ago)

German Shepherd
no avatar

like the rays of colour in your image.

(5 years and 3781 days ago)

my work is done
no avatar

good body structure on your cat. nice colours and a fun image with the butterfly on the nose.

(5 years and 3781 days ago)

little cross-eyes
no avatar

neat image.. would make a great business logo.

(5 years and 3781 days ago)

Big mouth
avatar chakra1985


(5 years and 3781 days ago)

little cross-eyes
avatar chakra1985


(5 years and 3781 days ago)

Big mouth
avatar sparklen
sparklen says:

SBS please.........

edit: Thank you for SBS. Now I can vote!

(5 years and 3782 days ago)

my work is done
avatar nishagandhi

nice work

(5 years and 3783 days ago)

Big mouth