Morning Star
Once a great city, nature encroaches and all that is left is the bones of a city. all bryce.
For: exo planets contest
Once a great city, nature encroaches and all that is left is the bones of a city. all bryce.
For: exo planets contest
All Bryce
For: exo planets contest
Bladerunner inspired cityscape.
I asked my 8year old what food she wanted.....Icecream,gumballs,choc sauce, choc flakes and M&Ms. The prog used is Bryce
For: food contest
No meshes used simple primitives and the colour and texture editor for apples and pear skins. Bryce prog used.
For: food contest
Planet Research Bot All Bryce
For: i robot contest
Bryce And post work PS
For: helmets contest
Based on Alien where Kane gets it with the "hand Crab snake" thing, and this is whats left of his helmet. I know in the film its cut off however, for my idea it just smashed the front. Used Bryce and ps.
For: helmets contest
Bryce postwork PS
For: aeroplane contest
All Bryce
For: contest architecture contest