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. Kinda agree with animmax though about the paw. And not sure, but it's a tongue there outside the mouth, no? Shouldnt it be a bit more coming from under the mouth? Would be funny to rotate the eye from the lower hedge hog so it looks more like the eyes from this emoticon
. Good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Funny effect, HiRes makes me kinda dizzy. Good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Nicely done, perhaps remove some of the hair strokes just around the face (I mean the hair roots on the forehead). Good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Looks good
. Nice use of source, watch out for the shadows though. I might have put the mountains more behind the palm tree, this way you create more depth. Mmm...and you cà n try a slight blur for the background, but that's up to you. Good luck! PS stupid nitpick: five fingers and four toe? 
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Nice idea, but try to spend a bit more time on the masking and, as Mellow said, the cloning. Right now the fur looks a bit too repetitive. About masking, some parts like around the mouth look a bit too sharp, others like the edges from the body a bit too blurry. In case you used a layer mask, you might want to use the smudge tool (not too big with maybe 60-70% strength) to give the fur some more shape and volume, so that also around the edges it really looks like fur. Good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Nice image! A bit pixelated in HiRes, but I like the composition and colors. Mmm...maaaybe you can try to make the background a bit darker so that the hook is more visible (more contrast), but that's up to you. Good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Nice colors! Not sure, but are there two shadows from Lodd against the wall? If so, I'd reduce the one left behind Lodd's shoulder. The perspective fits well. Good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Not bad. That shadow is ok, but dont get well about the added frame right up. I know that's from the original, but imo there's not much connection with the rest. In case you wanna keep it, try to fix the air a bit (perhaps combination clone tool and healing brush?) Good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)High res is funny
, good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Good idea, chicken looks a bit pixelated though. Tiny nitpick: I'd put the front leg in front of the egg (so you see it's coming out of the egg), this way there's more connection between the egg and leg. Just my opinion. Good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Not bad, but indeed try to get closer to the coin color. After all the coins are supposed to be golden. Good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Not bad, but maybe bit confusing image. The sword is hanging? Or how is it dripping blood otherwise? As said above, you may want to remove the text. Otherwise integrate it more with the wall by using a displacement map and/or blending mode with some highlight. Good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Funny
, perhaps you can have a look at the elliptic line around the head. Use a path as oval, rotate it the way you like and then stroke the path with a color. Also, right now the line goes through his head instead behind. Unless you prefer that, otherwise you might want to remove that. Good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Sweet image. Could be a bit sharper here and there, but overall well done. Good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Funny one. Not all the balls are as sharp. You should adjust those eyes a bit to that too. For example the vessels from the eyes behind are way to sharp and idem for the eye in front. If you can feather them a bit, it would look more like they're part of the image. Good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Funny face, but beware with the use of shadows. Unless you want it, the warrior looks a bit flat against the background because you added some kinda shadow straight behind the ballls. Up to you if you wanna remove them or not. Good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Nice background
. The spheres are not bad, but for some reason it still misses some kinda depth. If I see your step 1 the left part of the image looks way rounder than what you finally made. I think it has to do because you still see too much from each of the squares in the final image, while it should be more distorted. What you cà n do is take those original squares, make a sphere with them and ie with liquify push more of these squares together around the egdes, so you get a more distorted effect...if you'd like that. Good luck!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Shouldnt be a problem to have another eye entry, this looks different enough. Nice creepy, though I might prefer the whiter eyes (like the one left) more than the ones with fading white edges, maybe because with those it looks more like it's added instead they're part of the ball. Up to you of course, but maybe you'd like to play a bit with the blending modes, so you get see more from the original texture of the ball? Good luck! Btw dont forget a SBS!
(5 years and 3928 days ago)Nice idea, you might wanna spend a little more time on the bowling pins. The edges look a bit rough here and there. Also, add shades after you rotated the pins, not before. Now there's light on top of the one and under on the other. For some reason the white is a bit...too white for me, but that's just imo of course. Good luck!

(5 years and 3928 days ago)EDIT: edges looks better already
Nice white teeth! Watch out that the quality of different sources are more or less the same, the teeth are now a bit pixelated. Also, dont forget to mention your used sources. Good luck!
(5 years and 3929 days ago)If that monster only knew better, haha
. Nice construction, in fact what I notice now is that this monster has no tongue yet. So in case you have some time left and willing to add it...
. Good luck!
(5 years and 3929 days ago)Just how he always wanted to be, haha. You may want to make the coat's edge (there where the zipper is supposed to be) a bit more smooth. The Lodd in the background is blurred (which is ok), but then the outer edges should be blurry too, here and there they're still sharp. Those black shoes look pretty good on him! Good luck!
(5 years and 3929 days ago)Very funny idea, especially with Lodd's expression!
. Perhaps I'd lower Lodd a bit so he looks more in the other person's eyes. And about the reflection, what you cà n do is just remove the whole glass, but that's up to you. The man's mask looks pretty good! Good luck!
(5 years and 3929 days ago)Haha, reminds me of the clip Can you Feel It from the Jacksone Five
. Tapiona has a good point about the guitar, unless you may want to give it an even more mystical feeling and just let the guitar floating in front of Lodd. The guitar size is ok, just add "My First Guitar" on it
(kiiiiddding, Lodd
). Btw maaaybe you can try to put a gradient in the right lower corner for the planet, so it gets more depth (for example very dark in the corner and then fade to 0%, with blending overlay or experiment with it). Good luck!
(5 years and 3929 days ago)Cute smile, but I think this would work better if you'd use only the kid's mouth for a grown up. After all, these à re more or less the kid's real teeth. Just my opinion. Good luck!
(5 years and 3929 days ago)*Shivers* Sweet smile, maybe you'd like to add some shadow just where the tongue gets out of the mouth so it looks less flat. Good luck! PS Missy, it's the inner beauty that counts
(5 years and 3929 days ago)Haha, that kid REALLY wanted to smile for this pic
. Smile looks good, personally I wouldnt give so much attention to the tshirt (good that you removed the logo though), right now with the texture it looks a bit flat with a too obvious PS-texture. But ok, that's just imo. The cartoony eyes are funny too, but not sure how to see the upper eyelids. Are they double? But a nice smile for sure, nice SBS too btw! Good luck!
(5 years and 3929 days ago)
. Nonono people, it's not me! I'm GREEN! With HORNS!
Still looking good, perhaps you'd like to use the light reflection from the blue ball for the eye, so it gets a more natural reflection. Good luck!
(5 years and 3929 days ago)Cheerful
, maybe you can give some folds here and there at the endings (because the rubber gets all together there). Good luck!
(5 years and 3930 days ago)Not bad, but as written above you might want to do something with the light. The original background is way lighter, you wouldnt prefer to stick more to that? I think then the balloon and basket will fit way better with the rest (and then also the shiny balloon makes more sense). I see some lighter part right under, I guess that's shadow. Not sure if you'd be able to see that with this darkness. Up to you if you'd like to change it. Good luck!
(5 years and 3930 days ago)Funny image, the tails are cute
. Some nitpick: you made the balloons seethrough which makes a nice effect. But in that case I also expect to see (for example) the backpaws from the orange balloon.giraffe through the front ones
. Idem for the blue one. In case you change it, be aware that with 2 layers of balloons the final background might be barely visible. Good luck!
(5 years and 3930 days ago)Smart, reminds me on the movie Army of Darkness
. Pretty good result, but if you can give the soldier a spine and knees, would do him good
. Good luck!
(5 years and 3930 days ago)Pretty nice result, but for some reason it looks a bit Escher-esque. Which is not wrong, of course. I see some darkgrey colors behind Kanaloa's tentacles, that's a shadow? Maybe if you use one of the blending options (or lower the opacity a bit) it will work better. Overall well done
, good luck!
(5 years and 3930 days ago)Awwww, sweet
. Maybe a bit more contrast for the brush itself, so it will look a bit less blurry and combines better with the hedgehog. Good luck!
(5 years and 3930 days ago)Not bad, but there's something with the light here (and then I dont even mention the l*ns fl*r*). Because it looks like the "branches" of the tree gets light from front right, while the shadow is also on front. Unless the l*nsfl*r* is messing with my eye...Good luck!

(5 years and 3930 days ago)EDIT: light fixed
Cant...resist....must...post...in...first...PostPST...entry...ever...Done! And yes, also agree with Tapiona: maybe if the head&neck are a bit bigger plus you wrap the cloth a bit closer around the neck (perhaps with liquify you can push it a bit more to the right), it would all fit better. Good luck!
(5 years and 3930 days ago)