
i shoot this through trees, thats what u can see it right top corner, was going to crop but i lose to much of the photo
For: fences contest
i shoot this through trees, thats what u can see it right top corner, was going to crop but i lose to much of the photo
For: fences contest
We'll beat on logs if we have to, but we have to have our music. This is a 1914 hand cranked Victrola, and today's digital.
Budapest (Hungary): The flooding Danube threatened thousands in the spring of 2006.
An audience of over 600 people were treated to the music of The Sensational Simon B and Ian 'The Sax' Jones, and 12 other musicians, at Polly's Music Hall this week, in a bid to raise money for the Help For Haiti charity set up in the town. The event raised a staggering 5, 324 euros. During the conc...
This is actually a shot looking almost strait up. Made sepia edit in Picasa, for it's a lot easier. Please see in high res. edit: ok I wasn't quite satisfied with the sepia tone so I tweaked it... and discovered it's actually easier in PS. That's probably the reason it was lacking comments
For: sepia toning contest
They played on the swings all day long, and now the sun is setting on a forgotten friend.
For: artsy swings contest
Please view in high res if you have time
For: artsy swings contest
For: the elements contest
For: tracks contest
Took this while traveling in Iceland
For: tracks contest