Walking Bridge

For: distorted perspective contest
For: distorted perspective contest
Took from across the street on the top level of a 5 story parking garage. The building stands at 549 feet
For: distorted perspective contest
A moth,,yep.
For: macro bugs 4 contest
Captured from the inside of a tulip.
For: macro bugs 4 contest
Group of baby robins, or at least that is what I assume they are.
Title says it all.
For: high key 2 contest
Please check out hi rez.
For: macro bugs 3 contest
A humbling experience in which you learn every flaw on your body lol.
Decided I liked this after setting the speelite a little too high.
For: white contest
I shot this at such a fast shutter speed with a small enough aperture that the surrounding areas were completely underexposed. I decided later I liked the way it looked.
For: sunsets contest
Kind of was going for the VJ day kiss photo look.
For: kisses contest
Not responsible if you get stuck cross eyed. I found that this gave a great sense of depth.
For: stereograph contest
I sit in my basement and play with this crap all the time. I even have a room dedicated to my experiments.
For: stop motion contest
It was too rainy and cold to go much further out past the front porch.
For: saturday contest
My computer froze a couple times compiling the original almost 400MP image, reducing it to around 5 mb from over 1GB was fun. This was a composition of 17 raw images.
For: panorama 360 contest