197 comments given:
avatar westfall
westfall says:


(5 years and 3560 days ago)

avatar westfall
westfall says:

very true Kyricom... and thats a wonderful collection you have there author.

(5 years and 3560 days ago)

Garbage Pail Mad
avatar westfall
westfall says:

im full of useless info.... or in this case.. usefull?.. lol..

(5 years and 3560 days ago)

The Hang-mans Knot
avatar westfall
westfall says:

very nice!

(5 years and 3560 days ago)

Home Sweet Home...
avatar westfall
westfall says:

....... dunno what to say..... Simply Awesome!!!!

(5 years and 3561 days ago)

Under the sea
avatar westfall
westfall says:

nicely done!! A+

(5 years and 3561 days ago)

Sweet Conch
avatar westfall
westfall says:

nice guitar

(5 years and 3561 days ago)

Inside my guitar
avatar westfall
westfall says:

may want to red flag the other uploads.. i think their uploader is having issues today.. this isn't the first one it's happened to

(5 years and 3561 days ago)

Secret City
avatar westfall
westfall says:

Excellent entry!!! one suggestion tho... the bushes on the building have fuzzy edges. maybe a slight touch up there.. overall its great!

(5 years and 3561 days ago)

Secret City
avatar westfall
westfall says:

very nice!

(5 years and 3561 days ago)

avatar westfall
westfall says:

Yes!!! Yes!! Yes!!! This is Great!!

(5 years and 3561 days ago)

The world is your oyster...
avatar westfall
westfall says:

nicely done author!!

here's an explination Lock...

The number eight is common because that is the bare minimun of 1 inch rope that it takes to break the neck of a 150 pound man. By using 13 loops you can increase the weight to that of 225 pound man. Anything less would not insure correct neck breakage and we woould risk the victim choking to death.

(5 years and 3561 days ago)

The Hang-mans Knot
avatar westfall
westfall says:

nicely done author!!

(5 years and 3561 days ago)

The Hang-mans Knot
avatar westfall
westfall says:

very nice!. verry verry niice!

(5 years and 3561 days ago)

Junk Mail Filter
avatar westfall
westfall says:

i like em floating.. always imagined grim reapers floating.. jusy my opinion though. Great work Author

(5 years and 3562 days ago)

Grim Romance
avatar westfall
westfall says:

sucks to be the person under that... lol

(5 years and 3562 days ago)

Glass Ceiling
avatar westfall
westfall says:


(5 years and 3562 days ago)

The lonely Conch...
avatar westfall
westfall says:


(5 years and 3563 days ago)

Hot Beast
avatar westfall
westfall says:

excellent image!!.... however you need to put the uncut sunset image in the SBS...

(5 years and 3563 days ago)

Sunset Swing
avatar westfall
westfall says:

i like the colder climate version!! great job!

(5 years and 3563 days ago)

Mountain Towers
avatar westfall
westfall says:

i see you edited it.. looks much better.. nice job

(5 years and 3563 days ago)

What a relief .
avatar westfall
westfall says:

YAY. it made it thru the cut!!.. congrats.. 9/93 aint bad considering all the people who prolly voted it low just cuz they are closed minded!

(5 years and 3563 days ago)

nothing in life is free...
avatar westfall
westfall says:

i like the lizard head.... gives it that Never Ending Story feel.... which is one of my all time favorite movies... good job author

(5 years and 3565 days ago)

avatar westfall
westfall says:

that is sooo awesome!!!!!! do they still even make those??

(5 years and 3565 days ago)

Garbage Pail Mad
avatar westfall
westfall says:

agree with both above statements... but what i believe wazowski meant to say was have his lifted paw behind the pole... not behind the pole... lol... other than that, very nice concept

(5 years and 3566 days ago)

What a relief .
avatar westfall
westfall says:

great peice!!

(5 years and 3566 days ago)

avatar westfall
westfall says:

crappy business.... lol... great card!

(5 years and 3566 days ago)

Guano Distribution
avatar westfall
westfall says:

i have to vote to keep it.... the topic does not state "Blades of grass"... it says grass of any kind... and where i come from... that is referred to as grass.... ... if you want to stick to topic... you need to go out and red flag / pull halg the other entries that depict Hay, Wheat, Cactus, etc...
and if its being pulled for "Drug" reffrence..... then there shouldnt be any contests depicting "Pills", "Cigarette Smoke", "Six Pack", or any others with similar subject matter...

(5 years and 3567 days ago)

nothing in life is free...
avatar westfall
westfall says:

good job on the reflections author... just a note... the reflection of the exit masks need a touch up.. they look to be coming off the glass a little bit

(5 years and 3567 days ago)

Maincity Theatre
avatar westfall
westfall says:

yup yup... gotta says i likes it

(5 years and 3567 days ago)

avatar westfall
westfall says:

nicely done

(5 years and 3568 days ago)

Trip Of A Lifetime
avatar westfall
westfall says:

yea boi!!!! i think its on topic... but thats just my opinion... i give this entry HIGH marks... lol..

(5 years and 3568 days ago)

nothing in life is free...
avatar westfall
westfall says:

i believe it was all part of the plan to take the publics attention off of something else goin on in the government.... call me a conspiracy theorist.... lol... OUTSTANDING WORK AUTHOR!!

(5 years and 3568 days ago)

thank you BP and Haliburton
avatar westfall
westfall says:

lol.. right on author.. they fit perfectly

(5 years and 3568 days ago)

avatar westfall
westfall says:

guess i was supposed to guess the movie as well not just quote it.... "Stand by Me"... maybe?

(5 years and 3568 days ago)

avatar westfall
westfall says:

lol.. i loved that movie!!!..

Now he said, "Sic'em, boy!" But what I heard was, "Chopper! Sic balls!"

(5 years and 3568 days ago)

avatar westfall
westfall says:

i love your idea on this contest... i must agree with smalapatekut on the perspective of the doors though.. maybe if you placed the entrance door on the otherside of the doorway and flipped it to show the reverse with the word "entrance" written backward to show that it is a one peice door frame it would help the viewers understand your entry better... i do love the idea. good luck author. hope to see more of your entries

(5 years and 3569 days ago)

Take Me Anywhere
avatar westfall
westfall says:

i like the industrial feel of this entry.. great job author!!

(5 years and 3569 days ago)

The Gardian
avatar westfall
westfall says:


(5 years and 3569 days ago)

The Puppeteer
avatar westfall
westfall says:

is that really grass? looks like the plants i have outside my house

(5 years and 3573 days ago)

Green green grass of home
avatar westfall
westfall says:

im a sucker for this type of mood! ... great job!

(5 years and 3586 days ago)

Cry With Me....
avatar westfall
westfall says:

lol.. i love this!!! great job!

(5 years and 3586 days ago)

Wait a minute...?!
avatar westfall
westfall says:

Very Nice Work

(5 years and 3590 days ago)

avatar westfall
westfall says:

nice work Author... every aspect looks GREAT!

(5 years and 3590 days ago)

River Patrol
avatar westfall
westfall says:

very nice

(5 years and 3607 days ago)

avatar westfall
westfall says:

very nicely done.. good luck

(5 years and 3608 days ago)

avatar westfall
westfall says:

i like it so very much

(5 years and 3609 days ago)

A Dream In Blue
avatar westfall
westfall says:

reminds me of the bruises i get on my hips from using this type of swing... lol.. painfull but worth it!!!... great job

(5 years and 3609 days ago)

avatar westfall
westfall says:

last one of these i was in the chain was rusted and it broke.... i had a sore bum for a few days... lol

(5 years and 3609 days ago)

avatar westfall
westfall says:

very good

(5 years and 3609 days ago)

Old russian tea pot