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In case it's a question: YES! Good luck!
(5 years and 2992 days ago)Happy new year to you too, author! Good luck!
(5 years and 2995 days ago)He looks a bit like Jar Jar Binks without ears
. Nice image. Good luck!
(5 years and 3000 days ago)Very pretty (and bit weird too
). Good luck!
(5 years and 3017 days ago)Hi-Res version is very recommended, great sharp landscape. Good luck!
(5 years and 3018 days ago)The idea is kind of funny (woman's reaction), but the horse makes the scene too serious. Now I think, poor horsey, he's killed
.... If it was something like a unicorn it was still kind of cruel but more in a fantasy way/surrealistic, I think it would have looked more like black humor. Just my opinion though. Good luck!
(5 years and 3020 days ago)Nice blend and mood, quite believable result. Good luck!
(5 years and 3021 days ago)Good idea and well done result, the light direction is also pretty correct. Maaaaybe the hand could have done with a tiny bit softer edges, but that's a nitpick. Good luck!
(5 years and 3021 days ago)Nice concept, yes. I can live with the non-showing feet, but the head is imo a bit too distorted. It's ok for the body, but I'd keep the head a bit more how it originally was. The cat is funny
. Good luck!
(5 years and 3032 days ago)Pretty ok idea, but I think it's a bit of a pity that thelens is covered with text. Assuming that this is the whole photo (so you wouldnt be able to lower the text) you might want to do the following: Make the font size of Pentax smaller till the word is as wide as the camera (on both sides), make the text above also proportional smaller (and I'd get rid of "with", but that's my opinion) and perhaps if needed crop the image left and right. At least the text can be put a bit more under the lens. Just a suggestion
. Good luck!
(5 years and 3034 days ago)Good colors, nice Dof and angle. Good luck!
(5 years and 3034 days ago)Author, if you spoke the owner of the girl image about it, and the owner approved, then the only thing you have to do is make a screenprint from the owner's approval (I assume you asked by mail or PM) and put that in the SBS (and make sure that your own name does not appear in the screenprint). Then there shouldnt be a problem. Or as CMYK says, replace the images for other legal sources. Good luck!
(5 years and 3040 days ago)I'd see this as ontopic (as DS said, the car is untouched). What I might change here is the shinyness from the car. The idea is to replace the original texture (metal from the car) for -in this case- canvas (or whatever the shoe's made of). The shoe texture is not shiny, therefore right now the texture looks more like a print on a metallic surface than actual canvas. For the rest well done. Good luck!
(5 years and 3040 days ago)"For the Birds" might have been a nice title too
. Good luck!
(5 years and 3047 days ago)Looks nice, would have loved to see the lines on the wall really being vertical. Good luck!
(5 years and 3048 days ago)Pretty well done. Could be a painting by Millet (although I cant remember he ever painted a winter scenery) or any other 19th century realist painter. Perhaps I'd have kept the running dog sharper and its light from the original on his head and fur more intact, but that's personal. Also, I might have given some more contrast and a bit more gaussian blur for the barn, eventhough I'd understand your decision to make it lighter because it would be further away, but then the whole background should have a reduced contrast. Good luck!
(5 years and 3048 days ago)Good source find and well done fire adaption. Tiny nitpick: the light on the wall seems to come from above, while the dog is mostly standing under (or same level), so there should be light shining from under on the wall. You can vertically flip the wall or invert it, but then again it's a tny nitpick. Overall mood and aggression (dog is awesome) is for sure accomplished. Good luck!
(5 years and 3053 days ago)Vibeke, "DON'T Cry For Me, Argentina"
(5 years and 3054 days ago)The person is perhaps quite famous, the tombstone however is not really placed in an exclusive area in cementerio de Recoleta, if there wasnt a special sign, you'd likely miss the grave.
Good luck!
It's a bit hard to read what's written there...."...isted tea"? Mmm, maybe you can make the pic again, but then more from front and more focused on the girl
. Good luck!
(5 years and 3063 days ago)Not bad but try to spend a bit more time to clean up around the house (trees & air). Good luck!
(5 years and 3066 days ago)Nice idea, but I'd really replace the wall behind the fishes for or more fishes or bread. Good luck!
(5 years and 3071 days ago)My son (20 months) LOVES this show, cant see it enough....Good luck!
(5 years and 3079 days ago)Perhaps hard to recognize, but nicely integrated helmet in the external image, well done. Good luck!
(5 years and 3088 days ago)With helmet you made this look like some national sport, haha. Funny entry. Good luck!
(5 years and 3088 days ago)Funny image, but maybe the motion blur needs to be used differently. Rght now there's motion on both sides, while it should be mostly coming from their back. Perhaps if you smudge and then blur the motion, you can exaggerate the effect (but that's up to you). Very funny bike photo in the SBS btw, almost a pity thar their faces are covered by helmets
. Good luck!
(5 years and 3088 days ago)Wasnt it Cleopatra who had such nose? Good luck!
(5 years and 3090 days ago)Nice work! I might have removed some from the wall (left side), since nothing really happens there. By cropping it, there might be more balance in the whole image, which could make the girl look even better. Good luck!
(5 years and 3094 days ago)Nice one, yes. I agree with WYSIWYG about the sweater. Blue is a bit too dominant imo, while it has no important role. If you can crop the image on the lower part (i.e. remove a 3rd from the sweater) the balance in the image would increase. Good luck!
(5 years and 3098 days ago)Whoaaa, they're big already! Nice to see them again! Good luck!
(5 years and 3103 days ago)I'd change the title into something like : "Sorry Dave, I can't let you do that"
. Good luck!
(5 years and 3108 days ago)Makes me think about the movie Deliverance, nice image. Good luck!
(5 years and 3111 days ago)As Mossy says, funny famous-copy, with a bottle of water as finishing touch (no clue if on purpose, but for some reason it fits perfectly in my stereotype image of a Jennifer Aniston lookalike, together with the outfit). Good luck!
(5 years and 3116 days ago)No doubt I'd enter that shop, looking at the window (might have a problem with my French
). Good luck!
(5 years and 3117 days ago)I'd love to sit there for a couple of hours. Pity no HiRes, otherwise I could read the titles (though I see some Mickey Mouse stuff hanging, always interesting). Good luck!
(5 years and 3117 days ago)KatanazStock, assuming that you're the same person as the one from DA, you'd know that on the front page of your profile you allow people to use the stock outside DA. I cant say anything about the 1st point, but the 2nd one shouldnt be an issue here.
(5 years and 3117 days ago)Author, good luck!
EDIT: KS, feel free to define "commerical and/or profitable use", s'il vous plaît
KatanazStock, assuming that you're the same person as the one from DA, you'd know that on the front page of your profile you allow people to use the stock outside DA. I cant say anything about the 1st point, but the 2nd one shouldnt be an issue here.
(5 years and 3117 days ago)Author, good luck!
EDIT: KS, feel free to define "commerical and/or profitable use", s'il vous plaît
It's Dutch, that cant be easily read no matter if it's sharp or not
(luckily there's also an english translation...). If I read well it's about Bols (alcoholic beverages) and its factory at the Rozengracht. It is the oldest Dutch company still active and the oldest distillery brand in the world, according to Wiki. Good luck!
(5 years and 3117 days ago)Reminds me on Shutter Island
. Good luck!
(5 years and 3117 days ago)Nice images for sure, but I'm with MnMCarta. The left one shows more how amazingly big the building (or object) is. Good luck!
(5 years and 3119 days ago)Both are nice images, imo the upper one is more interesting though. Good luck!
(5 years and 3119 days ago)Very sorry to hear this tragic news. I hope you can find support with family and friends and the best of luck and strength in this tough period.
(5 years and 3125 days ago)Nice house, but I might consider cropping the right side, so car isnt visible anymore. Imo without the car it can look more abandoned. Good luck!
(5 years and 3134 days ago)Nice concept. Inside the boxes it maybe lacks dept. Add some more shadows to the sides and also on the puppet so she's really inside the box. Good luck!
(5 years and 3135 days ago)Funny entry with some nice details. Maaaybe you'd like to add a few more pages inside the newspaper so that it looks less flat (in your source image you ook more from front/ under to the paper, that's why you dont see the other pages, but in your image youlook more from up), but it's not a must either. Good luck!
(5 years and 3135 days ago)Good idea, but CMYK has a point. Also, I'd use the bigger version that can be found here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Van_Eyck_-_Arnolfini_Portrait.jpg (click on the image for bigger version), so things are better recognizable and at least it's possible to clearly see the great painting from the terrific Van Eyck! Good luck!
(5 years and 3137 days ago)Funny image, but I'd really get rid of the different clouds background. It's too recognizable as standard clouds render and imo wont support your own creations. Good luck!

(5 years and 3138 days ago)EDIT: background looks better this way, imo
Pretty image, nice light. Good luck!
(5 years and 3138 days ago)Recoleta cementerio is pretty nice, yes. Especially if you like cats, there are quite some stray cats living inside, although for some reason I think there used to be more. Good luck!
(5 years and 3139 days ago)Not bad, but personally I really wouldnt use something like comic sans as font for the poster. Good luck!
(5 years and 3171 days ago)Dont know the movie, but nice poster! Curious why you already showed the swap in the upper left corner (I read that as a begin of a serie of still to be colored puppets, while if the colored ones were somewhere else it was more clear that these ones only were specially colored, but perhaps your choice fits the idea better). Good luck!
(5 years and 3171 days ago)