Tutorials from bittbox.com (page 1)

bittbox.com has 2 tutorials published on pxleyes...

1 - Complex Circular Design Techniques - Illustrator Tutorial

Creating intricate circular designs and patterns may look difficult because the shapes can be very complicated, but you will be surprised at just how easy making these shapes can be. We will go over some neat tricks, tools, techniques, and settings that will have you pumping out perfect circular designs in no time using Illustrator.

submitted: 5 years and 3713 days ago

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2 - How To Make 3D Vector Vintage Stars - Illustrator Tutorial

We're going to walk you through a technique to create vintage looking 3d stars in Illustrator. You guessed it, 100% vector. By the time we’re done, there will be 0 (zero) effects, or filters. You will have a very useful vintage star vector on your artboard, and a new skill to go with it. With vector art gaining ground every day because of its long-term value and versatility, new vector art styles are constantly emerging.

submitted: 5 years and 3713 days ago

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