Entry number 111143

these boots were made for working
these boots were made for working
For: forest road contest
cliche i know but i had fun
For: parrot contest
my own stock photo of my grandson
For: dinner for 4 contest
simply cut out and pasted the two pics used some smear tool added text emboss filter and levels added boder
For: stone man contest
always wanted to do this photo by henry fuseli glad for this contest thank you sammydavisdog,gabriellaraujo@flickr and thanks to vclare@sxc.hu for the photos
sometimes simple things are the best so i simply cut the ring out and pasted it onto his face thank you doc@sxc.hu for the image
For: old knob contest
sometimes i think less is more so this one is very simple i cut out the shoes resized and pasted added text
For: red shoes contest
the orig. photo is my own all i did was copy orig(which i manipulated) over cross picture and lowered the opacity there is no effect on the cross picture through suggestions i took the color of the blood away thanks to MPMthe1,ba1969 from www.sxc.hu for letting me use thier photos
For: vampirize contest
i know that the shapes look like they are floating a bit thought it added to the wimbsy
simply cut paste blend
For: air crane contest
congrats you two!! this was fun kept it simple cut paste smear blend
For: mod chopping contest
lots and lots of cut paste no outside sources just the contest six
this is my grandson thank you svilen001 from sxc.hu for the background
For: avatar mania contest
i just can't wait to be king i wanted it to look like a painting yup i used a filter
For: movie night contest
used only the source picture
For: black swan contest
cut paste blend blur squaw is my own stock photo
For: lone pine contest
cut out baby face replaced with watch face blended edges with smear and blur tool
For: boy london contest
at first i thought how the heck am i gonna enter this one without crossing the offensive language line? i think i pulled it off, thank you to pinkfetish @ sxc.com for the cool photo if i wer'nt fat and fifty i would have posed..... hmmmm no i couldnt do that to everyone...lol oh yeah i just c...
copy paste blur
For: sea gull contest
pasted little girl pic over gull pic
For: sea gull contest
pasted bamboo pic over the guy faded it and used levels