
One yellow
For: odd one out contest
For: welcome back contest
For: beatles song titles contest
"I Want to Hold Your Hand," on Meet the Beatles from 1963
For: beatles song titles contest
...where Pliers get what they deserve!!! F:22 iso 50 187.8 sec exposure & at least 2 days of work. Enjoy & make sure you see high resolution.
For: wires contest
For: valentine contest
Blue Jeans, Blue Shirt, Blue paint......I must qualify!
For: wearing contest
For: valentine contest
You can have one guess as to where the whites come out. :-)
For: pottery contest camera!..actually its my second eye, I am blind in the left eye
...i really hate my self!
Me. just posing with a knife. nothing odd with that.
Remembering the physique of 30 years ago. :-)
I may not have a telephoto lens, but I know how to use it. :-)
I love hanging out with myself. :-) This is a panorama, meaning I used the same steps with every panorama I enter, however, this time, I stepped into the frame... three times. :-) See SBS and I know I've said it a million times before but I'll say it again, please view in high res before voting....
'Time and tide wait for no man'
For: diptych contest