1727 comments given:
avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Très bien! And reminds me I still have to see THX-1138...Good luck!

(5 years and 3888 days ago)

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wazowski says:

Funny idea . I might have put the motioblur a bit differently (more horizontal) and mostly on the right side of the person since he's moving from right to left (no motion that fades out to the left side if you come from right). You maybe would like to give the bees a tiny bit of gaussian blur too. Good luck!

(5 years and 3888 days ago)

make a beeline
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wazowski says:

Classic indeed. But also a bit weird perspective. What about the following: select the lion's head and part of the manes, copypaste on new layer, lower the head until it will look like the jaw will rest on the lamb's back. Then make sure that the lamb's head is in front of the head (so likely needs some masking for the lion's head), make sure that the manes will look natural with the manes of the lion's body and voila, you fixed the perspective . Good luck!

PS if you really feel like: copypaste the body of the lamb starting behind the front paw, hit ctrl+T (transform) and put the anchor near the frontpaw, rotate the body clockwise, just some degrees, so the body will look more straight on the ground, then mask where needed so it fits with the head and front legs of the lamb. But ok, that's optional

(5 years and 3889 days ago)

I Love Ewe
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wazowski says:

Good idea, but the climber looks a bit distorted (too much vertically stretched). Would be great if you could make it a bit less distorted. Good luck!

(5 years and 3889 days ago)

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wazowski says:

Funny . Would be super if you "flatten" her nose top a bit, so it looks like she's really with her nose against the ice. A way to do that is using liquify and then the option to make things wider (no clue how else to explain...). Good luck!

(5 years and 3889 days ago)

smelter kiss
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wazowski says:

Agree with Philister & Warlock: cool character, environment fits well. Reminds me a bit of the design from the '90s animated version of Batman (more stylized version). Maybe one thing: I guess this character is floating, he seems to come towards you, so then I'd expect the smoke part under to be more behind. Maybe if you'd do that, it will get more movement (but then I'm not sure if that's what you want). Good luck!

(5 years and 3889 days ago)

"Blood Strike"
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wazowski says:

Interesting character, but here and there can do with even more 3D. For example around the feet, maybe also some more in the back too. Be aware that quite some light comes from the moon on the right side, I'd expect more light on the Knight then too. The pants are pretty ok, but the way he stand now, I'd expect his right leg to be in front of the left one, while right now the left leg looks more in front of the right according to his butt. Hand looks nicely done, angle looks good too. Good luck!
PS Prince of Persia?

(5 years and 3889 days ago)

Knight of The Night
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wazowski says:

Original , but maybe you can add some light here and there, because it looks like there is a flash used for the original picture. In the original the green part also catches some light. Maybe you can make the stem's edges a bit sharper too. Good luck!

(5 years and 3889 days ago)

The sprout
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wazowski says:

Funny face , but Golem has a point, yes. Maybe another idea is that you also make the eyes and teeth from garlicparts (such part almost has the same shape as an eye). Check if the original textures from the garlic would fit with the face (I can imagine it would give a cool effect). Good luck!

(5 years and 3889 days ago)

Smiling Mister Garlic???
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wazowski says:

Nice idea, but agreed with what pixelkid and Guitardog say. Just put some walls on the middle of the road, that'll teach those car drivers! Good luck!

(5 years and 3889 days ago)

view from the eiffel tower
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wazowski says:

Ahhhh, dutch windmills...tears in my eyes . Nice result, in case you'd like to put the right part of the clouds, and then in fact mostly the part right under, a bit higher so you cover (most of) the wing right under, you wont see the little tiny white edges anymore (I know it's a nitpick). Good luck!

(5 years and 3890 days ago)

the old school way
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wazowski says:

Also for the second time still a nice blend. Not sure if it was already in the first submit, but now I notice that in the left side there's still some of the bush visible in the air (above the source bush). Would be nice to see that masked away. Good luck!

(5 years and 3890 days ago)

Civil war
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wazowski says:

Funny cars . Wouldnt you like to give a bit more contrast between the tires and the background? That is, maybe some more contrast in color for the background or the that wall a biiiit brighter. Just an idea. Good luck!

EDIT: At least they're more visible now , and have to admit, more in style too

(5 years and 3890 days ago)

To Bee Cars or Not to Bee Cars
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wazowski says:

Pretty ok result, it would be nice if you could reduce that border around the cliff top. If you'd reduce the image size of the HiRes the quality might get better (or to say it differently, the cliff would look less pixelated). Good luck!

(5 years and 3890 days ago)

Sacred Land
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wazowski says:

Funny image . If you can reduce the outline from the dog a bit, he will be more part of the image (after all the snowman doesnt have an outline either). Snowprints look nice. Good luck!

(5 years and 3890 days ago)

Oh no
avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Author, I see some signature in the right upper corner. If that's your name, please remove then. All contests are supposed to be anonymous until the contest results will show up. Good luck!

(5 years and 3891 days ago)

Jack the explorer
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wazowski says:

SBS is a mustsee to understand this entry, very funny result! Good luck!

(5 years and 3891 days ago)

Gonna Bring You Joy "Dog Nuns"
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wazowski says:

Good use of the source pose in combination with a very good pick of external source! Background perspective fits well with the nun too. LKY may have a point about the shading, looking at the strong shadow from the cactus. I like the nun's expression too, pleasant result. Good luck!

(5 years and 3891 days ago)

Six-gun nun
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wazowski says:

Effective result . In case you could let her (persuading) eyes look to the public, would be great! Good luck!

(5 years and 3891 days ago)

Naughty nun
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wazowski says:

Gratuliert, lelaina!! Up to the next one!

(5 years and 3891 days ago)

My secret place
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wazowski says:

Nice result. Maybe for a possbile next time an option to use Illustrator for the line art? According to your SBS you spent more time on the lines than perhaps was necessary. Just an idea...Good luck!

(5 years and 3892 days ago)

They Fight for JUSTICE
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wazowski says:

Nice combination of colors, it all fits well. Good luck!

(5 years and 3892 days ago)

Mosiac??? I Guess...
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wazowski says:

The style reminds me a bit of illustrator Brad Holland, well done. Good luck!

(5 years and 3892 days ago)

The Story of O
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wazowski says:

This could be a creature made by Jeroen Bosch, pretty cool result. Good luck!

(5 years and 3892 days ago)

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wazowski says:

Nice result and very recognizable caricature! Coloring is nice too. See that little bit of darker blue in the jeans just above lchappel's right shoe? That kinda shading makes the watercolour and whole drawing more lively. In case you'd like to experiment with that (ie for shading the hands or face/cheeks), would be very cool! But that's up to you, so far the result is pleasant already. Good luck!

EDIT: you're very right, author. Try to add a bit of shading like what I pointed with the trousers, certainly NOT overdo it. Most important is that it has to look spontaneous

(5 years and 3892 days ago)

Making Of Wild Man
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wazowski says:

Nice result. It looks like you made 2 layers of water in the bottom, because I see some horizontal line, cropping the image would solve that. Apart from that nicely done. Good luck!

(5 years and 3893 days ago)

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Nice treatment . The mouth is maybe a liiitle bit too small for my taste, but I like what you did with the shape of his face combined with the rest of the body. Ears look good too, btw . Good luck!

EDIT: optional, you may want to give his hair a bit more spikey edges (if you do, then subtle and with the flow of how the hair is now) and perhaps you want to reduce the grey-ish color left above his right eye a bit

(5 years and 3893 days ago)

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Interesting effects maybe, but imo not a portrait where I could recognize the Queen of PST. Of course just my opinion, but I wouldnt make the nose thinner because that's not characteristic for hilleke, same for the mouth. Eyes look good. Good luck!

(5 years and 3893 days ago)

Nip & Tuck…
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wazowski says:

. Maybe not completely convinced about the nose, but I like the cheeks. I might give some more shape to the upper lip (see original). Good luck!

(5 years and 3893 days ago)

caricature 3
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wazowski says:

Not bad, not bad. I'd accentuate her cheeks more maybe and wouldnt give her wavey hair (because it's straight hair). Maybe it's funny to make her more like a little girl by making her hat huge, but that's up to you. Good luck!

(5 years and 3893 days ago)

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

It's maybe a funny image, but comparing this entry to the original used source I barely recognize the girl anymore. Try to look more what special (face) features this girl has that makes her so special and exaggerate that in your entry (more than just make a mouth huge, because does she have a huge mouth in the original pic?). Good luck!

(5 years and 3893 days ago)

:) caricature
avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Author, please dont forget to mention your used sources. And better no tinypic-images. Good luck!

(5 years and 3893 days ago)

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wazowski says:

. You may want to add a few more curly hairs, so it looks a bit more messy, but for the rest it looks alike! The eyes especially after working&staring at the screen for hours . In case you wanna try with color, I'd recommend a more open style, a bit like water colour and not perfectly inside the lines (but if you keep it in B/W is ok too of course). Interesting what music inspires you . Good luck!

(5 years and 3893 days ago)

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

What you did good here is that you stressed some more that she likes to wear make up for around her eyes. But with all the liquify I barely recognize the piercings which makes her face also very recognizable. Why not take some big nails and rings and put those in her face so you can see them better? Bigger eyes can help to make a face more caricatural, but her eyes are not just normal big but also a bit dreamy-like. Show that more too! Just my opinion. Good luck!

(5 years and 3894 days ago)

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wazowski says:

The thing about a caricature is however that you exaggerate certain features from (mostly) the face that are very characteristic for the person and that way also very recognizalbe for other people. Me as viewer wouldnt recognize the person as caricature, so try to find what makes her face so typical. Good luck!

(5 years and 3894 days ago)

A Caricature...
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wazowski says:

What a sweet image. Pretty convincing too, though I might expect to see a bit more shadow from the girl on the hand. Maybe a supernitpick: add a clipping layer for the hand with a biiit of colored noise, so it will match better with the girl image's noise. Good luck!

(5 years and 3895 days ago)

a kiss
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wazowski says:

Nice, but I think you have to play way more with light and shades. Especially around the hand, I'd expect more shading there. Check this tutorial otherwise http://www.lunacore.com/photoshop/tutorials/tut009.htm. Good luck!

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Crystal Ball
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wazowski says:

Nice outcome, author . I do think Hymerion has some good advices about the grass shape for the edges of the hand. It doesnt have to be all around, but what you can try is juuuuust use a bit of smudge tool to make a suggestion that there's more than a sharp edge. And I also see some kinda aureol around the girl, or at least on the right side. Doesnt have to be bad for the entry though . Good luck!

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

My secret place
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wazowski says:

As said above nice message, but I dont get well why you decided to make the edges from the earth and hands so blurry. Unless you want to create a certain Depth of Field effect (but then the inside of the hand needs some blur too), I'd make it all sharp. In case you can make it this way that the light direction comes from one point, would be great (or make it like that that there are 2 light sources, in that case there should be some more higlight on the right side of the earth too). Good luck!

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

time to protect
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wazowski says:

That title was exactly what I thought when I saw the original picture! Too funny, good luck!

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

Say Hello To My Little Friend
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wazowski says:

Nice work Good luck!

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

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wazowski says:

Convincing result, I like the camerawork. Good luck!

(5 years and 3898 days ago)

Perhaps a Space-Based Home?
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wazowski says:

It would be nice to show in the Ste3p By Step what you did with the face to make her even more beautiful. For now I mostly see she has color

(5 years and 3905 days ago)

Red Beauty
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wazowski says:

Nice work, but as Alan said the fence is a bit too repetitive. If you could fix that (maybe with clone and healing tool?), would be great. Good luck!

(5 years and 3908 days ago)

sun set
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wazowski says:

Dramatic . Funny outcome, cant see well, but you might want to use the side of the wood for inside the mouth too (so that the mouth looks less flat). The living wood's shadow is made with some greys? I'd use a blending mode, so you're still able to see the wood structure from the floor under. Good luck!

EDIT: shadow on the floor looks a lot better!

(5 years and 3908 days ago)

Oh Noes!!
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wazowski says:

Nice result, good use of colors. I agree with CMYK about the reflection from the bench in the water though. Good luck!

(5 years and 3908 days ago)

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wazowski says:

Nice mood. The only possible problem is maybe that in the original girl photo her feet are hidden behind the seat of the bench (I guess because the seat is a bit lower in the middle), while in this image you can almost look upon the seat of the bench. Because of that, the feet look a bit chopped off, especially her left foot. In case you'd like to fix it (maybe give some elegant ballerina shoes?), would be great. Good luck!

(5 years and 3908 days ago)

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Nice use of colors. If you put the light beams from up the sky a bit mor eto the right corner, they'll match better with the light that Venus receives (but then you should also flip the shell). Would be nice to see how you made her hair. Good luck!

(5 years and 3909 days ago)

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wazowski says:

Original . The text on the billboard is a bit too sharp for my taste (compared to the background) and perhaps you'd like to lower the emboss/bevel here and there so it reads a bit better. Good luck!

(5 years and 3909 days ago)

Boys Like Flowers
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wazowski says:

Nice idea, but you might want to clean up the white edges from the petals. Good luck!

(5 years and 3909 days ago)

Remember Me.