Christina's World

I thought of Christina's World, painted by Andrew Wyeth in 1948, when I seen this picture... so I guess this is a remake. glasses Thanks juancho17 background thanks ColinBrouq bicycle Thanks sol one
I thought of Christina's World, painted by Andrew Wyeth in 1948, when I seen this picture... so I guess this is a remake. glasses Thanks juancho17 background thanks ColinBrouq bicycle Thanks sol one
Grant Wood - American Gothic
For: painting recreate contest
A higher resolution of picture in background is in SBS...
For: mounting contest
So much has been banned in the kingdom... but Love? The young prince reads his stories to anyone who will listen... including his figures. Thanks sveres Thanks sqback Thanks mzacha Thanks radowan8 Thanks Raffer79 Thanks kovik
For: monarchy contest
Little girl looks out, as Dad tries to figure out what to do with you!
For: dark surrealism 2 contest
thanks: lauralucia, kqreqqain, african fi, Splenetic, and uun
For: dark surrealism 2 contest
Fast and Slow ...but in this version they are equal or maybe not? ;)
For: yin and yang contest
Back again for 2093
For: giraffes contest
Thanks midly, somadjinn, hanksrider2003 and 141992!
For: summer fun contest Thank you US Sailors and all others that serve their country and people.
For: swiss border contest
This cat is way lost! Hope he finds his way home... or maybe not.. lol! Thanks to: digital a iboff
For: temple contest
I like watching those child actor or where are they now type shows or pictures... that's what I was thinking anyway... Thanks michaelaw (Notified) Thanks femmeannie
Still up to the same tricks at 81 as when he was 16! Thanks deboer Thank lhumble Thanks Drivenslush: Hopefully this is fun... even though poking... This is the story Drivenslush told, " my first restaurant job, the chefs would deep fry those peppers in crepe batter and tell the new ...
For: drivenslush contest
Thank you so much: foot - Jansum thanks (notified) castle - Thanks Nozamis
For: coast view contest
Thank you bublefish With my little talent: I drew picture/outline of girl, used contest source for cutout, overlay, and texture. Then used Bublefish's backdrop.
For: swan closeup contest
BabySitter Needed! $50 an hour... please respond? Thanks: mokra, nem youth, and mazwebs
For: arche noah contest
Thanks to all below: Wikipedia public domain in the United States (copyright has expired) wikemedia public domain in the United States (copyright has expired)
Escape from Cyberpunk! (The Movie) dude: (break_that_ice_by_xn3ctz) deviant art Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Thanks xn3ctz (very nice) crosshairs: 1318...
For: cyberpunk contest
Does anyone remember seamonkies? That is what I was thinking.... but seamonkies were so ugly! Fish tank - underwater - nice site - Tail - mermaid - pregnant - 62425...
My Daughter took a picture at last year's Colorado Springs Hot Air Balloon Festival (Post in SBS)