It must be his worst nightmare: when Death can has to do his job, getting lost! Ow well, you can't blame him, after all he's not the youngest anymore.
No outside sources or references, just the source image and some handdrawing.
There's a pretty big High Resolution version available, you'd make me very happy if you have a look.
More info in the SBS.
Thanks for your time and vote! (5 years and 3929 days ago)
Saves the best for last
Very nice chop damn is to funny hope for the best and good luck!
OMG this is just stunning !!! great work author !!!!
absolutely stunning, I love the way that death is scratching his skull
excellent work
this is so good that I just had to comment again
...no comments.....
Simply superb

awesome job like always, but more dark then usual
cool ....
you're too good!!!! Fantastic image!!
WOW!. Awesome work as usual.

brilliant work..
WOW author another great work
what that kid watch?
oh and again very good eyes!
Now that's a fabulous composition! No word of a lie...just brilliant!
I just have to keep coming back and looking at this entry, it's awesome

theres a tiny speck on the third fold of the right hand in the fabric where the corner meets the center of the right red glare on the gnome of the back side that comes to the forward shadow... giggle snort.. Oh take the prize already you goob

EDIT: GOOB is Reference to GOOBER.. chocolate covered peanut eaten at movie houses all over the world, one of my favorites.. it is not an Insult.. don't want a mob after me
Very Cool. GL
Great great great!!! well done!
Great piece of artwork == expression is great and the overall look is stunning
Yes, I agree: stunning, excellent, superb ....!!! love the rich colours you used and the little guy giving directions is just the perfect perfect touch!!
great job and I think I know who the author is, the unique style and always does terrific work. Good luck!

Edit: I was right! You can't hide the humor anywhere.
bravo!!! bravo!!!bravo!!!
this is amazing work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excellent work
wow, I really love this entry.... !
here you are doing it again, very great piece
AMAZING!!! Good job!!
Do skulls get itchy? This is an outstanding entry.
Very nice...GL
out of the contest i dont like this
) it to good
there should be another website for drawers joking again 
YAY! FInally! I was hoping you would enter one this week! Brilliant! FUN! and well done
I wanna do this kind of stuff when I grow up. Terrific entry!
Holey crap!!! Well i hope this takes first place or i will be bitterly disappointed
Stunning work author, im in absolute aww of your work
(im not saying goodluck, cause i know you will win ) lol
This may be your best one yet, my friend...some fine work here!

WOW! THIS IS AMAZING! I'm speechless, SBS is perfect, Highest marks I ever gave to anyone on this site and I'm not wishing you good luck cause you don't need it! !st place IMO!
Just awesome.

Fantastic work and great SBS....congrantulations
100% pure awesomeness
Ummm errr: GREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for yelling but really FABULOUS
Amazing, beyond words! I'm in awe
I can only dream of being able to do this! Congratulations! 
Absolutely fantastic...masterpiece!!
Amazing draw! Really great entry. Congrats author you did a really good job there!
Great job!

What a nice concept.I am always suffering,seeing Your images.Don't get me wrong,dear author.This is super work and good image.But,when i imaging the same idea,created and rendered in 3d space,or even using carefully selected textures,this one really looks so-so.I hope,that You find time and enthusiasm,to try Your luck in max or another 3d app.Especially,that You have composition and cartoon creation sense.Images like this,for example:http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=121&t=563146,simply looks better.
jaskier, I have seen your reference, it is awesome but that was created completely in 3d using texture, lighting render etc. How can anyone use source image with 3d rendered scene, he can only use source for texturing. It mean firstly he has sketch, then create character model then finally render this 3d space to picture which is fill with source in photoshop or some other program..No doubt author has created amazing work using source only. why it should be compare to 3d rendered scene.
speechless, love the way you make your entries, they all have a story behind them, BTW I hope his story doesn't have a happy ending, hope he doesn't find what he's looking for :P
What can I say, it's wonderful, Congrats
Congratulations, celebrations, well done
Keep up the good work
Nice Job and Congrats!
Congrats... And Excellent SBS (lots of efforts in tat )
Thank you all, people, for your vote and kind comments, more than appreciated! Jaskier, thanks for your comment. Not completely sure though if I totally get what you want to say. In this entry -or my work so far- it's not my goal to make such hyperrealistic image possible, although in my style I do like to think about how it còuld be in 3D. But I'm more than aware that this is far from "real" (in case you'd make this in ie 3Ds Max). I just try to make my own interpretation of the source image I see and that can be done in many ways. Your example is absolutely great, but I'm not sure why it should be compared with above entry. It has another technique, another goal. You bet, I'd like to do more with 3D, but to get to such level as in your example, you need to know a LOT of the program, modelling, rendering, use of light, etc. I'm realistic enough to know that I'm far from that knowledge so far. SO for now the least I can do is use PS and try to improve those skills. But I appreciate your comment, thanks again!
Congrats Waz, FABULOUS job!!!!!
A very very fair win! Huge Congrats for your great work!
Congratulations for 1st
Congrats! I would have been really surprised if you didn't win! Great job!
Congrats!! Very well done!!
congrats for 1st
Late for comment , but i love thiss
great job.
Howdie stranger!
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