f 36 2.5 seconds iso 100
f-29 10 seconds iso 200
For: max contrast contest
For: traditional mediums contest
created ring light from plumbing parts. step by step included on pxleyes web site. My step by step included in "the ring of the eye"
For: light rings contest
made a ring light as shown on the web site.
For: light rings contest
In the Celtic tradition Hawk empowers a person to seek out their ancestral roots and to examine in depth that which is positive so that it may be integrated into the person's life and that, which is limiting so it can be released. Tradition is only worth honoring when it supports joy and fulfillment...
oil crisis of 1974---- years later.. Same shiskabobs.
For: birth year contest
•The first use of UPC or Universal product Code BAR CODE UPC scanner installed in Marshes Supermarket in Troy Ohio ( check 1952 for first bar code use not UPC ) or the standard used today 1974 was the year!!! First item was a pack of gum
For: birth year contest
talk about interesting. Try to get fourty 12 year olds to wear red noses in public. This is my sons play. He was not impressed to say the least.
For: red nose contest