focus? Who needs it
Trying to embrace the artistic form. Went for an abstract look? White paper Folded
Trying to embrace the artistic form. Went for an abstract look? White paper Folded
Pin hole~ Small hole in body cap for camera. No tape or anything.
The dog love to get dirty. Just does not like to have a bath. Photo quality ok. Just like the image because of how the dog looks like she is pleading with the "master"
For: dirty things contest
desat. everything but the reds and blues. Had to crop out the men with big guns. This is about all you could see of the white house
For: gates contest
high iso. Lots of noise. I liked the way his face was lit by the birthday candles.
For: smile please contest
nikon d700 with @ hole in the body cap. Made with an exato knife
D*** It. Din't your read my tag! It said not to give a balloon to that 3 year old!
Beauty shops are for women only!
manual mode f 8 8 seconds Iso Low 1 one helpful spouse!!!
For: time lapse 2 contest
For: body parts 2 contest
For: on a bench contest