salt water

For: all wet 2 contest
For: archways 2 contest
Just sitting in our backyard waiting for summer. It is older than anyone who camps in her.
For: way back contest
For: march 2012 contest
March in the Midwest.
For: march 2012 contest
My nature in this entry is mother earth herself. MUD. That is March in Michigan.
For: march 2012 contest
Not a good fight. Cut the hand from wrist to middle finger. Wedding ring saved the nerve. Scare is about 11 years old.
For: scars contest
acturally a gate (sculpture) going to Lake Michigan. It depends on how you view it as to what it looks like. This was not made to look like an a. It was manufatured as a gateway.
For: alphabets contest
f 4.5 for 4 seconds.
For: camera toss contest
my husbands foot. dropped a nail gun while doing a roof. The roofing nail shoot clear through his boot and all the way to the other side of his ankle. Wish I could put the xray up. That was awsome.
For: scars contest
I wanted to capture the feeling of fall. This shot was taken at f 16 for 1/10 of a second. I also used my pop up flash set to rear curtin. (hoping to someone freeze a bit of detail) It reminds me of a monet painting.
For: camera toss contest
every parents worst nightmare.
For: bubble gum contest
i just love the fact he was so happy about his first lobster
For: restaurants contest
old train depot. One of the first. Wish could have had the inside. the "ceiling" was beautiflu
For: rooftops contest
roof top in baltimore. Old fort with grass roof. It acturally is a prison roof top. Very enviornment friendly in the civil war.
For: rooftops contest
For: snooze 2 contest
Lake bottom facial!
For: dirty things contest