2 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar Steve1972
Steve1972 says:

omg, this is creepy like hell! but I guess this is the desired effect, so...way to go!

(5 years and 3185 days ago)

burned brain
avatar zatrix
zatrix says:

nice melt

(5 years and 3913 days ago)

burned brain
avatar kyluvlee
kyluvlee says:

Maybe if you showed more of a wick at the top of the head the fire wouldn't look too much like a blurred light...good luck!!

(5 years and 3914 days ago)

burned brain
no avatar
pixel says:

what is that on top of his head

(5 years and 3914 days ago)

burned brain
avatar Ory
Ory says:

Very nice, good work

(5 years and 3915 days ago)

burned brain
avatar Nav777singh

good one

(5 years and 3915 days ago)

burned brain
avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:


(5 years and 3915 days ago)

burned brain
avatar fille
fille says:

you are good for comment that picture!

(5 years and 3915 days ago)

burned brain
avatar gopankarichal

good work

(5 years and 3915 days ago)

burned brain
avatar burtzomega


(5 years and 3916 days ago)

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avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

THis has something, certainly not bad. I guess it depends a bit on the background what color the dots will be (right now the yellow doesnt work with white). But pretty clean result (though Dan and mellow do have a point). Good luck!

(5 years and 3917 days ago)

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avatar OliviasArts

very nice, and good colour choices

(5 years and 3917 days ago)

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avatar genuine2009

gl ...good

(5 years and 3917 days ago)

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avatar mellowdesign

Try and stay away from blue/orange - very dated. Also, not sure of the purpose of the 'grapes' - from a branding point of view this isn't working yet.

(5 years and 3917 days ago)

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avatar boogeyman
boogeyman says:

cool one!

(5 years and 3918 days ago)

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avatar DanLundberg

If I came upon this cold, I would think the Web site is merely "eyes.com" and would wonder what the capital P, lambda, capital L sequence means.

(5 years and 3918 days ago)

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avatar Ory
Ory says:

Thats cool.

(5 years and 3918 days ago)

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avatar ReapRevenge
ReapRevenge [banned] says:

nice idea!! G/L

(5 years and 3918 days ago)

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avatar nbaztec
nbaztec says:

good luck..looks nice...

(5 years and 3918 days ago)

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no avatar
olga says:

good one

(5 years and 3918 days ago)

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avatar Siminho90
Siminho90 says:

look nice

(5 years and 3918 days ago)

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avatar RGB
RGB says:

Nice idea good luck!

(5 years and 3918 days ago)

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no avatar
pixel says:

simpe and nice

(5 years and 3918 days ago)

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avatar GolemAura
GolemAura says:

OMG..this is so cute... good job... and good luck

(5 years and 3918 days ago)

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