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Nice idea, but as said above you should pay a bit more time masking the edges. From hand and cup. Now that the cup has some more geometrical shapes, you might like to use the pentool to select the cup. With the curves you should be able to make perfect smooth lines, that you turn into a selection and then into a mask. For the hand you can do the same or otherwise with some more patience you can use a brushtool (but that's mostly handy wih a wacom pen). Good luck!
(5 years and 3911 days ago)Pretty elegant. Perhaps I expect some more light coming from right on the dog though (and with that also some shading on the forehead and ears, left side). Good luck!
(5 years and 3911 days ago)Certainly a different approach
I like the perspective and use of colors, it fits the theme. Good luck!
(5 years and 3911 days ago)Not bad, I kinda agree with gopankarichal. What I dont get well is what did you do with the right side of the image? It looks like you made it darker there, but imo it's a bit too smudgy and doesnt work well with the other more clean colors. Perhaps you'd like to fix that. Good luck!
(5 years and 3911 days ago)Looks way better now indeed! Good luck!
(5 years and 3911 days ago)Not bad. If you put the bof in perspective, I guess the puzzletexture will be in perspective then too. You may want to fix that. Small nitpick, is it 200 or hundred pieces?
. Good luck!
(5 years and 3911 days ago)Looks pretty ok! If you can remove the tiny darker outline around the woman, might improve the image. Good luck! PS arrgggh, it may be an even better improvement if you wont use google to search images or wallpapers. Check this page for more info http://www.pxleyes.com/blog/2009/06/how-and-where-to-find-legal-source-images/
(5 years and 3911 days ago)Pretty nice blend! Good luck!
(5 years and 3911 days ago)Certainly not bad. You may want to change the shape of the cleavage a bit since it wont correspondent with the shape of her breasts under her dress. The flowers in the background are unsharp, in that case I'd expect the trees to be unsharp too (assuming that they're as far away as those flowers). Good luck!
(5 years and 3911 days ago)The toga is a good addition and works for the composition of the image as for the theme. And well, next time I guess I'll say something like "nice", ok?
Good luck!
(5 years and 3911 days ago)The face is very nicely done. Perhaps the eyes look too big (I wouldnt mind if they were a bit bigger than usual, but this is maybe a bit too obvious) and the chin could be a bit more under the mouth, but I like the overall look of the face (a bit what you can see back in the Symbolism art style, artists like Rosetti, Franz Stuck or to be a bit more in combination with greek influence Alma-Tadema)and especially the mouth is very nicely done. What I do think that needs some further work is the hair. Nothing wrong if not all parts get the same attention and finishing touch -it can be very effective in fact- but imo right now it's too rough and needs at least *some* more details to give it more the feeling of hair, to let it look more than just lines. The shading is nice, perhaps you can add some shadow under the flower in her hair and a biiiit of shading for her collarbone and where the neck reaches the body.
. Good luck!
(5 years and 3911 days ago)Having said all that (and before I get all PXLEyes against me), this is of course a very nice result
Ow, maybe one more edit: Apart that this is nice work, does Persephone has any particular details that is very recognizable for her (so that this image is more than "just" a pretty piece of work...mmmand to be sure, that question is not meant as any negative, just wondering)?
Nice result. Colors are nice indeed and those crumbled stones are a nice touch. In case you wanna keep the text (for this time ai can understand as part of the album cover), you may want to try to put the band name above the horizonline (lets say where the title is now) and the title under the horizonline. At least a bit more down, right now there's happening quite a lot there above (but it's also just my opinion of course). Good luck!
(5 years and 3911 days ago)Bit bloody but nice idea with ditto execution. Care for a nitpick to add? Since the pale entered the body from the back, I can imagine that a part of the dress in front would have come out because of the force of the impaling (thanks to CMYK for that word, I didnt know it yet
). So in case you'd like to, you could add some tiny ripped parts of the dress in front of the pale. The other figure looks nice, perhaps if you could hide the repetition in the fabric/wings (right top corner), would be nice. Good luck!
(5 years and 3911 days ago)PS just noticed, I think that the flying woman needs a real left hand. Is there a way to flip the hand?
Nice work with the beard indeed, but I thought the same as Golem. If you could highlight the right side of the snake's head a bit (or darken the body left from the head a bit), it might be more visible. Good luck!
(5 years and 3912 days ago)I remember this entry, funny work
. Animmax does have a point about the alien's face, right now it demands quite some attention from the actual subject. Good luck!
(5 years and 3912 days ago)Nice job! It shows that some research improves the result! I like the barely visible antennas from the moth. Good luck!
(5 years and 3912 days ago)Interesting image. Here and there you added some shades ,which works well. But I kinda miss them behind the statue itself (and then I mean a shadow from the white statue on the coloured strings), it might get the whole image closer together. Good luck!
(5 years and 3912 days ago)Certainly original
. In fact I like the anteater in step 4 better, because of the not so heavy shading. In that step it does need some more shading, but I'd reduce the brun and add more shadow to accentuate for example the distance between the legs with a body inbetween (I mean, that the furthers paws should have some extra shading because of a body that might produce a shadow, also to accentuate the shapes). I'm not even sure if I get it, but ok
. Good luck!
(5 years and 3912 days ago)Not bad, but I dont get well why the reflection is so much smaller than the original. If you'd like you can remove the tiny little white edges around the statue. Good luck!
(5 years and 3912 days ago)Nice idea. Watch out when you use the smudge tool that the dripping shapes wont fade out. After all a drop/dripping has it's own round shape including shades and highlights. You might want to work further on that. Good luck!
(5 years and 3912 days ago)Not bad, but the same comment here as what's written above. Or at least add some shadow from the arm to the body so there's some more connection between the statue and your added blue. Good luck!
(5 years and 3912 days ago)Looks pretty nice with those colors. Maybe I'd expect some ripple effect for the reflection of the statue in the water. Compare also to the tree on the right side. It's reflection is way lighter cause it looks like it's in the light (background is covered by shade), maybe you can make the statue's reflection also a bit lighter at the top of the head(so down in the image
). Good luck!
(5 years and 3912 days ago)Haha, but it would be nice if you could fix the shadows (you flipped the heads and with that also the shadows). Good luck!
(5 years and 3912 days ago)Nice idea! Maybe something you can improve: looking at your used source I only see the drawing on the tiles itself and not inbetween (sorry, dunno well how to call them...the nerves?). In your image you put the whole statue like a grafitti on the wall. In case you can remove the parts inbetween the tiles it will look more like it's meant as tile decoration. Good luck!
(5 years and 3912 days ago)Pretty funny, but I kinda gree with CMYK. If you can make some parts a bit overwarped (so a bit sharper), would be nice too. If you add some highlights here and there you may define the shapes of the dragon more (ie for the front paws and legs). Good luck!
(5 years and 3912 days ago)Funny image. I might have given a bit more light to the mother, but that's personal. Good luck!
(5 years and 3912 days ago)I kinda agree with gopan, yes. The sweet text looks a bit aggressive (on the other hand, if you did that on purpose to tell something contradicting like ie Bertolt Brecht does, then it can be interesting
). You may want to get rid of a tiny white border around the edges of the statue. I possible way to do that is to select the mask or object (ctrl+hit thumbnail in layer), then invert, then select-modify-feather with radius one for example, and then or fill the mask with black or just delete what's outside that image. Maybe not the most delicate way, but it can help. Good luck!
(5 years and 3912 days ago)Nice idea. The owl still looks somewhat distorted (but seeing the original image, it looks kinda weird too...). The light in the background seems to come from up left, so it's unlikely that you see a shadow from her foot on the stairs. Good luck!
(5 years and 3913 days ago)Nice idea, perhaps for Spring I'd make the colors a bit more bright & fresh (but that's personal). As for the shadow, agreed with Nav777singh. Looking at the dress, the light seems to come from the right side, so the shadow would go more to the left direction. And perhaps I'd give the bird a little bit other color or try something else, so it'll be a bit more visible compared to the background. Good luck!
(5 years and 3913 days ago)Man, that's freaky! But the result is quite interesting! I like the right arm and leg the most if it's about depth. As idea original, maaaybe you can show more how giant he is, by doing something with the background (but no must). Good luck!
(5 years and 3913 days ago)Nice. In case you have the hair as apart layer, I'd use liquify (carefully!) to give the hair an even more wavier look. Make the curves softer and more elegant, imo they're a bit rough now. To give the goddess a bit more sensual feeling, you could add some eyelids (but watch out she doesnt look like she's falling asleep
). And yes, if she has certain symbols, she should carry them. Coloring is nicely done! Good luck!
(5 years and 3913 days ago)In case you keep the glow, I'd expect some of it being projected on the girl's face. Juuust a little touch. Or do as musicj19 says, yes. Good luck!
(5 years and 3913 days ago)Interesting entry, but not completely sure how I should see the warning sign. Is it added against the wall, hanging in the air or anything else? If it's supposed to be against the wall, I'd add a little shadow, so it looks more like part of it. Good luck!
(5 years and 3913 days ago)Funny
. To make you more nuts about shadows and such, I think the shadow from the bench should be a bit less deep amd more to the left. And up to you, but if you like a more symmetrical image, I'd crop a bit from the right side of the image. Good luck!
(5 years and 3913 days ago)Pretty ok how you put the sleeping guy in the evening scene. Perhaps a bit less red, but that's personal. What I do recommend is to recover the fench in the background. Now you used some brush or something alike. It's the right color mood, but also too rough. If you can clone some of the other fench parts to repair the areas that were missing, would be great. Good luck!
(5 years and 3913 days ago)Funny idea, but work a bit further on the shadows (that is, the direction of some shadows, but maybe also add some more shading to make it more a whole, like for the man on the bench). That Han Solo print looks cool, I'd remove the vertical lines from the background (near the hands), so it looks less ghost-like. Good luck!
(5 years and 3913 days ago)Interesting, but it looks a bit unfisnihed the way it is now. It can do with some more shadows to define each shape better (for example for the horse and it's armour). Also, look well how the knight's armour is made, which part is covering the other part. And I'd give the hand fingers. Good luck!
(5 years and 3913 days ago)Mmm...maybe it's the angle of the baby, but right now the baby seems to look huuuuge for me. Or maybe a better word is longstretched. What you'd like to do is put the feet way higher, after all you see the baby lying and also the feet seem to be from some lying position. For the rest perhaps some cleaning in the blanket (here and there looks a bit too pasted). Good luck!
(5 years and 3914 days ago)Author, I have to admit that in the original source, the shadow is not easy to locate, but I do think that the way it is now for the boy is a real good improvement!
Good luck!
(5 years and 3915 days ago)Pretty nice. If possible, I'd make the rooster's tail a bit less flat in the edges. If you add some shades here and there and make them a bit less cut out (or in fact, do the same again as what you did with the wing), it could look even better. You wouldnt like to use the source background as air? With some color tweaking it could fit perfectly! Good luck!
(5 years and 3915 days ago)Freaky, but most of all funny
. I might have feathered the edges from the seaweed ( I guess it's that, right?) so it fits more with your own image. Another nitpick, I'd remove the dropshadow and emboss from the text on the tshirt. The text is funny, but the way it is now a bit distracting. And well, a dropshadow in a print is of course possible, but it looks a bit like it's floating in front of the tshirt. But well done for the rest! Good luck!
(5 years and 3915 days ago)Nice work, good that you didnt remove the palm tree
. That makes the situation a bit more unusual, imo. Good luck!
(5 years and 3915 days ago)Clean work, good job, looks nice in HiRes. Good luck!
(5 years and 3915 days ago)Good to see this one back again
. Good luck!
(5 years and 3915 days ago)Arrrgh, poor Mini! Nice job, looks convincing to me! Good luck!
(5 years and 3915 days ago)Nice result. Maybe I see it wrong, but the cable might have a problem with the sign there in the grass? I like the light. Good luck!
(5 years and 3915 days ago)Shadow for the man is way way better! Shadow for the kiddie is already better in that way that right now it looks more clean, it's just that the sun is in mid front but then a tiny bit to the left, while right now the kiddie's shadow looks like the sun came from front right. But looks already way better! Btw I already saw the humor bar the first time I saw this image, is all ok!
Good luck!
(5 years and 3915 days ago)If you can remove the tiny visible hard edges around the girl, would look better. Good luck!
(5 years and 3915 days ago)Haha
(although it's dangerous of course
). Good pick of sources and well constructed. I'd give the edges of the box a slight blur and do womething different with the shadows from the man and kid (light comes from up, so you'd see shadow down). Good luck!
(5 years and 3915 days ago)Up to you, but I'd do a bit more with the texture than just blend it with the background. For example, you can let it interact more with the container. Good luck!
(5 years and 3916 days ago)