blaine2nd: Umm.. I just dont know how to respond to this LOL. ( 5 years and 3755 days ago )
: What in the world!! LOL I dont know if i can look at this picture long enough to chop it! lol Feodra thats just not right! LOL ( 5 years and 3754 days ago )
pixelkid: Nothing wrong with the pic or the person who submitted it. It was selected to be those who criticize the usage of the source in a risque manner...seems a bit hypocritical. Is it to my liking...not really, but it is what it is. Get over it, folks. ( 5 years and 3754 days ago )
pixelkid: This source pic was asking for the type of entries it's creating. ( 5 years and 3753 days ago )
divair: This source is like any other else: a challenge. But, oh my! the mayor who allowed that font to be built in the city certainly has the worst of taste LOL... ( 5 years and 3753 days ago )
divair: Oooops! I meant 'fountain'. ( 5 years and 3753 days ago )
Feodora: This is the homepage of the artist, I only took a picture of the most harmless statues ( 5 years and 3753 days ago )
Feodora: This is the homepage of the artist, I only took a picture of the most harmless statues ( 5 years and 3753 days ago )
divair: Thanks Feodora! Oh my God! If I hadn't seen, I wouldn't haved believed! LOL ( 5 years and 3753 days ago )
RickLaMesa: maybe we should put a warning in the desvription like"This may be offensive to some" ( 5 years and 3752 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
Some funny details in HiRes . The pedestal from the big egg is maybe a bit too much made from the front, I'd expect to see a bit more from the top of it. Rest is well done. Good luck!
author says:
Henk, depends on how you see it. I imagined that the base is hollowed out to fit the bottom of the big egg. That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it!
If you put my pic in there you would instantly get high votes from all the women, but the men would be jealous and vote low!!....but seriously, the egg theme is getting a bit old.
Much better idea now, but try to sharpen the blurry edges...
Author, your concept is excellent. If your execution was as good I would give you an insanely high vote.
lmao this is funny! You need to put humor bars on this stuff
Nice chop Author
good idea, good skill, good talent, good job, good source, good luck
Great idea, it is so funny, and very good chop GL!
Great idea...I'd have the feet touching the ground, though...
This is great
keep up the good work lol.
Great idea

Awesome job Author.......G/L.
Love this! I think the dodging effect or lighting on her left side is a bit extreme...if you back down on would be great!
it looks real nice.... good luck
Yes...good idea and fits in well
Congrats! for first place

Congrats, well done
Congrats on your 1st placement Rick.
thanks for the comments and votes everyone
Congrats, nice still shoulda had the feet on the ground, though...

COngrats buddy!
Howdie stranger!
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