Tutorials from cg.tutsplus.com (page 3)

cg.tutsplus.com has 70 tutorials published on pxleyes...

21 - Texturing, Lighting and Rendering The Church Of Light - 3DS-Max Tutorial

In this tutorial we'll walk you through how we created a stunning image, "The Church of Light", using 3DS Max. We'll cover all of the modeling, material creation, lighting, render passes and the post-production techniques used.

submitted: 5 years and 3446 days ago

1 comment(s) | view tutorial | Views: 553

22 - Procedural Modeling with MEL Script - Maya Tutorial

This tutorial introduces the exciting possibilities for modeling using Maya’s MEL scripting language. In this first part, we will learn the basics of MEL commands, and create two procedural model scripts that could be useful in your own workflows.

submitted: 5 years and 3454 days ago

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23 - Quick Tip – Create Realistic Condensation on Glass - Maya Tutorial

In this Maya Quick Tip tutorial, you will learn how to create realistic looking condensation any object, specifically cold glass, and then quickly render it for a nice polished final effect using Maya Paint Effects.

submitted: 5 years and 3454 days ago

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24 - Create a Logo Dispersion Effect - 3DS-Max Tutorial

As you may know, when you get a grasp on particles in CG, the possibilities of what you can accomplish are nearly limitless. In this 3ds Max based Particle Flow tutorial, you will learn an easy method of dispersing a logo into particles using materials.

submitted: 5 years and 3517 days ago

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25 - Create an Absract Furry Eye Scene - Cinema-4D Tutorial

In this intermediate to advanced level tutorial you will learn to use primitives, SweepNurbs, complex materials, and the hair module to create this very interesting abstract Eye with Hair. Using Advanced Render to create a sharp and convincing final image will also be discussed.

submitted: 5 years and 3519 days ago

26 - An Archiviz Workflow Overview - 3DS-Max Tutorial

In this Architectural Visualization workflow overview you will learn how to use Google Sketchup for photo matching, create a Vray-proxy in 3ds Max, use Max script to speed up your workflow, reduce render times when creating a large scene, set render layers in 3ds Max, and do some post production in Digital Fusion.

submitted: 5 years and 3520 days ago

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27 - Model an Intricate Weaved Pattern - 3DS-Max Tutorial

Ever wondered how all these wooden materials weave into each other on a chair? Complex? Maybe, and maybe not… This tutorial will guide you step by step to come up with your own complex weaved patterns, in any kind of form. The tutorial will focus on the modeling part, and leave you to sail on with your imagination from there.

submitted: 5 years and 3525 days ago

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28 - Create a Cool Looking Neon Sign Effect - 3DS-Max Tutorial

In this tutorial you will learn a cool technique on how to achieve a neon sign effect. We’ll show you how to model the neons from a font and then simulate the way a neon structure is built to get a realistic effect. Finally, we will demonstrate how to properly set up the materials, lights and some render settings to be rendered with Vray with using alpha channels.

submitted: 5 years and 3529 days ago

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29 - Model, Texture, and Render the Legendary Katana - p1 - Maya Tutorial

In this 3 part Maya workflow tutorial you will learn how to model, texture, and render a Katana, the legendary Samurai sword. For the modeling portion, we will use Maya’s basic polygon editing tools, while UVlayout will be used to create the UVs, and of course Photoshop to create the textures. We will also briefly cover Mental Ray for rendering the final image.

submitted: 5 years and 3534 days ago

0 comment(s) | view tutorial | Views: 550

30 - Create an Abstract Disco Ball Scene - Cinema-4D Tutorial

In this tutorial you will discover how easy it can be to create compelling abstract CG images with Cinema 4D. . Adding post effects like Caustics and Glow, and rendering the scene with Advanced Render will also be discussed.

submitted: 5 years and 3534 days ago

0 comment(s) | view tutorial | Views: 753