Your goal in this contest is to take any photo of a person (preferably a pxleyes member!) and transform him/her into one of the Na'avi people from the planet Pandora.
Make it as convincing as possible (eg. the same blue tones, yellow eyes, pointy ears,...) A good tutorial on how to do this: Na'avi Avatar Photo Manipulation.
Required level: 8+ or higher. Status: finished. Check out the winners below!
CMYK46: Ummm...the planet's name was PANDORA... ( 5 years and 3655 days ago )
CMYK46: PS: I'm cringing already. ( 5 years and 3655 days ago )
CMYK46: PPS: Avatar won several Oscars, just not the ones you were looking for. ( 5 years and 3655 days ago )
Nator: You mean the one that real counts CMYK. ( 5 years and 3655 days ago )
Nator: I meant to say really counts ( 5 years and 3655 days ago )
Nator: This should be a good one, looking forward to some great images. ( 5 years and 3655 days ago )
DML: Why just Navi people? I think the landscapes of the film are amazing and it deserve place in this contest or even a specific contest. Anyway, good luck everybody. ( 5 years and 3655 days ago )
ponti55: D'ughhh... i'm with you CMYK... sigh... ( 5 years and 3655 days ago )
darkshellie23: Hey! can some post the link for the pxl member pictures. I dont use the forum much. ( 5 years and 3654 days ago )
Giulia: this was sooo predictable good luck to everyone! ( 5 years and 3654 days ago )
CMYK46: I agree with DML, but I guess it's too late now... ( 5 years and 3654 days ago )
CMYK46: Update: I'm starting to yawn, and there's a week to go.... ( 5 years and 3652 days ago )
Nator: Funny CMYK I did the same thing when I finally watched the movie. ( 5 years and 3650 days ago )
nishagandhi: very good entries submitted in this contest( 5 years and 3649 days ago )
jawshoewhah: One thing I noticed is that all the Avatar people are about the same build. Couldn't of anyone made a fat one or even one that's kind of ugly or even old? That would have been original. Most of these entries just kind of look the same to me... well except for the Poser ( 5 years and 3648 days ago )
kaida06: hi! im new here and i wanted to ask a lot of things... but the main thing i wanna ask is how do i level up?...i wanna join some contests but i cant cause they have level thingy.... ( 5 years and 3648 days ago )
Contest Moderator: @kaida06: you get higher in levels if you end up in the top 7 from the contests. As long as you dont have more than level 1 you can submit in beginners' or all contests. ( 5 years and 3648 days ago )
kaida06: oh i see...i suddenly turned level 1 without noticing it...i uploaded some of my works and photos...i dont get it much yet but is it still ok for me to join beginner's contests? ( 5 years and 3648 days ago )
Contest Moderator: any entry submitted after 2000hrs GMT Friday 19th March will be removed ( 5 years and 3647 days ago )
Hello Dear
How are you, My name is Fatima i saw your profile today and became interested in you,i will also like to know you more,and if you can send an email to my email address,i will give you my pictures here is my email address
( I believe we can move from here! Am waiting for your mail to my email address above because i have alot to tell you, Lot´s of love,
email me on my mail box not in site
have a great day and God bless you.
miss Fatima ( 5 years and 3192 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
Proffessional.... No doubt... Very awsemome... and realistic..... and its good that you removed the eyes... fantastic work with the ears and nice sbs too...
Hmmm.... you kinda cheated - using the actual hair and ears from the avatar movie. Since you did that, why not try to imitate the lines on the face and give a wider nose. Looks good on first glance, but is it convincing ? .....I leave that up to you...
author says: my SBS show quite clearly how I painted ears and feathers, i says that it's the reference...and as long as the work is accepted, I think it's ok...i can send you the file. PSD to see that I did not cheat with anything.....btw.."I leave that up to you"...
I like this one... it's nice and looks like a Na'avi ( not like I have seen avatar.. I refuse) I have seen the dark crystal and smurfs.. thats enough for gl Author
Most convincing one so far, ears seem a bit high and hair looks like a wig and eye's are wrong colour and small, skin and nose look spot on tho, nice job
The blue skin is great, but I think the stripes are too dark. Striping on the Na'vi seemed subtler, not so obviously tiger-like -- it's Avatar, not Cats .
Credits to: (5 years and 3649 days ago)
Looks nice, though I agree about the piercings and personally I'd really get rid of the fancy twinkly brushes (but then that's just me, if you think it adds something to the image, keep them in). Good luck!
I really like this one. It's very 'real' and I somehow believe it, compared the other entries. The low points for me are the ear, eyes and neck. Could probably use some shadowing.
cute.... and my favorite
this one is very different and i love it
Proffessional.... No doubt... Very awsemome... and realistic..... and its good that you removed the eyes... fantastic work with the ears and nice sbs too...
Yep, it's different, certainly!
very cute
I like it, I just think the ears should be higher. The Na'vi seem to have pretty high-set ears.
Thank u Leanord.... I agree with you... made the changes
The background doesn't do justice to the very nice work on the character. A good back ground would give this a high(er) vote from me.
Something strange about the nose. It might be the sharp lines/edges which just dont go with the rest of the style you seem to be shooting for.
oh wait no this is tom cruises baby...
Definitely more original that what I've seen. GL!
Great work...well done author
Congrats, he's so cute
congrats for 1st place hereisanoop
At last a 1st hit... I dedicate this victory to all of them who gave me comments since july 2009....
congrats... well deserved 1st place
so this was your own creation... ... great indeed
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: