it came from the abyss

created this for the new species contest, but was not able to finish it on time.
created this for the new species contest, but was not able to finish it on time.
drew the hair, the hair bands, the skin overlay, and the freckles.
For: the light contest
an oldie... will try to post all the sources as accurate as possible, siince this is really old. trees and grass made with standard ps brushes
For: cloud cities contest
For: stone ear contest
took me 5hrs+ with a mouse... drew the sketch from scratch, right on the canvas.
lots of liquify and stamp tool. tried to keep her essence as much as possible.
glittery paper moon and stars made by me using pen tool and standard star brushes
the photo of the girl is mine. sent a notification to owner of the lionfish picture. will post as soon as i receive a reply.
For: creative fishtanks contest
an oldie...
For: deadly sins contest
the wings i did free hand using the airbrush capability and then multiplied layer. smudge skull tt shape it like a heart.
For: rock fan contest
created the glove by using a brush and dabbing onto a layer and then multiplying. added sparkle by using star brush. cloud brushes by changed the birds so link is up!
For: deadly sins contest
made the flag and the pole using standard shapes and the border using pen tool. dodged and burned for shadows and highlights.
For: wet leaves contest
this is an psd oldie, and thought it fit the theme. the girl was the source image for the older contest and don't know where to find it. if anyone knows, let me know and i will link back.
The legend is said to originate with a young woman who lived hundreds of years ago (some versions of the legend state the Heian period) and was either the wife or concubine of a samurai. She is said to have been very beautiful but also very vain, and possibly cheating on her husband. The samurai, ex...
yum! this was a fun little project...all rendering by me. feet by spanishale
For: gift box contest
For: venice mask contest
For: angry mascot contest